
Tuesday, 12 May 2020

The Ottoman Empire, then Domingo asks me about marriage and contraception

3:00  Leo Tolstoy on happy and unhappy families

4:00  Progression, development, change

5:00  Processes

6:00  Declining empires and their Thucydides Trap

7:00  The Battles of Lepanto and Vienna

8:00  Janniseries

9:00  The Ottoman elite living on borrowed money

10:00  Inflation and degeneracy

12:00  Samurai

13:00  Thucydides Trap

13:30  The game of Monopoly

14:00  Jews and Muslims

15:00  Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem

17:00  Israel

21|:00  StreamYard

28:00  Talking about Domingo

29:00  Brundle

30:00  Hatred more than love

31:00  Richard Spencer and superchats

32:00  The supremacy of Secular Koranism 

33:00  Week in Review

35:00  I yearn for the female validation of Secular Koranism from the Archetype of Western Woman.

36:00  Patriarchy will give women more access to marriageable men.  

37:00  LGBTs can also agree with me that children fare better if brought up by their two married parents in a loving relationship.

38:00  DOMINGO joins.  

40:00  Some of my best friends are Jews and antisemites. 

43:00  Usury

46:00  Domingo is still trying to find his Koran.  

47:00  Restoring the patriarchy

48:00  Good parenting

50:00  A veneer of respectability

52:00  The citizen's arrest

55:00  Jussie Smollett

57:00  A culture of casual sex is immensely corrupted

59:00  Seven Deadly Sins

1:00:00  Hollywood and censorship

1:02:00  The double whammy of a failed religion and a failed political system

1:03:00  George Washington was already Post-Christian. 

1:04:00  The Noahide laws

1:06:00  Register of Jews

1:08:00  Secularism trumps religious rights.

1:09:00  |Breaking our own rules

1:11:00  Nothing is more drastic than Secular Koranism.

1:12:00  How I would introduce Secular Koranism

1:14:00  More marriageable men and marriageable women

1:15:00  Marriage is eugenic and bastardy dysgenic.  

1:16:00  Abortion

1:18:00  Unmarried parents will be treated as sex offenders.  

1:19:00  Legal brothels

1:21:00  No public intoxication

1:22:00  The existence of universal and eternal laws will obviate the need for humanity to relearn the lessons of history again and again and again.  

1:23:00  Degeneracy

1:24:00  No official religion

1:27:00  Modern = Feminist

1:28:00  The marriage contract and the abolition of no fault divorce

1:30:00  Marriage is a legal contract, therefore divorce is breach of contract. 

1:36:00  Marriage is for legitimate children.  

1:38:00  Non-human animals are more selective about their sex partners than humans these days.  

1:39:00  The seven year itch

1:41:00  Men should only be required to maintain the legitimate offspring.  

1:42:00  Bad parenting leads to uncontrolled immigration.  

1:43:00  The price of sex

1:46:00  Fine-tuning the birth rate

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

1:00  Carol Balizet 2:00  Jehovah's Witnesses attitude towards health and diet 3:00  Kambucha htt...