
Monday, 11 May 2020

The cognitive dissonance of Church of Entropy

The best way of establishing who won the JF/Molyneux debate on Moral Nihilism v Moral Absolutism is to ask listeners whom they would choose as a leader.

Legal reasoning is a specialised field.

Jogging or fleeing is not a capital crime. Was Ahmaud Arbery shot in the back?

Morality is about rules we should obey, Science is about what is or isn't or what can or can't be done.

Why does Jen use inappropriate words for simple and established things?

Civilisation is a state of human society capable of sustaining city-living.

Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group together and apart from others.

Morality becomes religion if it has worked for a group of people for more than one generation.

A strategy of not getting punished would be to obey the law. A strategy of being considered a good person would be to avoid telling lies, being illogical and behaving in an immoral way short of breaking the law.

JF invites Jen on his show not because he is interested in her ideas which he has been rude about, but because the presence of a white middle class college-educated woman gives his channel status.

Cognitive Dissonance - the difference between what things are and what people think things should be

57:00  to 1:04:00 

1:23:00  "Proto-Noahide"

1:37:00  Changing one's strategy means loss of pride.

1:41:00  Momentum and inertia

1:45:00  Double or quits?

1:56:00  The best evolutionary strategy for your group is following God's law. After all, Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. There are only two divine scripture revealed by the Abrahamic God: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. Humanity has been conveniently and neatly divided between Jew and gentile. Having first revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles, God's revelations are now complete.That is why Muhammad is said to be His last prophet. 

1:58:00  The best strategy is a strategy based on fact and logic in harmony with morality. 

2:04:00  Church of Entropy and Luke Ford

2:08:00  The art of asking questions - Jen already knows I am a formidable interrogator. Jen actually refused to answer my questions in our debate on the definition of because she was so terrified she would instantly lose the argument. Time stamps at

2:16:00  Time needed to mourn the time wasted and errors committed believing in false beliefs after overcoming the Deadly Sins causing us to believe in them. 

2:19:00  Am I like Jen? Is Jen like me? I have empathy for her and her people traumatised by the failure of their religion and political system. If I had ancestors conned for innumerable generations by the idolatrous and blasphemous Catholic Church promoting the illegitimate religion of Christianity with its inferior scripture, I would be angry too. There are dumb racist people who just want to double down on their blasphemy, error and idolatry because they hate Jews and Muslims so much, but why do they hate Jews and Muslims? Because they actually envy them their religious identity which gives them their group solidarity. The atheist Post-Christian Westerner actually envies Jews and Muslims, but dares not admit it, because it would lower him in status to admit that the Jews and Muslims he hates for their religion actually have something essential to the continuation of his civilisation that he already knows he currently lacks.  

2:20:00  The Ingredients of Self-Esteem: "I am, I am safe and I am worthy" - I exist because I deserve to exist. Who I am makes me worthy of existence. 
Jen and her people lack the protection of a religion to make them feel safe and worthy because they already know that their government does not care about them as it runs everything down that their ancestors managed to accumulate and acquire with their blood, sweat and tears to bribe the degenerate, stupid and corrupt to continue to vote for them.  

2:24:00  Forced to change strategy. Jen should change her belief in the viability of her strategy in obtaining her goals and whether her goals are creditable.

2:25:00  Jen and her people should swallow their pride. It is better than swallowing the moral sewage that is even now being pumped out by the matriarchy of the West. 

2:26:00  People who hurt your feelings

2:27:00  Accepting unsolicited advice without suffering cognitive dissonance

2:28:00  The thin line between the Deadly Sin of Pride and a healthy sense of self-esteem

2:31:00  The feeling you get when you realise you have been wrong 
I do think she is making some progress and I am glad. She is becoming aware that the cognitive dissonance between the objectives of her chosen strategy and the results this has produced. Jen reading the Communist Manifesto in High School with the cool geeks. 

2:33:00  Lack of personal identity in adolescents lacking religion: a listless existence or getting pointlessly excited about false ideologies like Communism.

2:34:00  Atheism and agnosticism

2:35:00 "A personal religion"
You can't really fulfil an atheist or anarchist identity because they are affirming a negative which serves no purpose other than reinforce nihilism. 

2:36:00  "An egotistical rush" and Subjective Absolutism

2:37:00  The objective truth

2:38:00  "Europeans are idealists."

2:39:00  Diversion and subversion - the supreme ideal of Marxism is equality. Under Marxism, there will always be a conflict between the ruling class and those it governs. 

2:40:00  Morality should be about minimising conflict because the purpose of morality is about keeping the group together and apart from others. Keeping the group together means at the very least remaining in existence. Remaining apart from others means maintaining your distinct identity because it is necessary for us to feel we belong to a civilisation, an empire, a nation or a tribe that has noble and ancient traditions to give us a healthy sense of self-esteem. Otherwise, we will end up hating ourselves, provoking hatred, ridicule and contempt in others who see that we cannot possibly be who we claim to be. If we are nothing much at the moment, we will need to give ourselves the hope of improvement. Jews, the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, were once landless slaves, no better than a nomadic people, probably regarded as gypsies, tramps and thieves by the now extinct Canaanites. 

2:41:00  Idolatry of the proletariat who are also morally corrupt

2:42:00  What does Jen mean by "idealism"? Does she just mean the universal and innate desire of all of us to believe in the Abrahamic God? If such a being existed, wouldn't we want to believe in Him? Can we by believing in Him - and pretending that He does - conjure Him into existence? Pygmalion sculpted a statue of a beautiful woman, fell in love with her, and loved her so much she came to life.

The simplest way of conjuring into existence the Abrahamic God is to simply follow His laws and become a theocracy. Once the laws are in place, a general belief in God will be inculcated after two or three generations. This is obviously necessary for the eugenic practice of marriage from generation to generation to keep your tribe, nation and empire going as well as the restoration and protection of the patriarchy. Patriarchy is logically and necessarily required to end the dysgenic culture of sexual liberation which has created so many classes of nihilistic social parasites with no conception of posterity, much less any regard for it.

My position is that the narrative of the Abrahamic God and its Theory of Everything would minimise conflict and cognitive dissonance. Even antisemites unconsciously adopt this narrative when they blame Jews for everything. This is like atheists who deny God. In attempting to deny the existence of God, they find themselves affirming His existence as a concept. Jen and other antisemites are triggered by the status of Jews but when they complain about Jews, it is as low status people complaining about high status people exploiting and abusing them because they are cleverer, richer and have more power. This is the eternal complaint of the misgoverned complaining about their government. Prey complaining about predator implicitly acknowledges that prey is lower status than predator.    

2:42:00  Quora article saying physicists have no idea what they are talking about
The G-spot definitely exists.

2:48:00  To my surprise and gratification, my Theory of Jen was read out which Jen herself describes as "subtle and finely-crafted". I love her in gratitude for her ability to pleasantly surprise me.

2:58:00  Meta-analysis discussed.

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