
Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Jay is going away

1:00  British Common sense
5:00  British Intelligence
7:00  OV larping as a Nazi
8:00  Political activists - amateur or professional?
10:00  Would I be producing the same content as frequently if I moved to another country?
11:00  Proto-Noahidism
12:00  The best way of establishing who won the JF/Molyneux debate on Moral Nihilism v Moral Absolutism is to ask listeners whom they would choose as a leader.
17:00  Nothing is really obvious until it is pointed out again and again and again.
18:00  Role playing each other to demonstrate our understanding of each other's ideas
20:00  Jews are the quarterback of the football game of life.
21:00  Jews: "We said it or thought of it first!"
22:00  The mechanism of rules
23:00  A leadership role
25:00  Going through the proper channels
26:00  The Catholic Church called Catholics God's People to culturally appropriate the chosen status of Jews.  
Muslims in turn claim to have superseded Christians and Jews but guarantee their freedom of belief as well as those of the non-Abrahamic faiths. 
27:00  Jews could sell Secular Koranism for me by declaring it to be more Noahide than Christianity. 
28:00  I remind Jews that they were chosen to promote the Noahide laws.  
29:00  Gentiles in Israel have to follow only the 7 Noahide laws but Jews in Israel have to follow 613 Commandments. 
30:00  No point going to Christians.
31:00  Antisemitism is linked to how little Jews promote the Noahide laws.  
32:00  Jews are not supposed to assimilate.  
33:00  How Jews fought amongst themselves, foolishly asked the Romans to settle their disputes and then got kicked out of their own country by them.  
34:00  The solution to people not following the rules is to make them follow the rules properly, make the rules clearer and better known as well as get people to police each other. 
37:00  It is not necessary to believe in God to follow His laws, as long as we know that following His laws would be better for us and our descendants than if we did not. Obviously, the laws have to already be in force and our society already be a theocracy for this to work.   
38:00  The purpose of the binary code is to push towards decision.  
39:00  Is Islam kaput? 
40:00  Gay Iranians
41:00  Islam is better able than Christianity in keeping people on the straight and narrow because a theocracy follows God's laws and protects the patriarchy while liberal democracies change their laws all the time in order to pander to the lowest common denominator under indiscriminate universal suffrage. 
43:00  Islam without sharia is a car without an engine.  
45:00  Tom Holland
46:00  Jay means the rule of law when he says Christianity, but other religions can give the rule of law. 
48:00  The golden rule
50:00  The West and the Doctrine of Trinity
51:00  The Judeo-Christian heritage of the West
55:00  OV v Week In Review
56:00  Cognitive Dissonance
57:00  Stick and carrot
59:00  The sound of our own voices
1:01:00  Streaming is therapy, perhaps for me too. 
1:03:00  OV agrees with me on slut-shaming. 
1:04:00  J F Gariepy
1:05:00  Not changing our minds
1:06:00  American Exceptionalism  
1:10:00  Lockdown
1:11:00  LOCKED OUT Scotland’s chief medic Catherine Calderwood QUITS after she flouted coronavirus lockdown with two trips to holiday home

Who is Antonia Staats and who’s her husband?

1:18:00  Jon Vance
1:19:00  Alex Woodrow
1:20:00  Gandalf
1:21:00  Consistent people
1:23:00  Saigon Green and Dr Mengele
1:31:00  "Proto-Noahide" - sub-Noahide
1:32:00  I anticipate Stefan Molyneux would not agree with all seven of the Noahide laws, ergo he is sub-|Noahide. 
1:35:00  Free will cannot be denied because there will always be people who want to believe in it and by believing in it, they affirm its existence.
1:37:00  Chinese liquor 
1:41:00  Theocracy in Israel
1:42:00  Secular Koranism
1:42:30  Greater Israel
1:43:00  Pooling sovereignty like the EU
1:44:00  Secular Koranism for Greater Israel

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #13 SK Israel and the Register of Race

Idolatry 7:00  Bigger and better than Star Wars and Dune? 8:00  [Reading of The Dawn of Reason begins.] 10:00  Good government 18:00  Israel...