
Wednesday 29 April 2020

On the shock retirement of Millennial Woes from the "Britnat" scene

2:00  The Western crisis in masculinity
3:00  Textual analysis of MW's farewell message

Dear friends and fans,
As alluded to in my recent AMAs, I have said pretty much all I have to say about nationalist topics.
For the foreseeable future, I will be taking a break from the "Britnat" movement. I will no longer be involved in or associated with any organisations. I will not be appearing at events nor helping out behind the scenes. I want to be free of the movement and I think the time is right for it to be free of me; my contribution belongs to a certain era, which is now passing.
I have quite a number of "nationalist type" videos already made or partially made. They will be published in short order over the next few weeks. Beyond that, my focus will be on self-improvement. It has become clear to me that I should focus on this, because my life is not as under control as it should be.
My channel, as its name would suggest, was always supposed to be about healing from the damage of modernity and becoming the best person you can be in these times. After so long looking outward at society and the movement, I want to look inward, and deal with the character flaws that I have neglected. People look up to me; it is not right for me to allow them to do so, unless I can improve substantially from my flawed state. That will now be my main concern. It might be that I need some professional therapy - for stress and addiction - though I cannot be sure at this point.
The Britnat movement is in very good condition. Never in my six years of involvement have things looked as bright for it as they do now. I give my best regards to all of those involved in it and my thanks to so many of them for helping me along the way, and I wish them luck for the future. 


7:00  Unlike me, Millennial Woes is definitely not strong enough to stream with Church of Entropy. Her space junk have all fallen away while I, her Moon, still encircle her Earth ....

9:00  "A certain era"  
11:00  Self-improvement
12:00  "Woes" suggests whingeing and navel-gazing
13:00  "I forbid you from looking up to me!" 
15:00  Articulating our angst and subjecting it to analysis
16:00  Analysing our emotions
17:00  Mental illness now normalised in the West.
18:00  A social problem
19:00  Just because you hate my solution doesn't mean it is not the solution.
20:00  Everyone is mentally ill except me.
21:00  The directionlessness of Western governments
23:00  The pathology of the alt-right

24:00  Lack of focus and fortitude in the alt-right compared to Jews and Muslims because the alt-right are unprincipled nihilists with no established codes of behaviour who cannot see the necessity of a rationally chosen moral system. When I take the trouble of explaining this to them, they are wilfully blind. Such men do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation. 

25:00  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.
27:00  Modes of transport and a different religion
28:00  The inability of Western Man to speak his mind
29:00  Religion is also political ideology. Man-made political ideologies tend towards matriarchy, which is why their longevity is only a small fraction of the world religions. 
30:00  What plans are our leaders making? 
31:00  Nationalism is governing in the national interest.  
32:00  The purpose of religion and which religion to choose
33:00  The religious solution of the West is really basic simple arithmetic. 
34:00  Secular Koranism is a new school of sharia interpreted by me.  
35:00  Entropism is what Church of Entropy uses as a wrapper to show off her knowledge of physics.
36:00  What Church of Entropy says I am "lying" she really just means she disagrees with me on some controversial subject. 
37:00  The sacred
38:00  Hierarchy
39:00  Testing the waters of Secular Koranism by asking intelligent questions
40:00  Non-alcoholic beer

41:00  Our collective obsession with Church of Entropy is because I have made her the archetype of Western Woman in rather the same way that God made Jews His Chosen People to promote the Noahide laws amongst gentiles. Is this a burden that is more than she can bear? Are Jews capable of bearing the burden of being God's Chosen People chosen to promote the Noahide laws amongst gentiles and in this way be light unto the nations by making Israel a theocracy? If being a Torah theocracy is all too much for them, they can always adopt Secular Koranism which is still technically a theocracy. 

God has given them this option, at least, for God does not burden a soul with more than it can bear. He has after all taken the trouble to reveal the Korna to us and give us the Goldilocks religion that is Islam.   

Church of Entropy embodies feminine privilege.  

42:00  Nationalism is suffering from a crisis of masculinity. Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend and promote patriarchal moral values. It is a bitter irony for Western Man that only I, a foreign born female, am capable of understanding the theory of masculinity and practising it through my political activism dedicated to defining and restoring the patriarchy.  

