
Friday 1 May 2020

Free advice to Millennial Woes, found guilty by Mark Collett of unspecified sexual offences

5:00  Western culture then and now
7:00  Millennial Woes
9:45  Mark Collett referring to the accusations of sexual impropriety against Millennial Woes

11:00  "no longer invited and no longer welcome at Patriotic Alternative events in any capacity" - accused then convicted ... but not apparently subjected to anything remotely resembling due process, without anything so much as a charge sheet

"a great deal of care" - care has been taken to believe and take seriously the complainant's allegations

"allegations that she is underage and has been groomed" 

"we have fully supported her" 

"we have been in constant contact with her and have fully supported her and we have take great lengths to listen to her and view the other allegations that have been made by different women"

12:00  "Recently, I became a father myself to a little girl" 

13:00  We don't know exactly what MW did, but he has been found guilty, apparently.

14:00  "one of these allegations"

15:00  The complainant and the accused met online, before the conference. Therefore the Patriotic Alternative Conference is not a knocking shop where girls are procured for the leading lights of nationalism who on this occasion went a little too far, like a fox in a hen house, crazed by the abundance made available to him, metaphorically killing more chickens than he could actually carry away?

17:00  "age, sex or any other characteristics"

19:00  "no longer invited and no longer welcome" - MW accused and already convicted without due process since the allegations were not even specified

21:00  "a great deal of care" will be take over your complaints, but only if you are female.

22:00  "We are taking them very very seriously."

23:00  "grooming"

27:00  "allegations made by different women"

28:00   What if Mark Collett's only child is a son?

30:00  Is Mark Collett capable of judicious impartiality?

31:00 to 33:00  Ignore this because this is a repeat.

33:00  A list of detailed accusations and his accusers should be obtained by the accused.

35:00  Groupies

35:00  Similar allegations of sexual misconduct about Tom Walker of the Socialist Workers Party

37:00  fame-hungry groupies

38:00  The Criminal Standard of Proof  -v- The Uncorroborated Testimony of a Possibly Lying Witness

40:00  Kavanaugh hearings

42:00  Due process

44:00  Honey traps for desperate men

45:00  A group photo of the Patriotic Alternative in happier times

48:00  Tactically unsound virtue signalling

49:00  Is an accusation as good as a conviction? Is this a society you want to live in?

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