
Monday, 18 May 2020

Gandalf back on Week In Review

Matt Young

Le Comte De Boreas
​Is the Claire Khaw guy in prison?

Matt Young
​Claire Khaw is banned from this chat and WiR

Matt Young
​so much for free speech

Matt Young
​and she isnt a guy lol

Le Comte De Boreas
​Clair guy is a nutcase

Le Comte De Boreas
​Matt, do you know him? lol

Matt Young

Matt Young
​Claire Khaw is a woman what guy are you talking about? Jon Vance?

Le Comte De Boreas
​The Claire Khaw guy

Le Comte De Boreas
​Is a guy

13:00  Doooovid mentions the discussion he had with Meza, time stamped

21:00  The "genetics" of Christianity
22:00  The Indian Christian Adam

Culture is the product of the practice allowed by the religion and law of a particular society. 

44:00  Bobby Fischer

45:00  Doooovid seems to be saying Jews are not going to be honest, logical or rational when answering questions put to them.  

46:00  Josh Smith, the self-hating Jew. 

The worst thing you could do to a Jew is to make them follow their own laws.  

Currently, the foolish gentile allows Jews to enjoy the privilege of being Jewish while not requiring them to be observant. I propose a Register of Jews to ensure that only observant Jews are in the Register so that non-observant Jews who bring upon Jewry the punishment of Chillul Hashem can be struck off.  

48:00  Olam aba ie "the world to come" could just mean the future. 

1:01:00 JF talks about the "wild intelligence" of Church of Entropy. Degenerate men like the idea of having sex with crazy ladies and degenerate women like the idea of having sex with bad boys. What happens to your society if only crazy ladies and bad boys have sex with each other? If people deserve the government they get, what do a society of made up of crazy ladies, bad boys and their illegitimate offspring deserve?  

1:14:00  Claire Khaw stream and Gandalf's disappearance

 1:17:00 Stream marathon:

1:33:00  When someone is forced to change their beliefs

1:43:00  GANDALF joins rambling.

1:45:00  Dooooovid asks if he intends to just ramble, or will he ever get to the point if indeed has one

1:47:00  Doooovid asks if he intends to tells us where he went when he disappeared or just talk about something else. His Seasonal Affective Disorder.

1:48:00  Doooovid points out that Gandalf is just a larp with personal issues.

1:49:00  Gandalf bristles.

1:50:00  Doooovid doubles down and says a larper would stop role-playing when suffering from a crisis, but a real personality would share his experiences with his subscribers.

1:51:00  What kind of streamer disappears for a month of two to "decompress"? Frame Games, Halsey or Luke Fords aren't larps and would give advance notice if they were disappearing for a month or tow. Gandalf says mysteriously he chose his name for a reason and that the Covid-19 pandemic made him feel he had fallen into a "deep volcano". In other words, it affected him much more than the rest of us, but we are still expected to take him seriously and his people - whoever they are - are supposed to take him seriously as a potential absolute monarch in waiting. 

1:52:00   Church of Entropy suggests that Gandalf felt that his "safety imperative was infringed" which may have been what made him have his nervous breakdown.

1:53:00  Doooovid points out that living with mum and dad might stop OV from larping as a Nazi, but probably not Luke Ford or Halsey. When shit gets tough, some people like Gandalf would disappear. If you were a real personality, when shit gets tough you would get going with sharing it with your audience.

1:54:00  Doooovid points out that Gandalf's explanation is "incoherent" and is "easily triggered" because someone other than him knows him better than himself.

1:55:00  Doooovid anticipates that even if I couldn't stream on my channel because it had a strike, I would appear on someone else's.

1:56:00  Gandalf says he was suffering from Seasonal Disaffective Disorder and starts talking about the seasons which Doooovid tried to cut short.

1:59:00  Gandalf refers to his marathon streaming.

2:00:00  Gandalf rambles about his streaming and his personality particle.

2:01:00  Doooovid says Gandalf was probably not listening carefully before he came on, but they were talking about the essential character.

2:02:00  Gandalf talks about his soul.

2:03:00  Doooovid says he is not interested in Gandalf's guessing games.

2:04:00  Gandalf rambles about his favourite seasons.

2:09:00  Linguistics, Chomsky and Andrew Anglin

2:10:00  Doooovid says he doesn't want to be side-tracked by Gandalf's random excursions. Gandalf says his views on which season he prefers are "strong hypotheses".

2:12:00  Steven Pinker

2:13:00  Gandalf asks Jen for help on his meta-analysis.

2:14:00  Onomatopoeia, natural frequency, universal grammar

2:20:00  Nicholas Stern

2:21:00  Church of Entropy admits that the conversation was "too unstructured for her to follow" meaning she doesn't know what the hell Gandalf is talking about.

2:23:00  Latin

2:42:00  I am featured in this clip from my stream.

2:45:00  Doooovid satirically predicted that Gandalf would return as a born-again Christian.
2:46:00  Roosh V reinvented himself as an Orthodox Christian.
2:49:00  Luke Ford
2:50:00  Gandalf more the Hare Krishna type
3:05:00  Liberal Western media
3:40:00  The irrelevance of Gandalf
3:41:00  Meta-analysis is what I do best.
3:44:00  The paradox

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