43:00  London Mayor Sadiq Khan is not a Secular Koranist because he voted for gay marriage.

Short words require long words of explanation but long words only require shorter words of explanation.  

44:00  The bad parenting of so many generations of Westerners who were never told about Truth, Logic and Morality because Christianity has been kaput for centuries

45:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system. OV's confused beliefs about religion

46:00  Religion and civilisation

47:00  Choosing a religion 

48:00  Religion is for peasants, statecraft for the government.

49:00  The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles. 

50:00  Christians don't even claim that Christ wrote the New Testament, let alone God. 

54:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.  

55:00  I am prepared to entertain the theoretical possibility that I might be crazy.  

56:00  Trying to cure the mentally ill and giving them the benefit of my teachings

57:00  The possibility that Jay and I could be codependents is raised by Church of Entropy.

58:00  Church of Entropy can be rather provoking with her outlandish claims eg that she is the incarnation of a Hindu sage, that Europeans were originally Indians who turned white after moving to Europe and that the West must pay reparations to India. 

59:00  The Noahide laws. Church of Entropy calls the Abrahamic God "the African God".  

1:01:00  Jews who become Hindus are degenerates not up to playing the role of the Chosen People. They would be struck off the Register of Jews I propose or never put on it in the first place. However, if they want to rejoin the Abrahamic faiths, they can still be Muslim. I owe my idea of the Register of Jews to Gilad Atzmon who said wanted to be an ex-Jew. Using this Register, it is perfectly possible for Jews to become ex-Jews. I interview him at

1:02:00  to 1:19:00  Pederasty. I then dropped out of the call.

1:21:00  The ancient Greeks and Romans practised pederasty, which is one of the reasons why they are no more.  

1:29:00  Theocracy

1:30:00  Laws are broken. The Mandate of Heaven

1:31:00  Sodom and Gomorrah

1:32:00  "Personal gods don't exist."

1:33:00  Cause and effect

1:34:00  The intrinsic value of religion

1:35:00  Scientific religion

1:36:00  Approaching religion scientifically

1:37:00  Richard Spencer, Ed Dutton and Jay   

1:38:00  Agriculture came from the Fertile Crescent.

1:39:00  Paganism came before monotheism.

1:40:00  Aryan kings

1:42:00  It is important that Westerners acknowledge that their ancestors were forcibly converted into Christianity even if this is psychologically traumatising for them. I know this is not something they want to acknowledge because they must feel already traumatised by the realisation that their civilisation is in decline and their governments don't care about them and don't know what they are doing. However, if they acknowledge the existence of God, they might just acknowledge that He has been playing a practical joke on Christians for 2000 years and is now wondering when Christians will begin to realise that a joke has been played on them.  

1:44:00  Church of Entropy calls me "a hateful person". 

1:45:00  Apparently, I hate myself. 

1:47:00  Respect

1:50:00  "Jen is delusional, unreasonable, egotistical, unstable, unprincipled and uncorrected." I admit I wrote that and wrote that because I do care about Jen and her [white] people.  

1:51:00  The ad hominem fallacy

1:52:00  The Mandy Rice-Davies argument, which is most certainly not a fallacy

1:53:00  My "maternal fixation" on Church of Entropy

1:54:00  As a social reformer, I would care about the causes and consequences of people following the wrong rules, believing in things that are not true and doing things for the wrong reason. I also think if I can fix Jen I can fix Western civilisation. Therefore I want Jen to get better so Western civilisation can be saved from the falseness of its beliefs, the irrationality of its reasoning and the immorality of its laws. Perhaps in Jen I do feel all the forms of love it is possible to feel and for this reason she causes me to wonder at myself in a doubtless narcissistic way.  

1:56:00  I have to make the best use of available resources.  

1:58:00  Jon Vance and causality

2:01:00  Jews and Muslims

2:02:00  My judicious impartiality

2:03:00  Who is being meaner to whom? Empathy

2:04:00  Repetition

2:06:00  Vincent Bruno and information convergence

2:07:00  Written Tradition > Oral Tradition

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