
Wednesday 29 April 2020

Whatever It Takes

10:00  Even if Nick Griffin had performed perfectly on Question Time, the entire political system is rigged against any party that is not already part of the oligarchy.

10:30  Antisemitism is as old as the Deadly Sin of Envy.

12:00  The politics of name-calling is infantile.

13:00  Gentile Westerners especially the proletariat do have a tendency to attribute everything they dislike about their government to Jewish subversion.

14:00  I am OK with the 14 words and I ain't white. Is "It's OK to be white" any better?

18:00  Why do you deny the existence of civic nationalism and the fact that UKIP managed to get Brexit because it was civic nationalist? Civic nationalism is asking a girl if you can buy her a drink. Ethno-nationalism is asking her if she fancies a shag.

29:00  Lesbian ladies For Britain - woo hoo!

30:00  Groypers v Lesbians

31:00  That photo of Mark Collett and his ex

32:00  Edgelord v Edgelesbian

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