
Friday 1 May 2020

The blame game of plebeian nationalism and a degenerate culture of sending dick pics

4:00  A strike for my video on "The Supremacy of Jewish Ideas" was what made my stream on MW go offline on my main channel.
6:00  Rigging the game against dissidents of the West
7:00  YouTube dismissing appeals against strikes without explanation
8:00  Even absolute dictators need to know if their policies are working and this can only be done by engaging with the governed.
9:00  Group solidarity
12:00  No specific accusation, only innuendo and lurid speculation
13:00  A charge sheet
14:00  The Fifth Amendment
15:00  It is always your own side close enough to stab us in the back that we should always be watching out for.
16:00  Starting yet another nationalist micro-party is evidence of stupidity
17:00  Traditional Britain Group dare not say why I am persona non grata.
17:30  Mark Collett and his abuse of power
18:00  Western men sending dick pics to Western women they want to fornicate with is what passes for a courtship now in the degenerate West
19:00  The cheap thrill Western Man gets from sending an image  of his erect sex organ to Western Woman is based on not knowing if it will meet with her requirements.
20:00  Monica Lewinsky
22:00  An opportunity for me to prove myself in the field of reputational management
24:00  A news blackout has been declared on me.
25:00  Marriage is eugenic.
26:00  The price of sex
27:00  How men and women are programmed
28:00  Recreational sex should be legal only for married heterosexual couples married to each other.
30:00  Ed Dutton
31:00  Using Truth, Logic and Morality to solve and avoid problems
32:00  Know thy enemy.
33:00  Millennial Woes and his philosophical questions

34:00  Asking and answering philosophical questions using Truth, Logic and Morality would be more helpful than establishing micro-parties doomed to failure created only as a source of income by the intellectually dishonest antisemite who refuses to engage in an honest debate about the issues for fear of losing the argument. The alt-right could be the unofficial think tank of the government and I am already a One Woman Think Tank at the service of Westerners troubled by the incompetence, corruption, dishonesty and the directionlessness of their governments as well as the inadequacy of their political system now that their religion has failed.

The modern Post-Christian Westerner is now traumatised by the effects of Liberalism and is bereft of moral guidance while filled with self-loathing and neurosis at the idea that his ancestors were forcibly converted to Christianity. The centuries of antisemitism and Islamophobia he has unconsciously ingested with his Christianity as well as his own racial chauvinism makes him unable to stomach any of the Abrahamic faiths. However, like the victim of child sexual abuse, he feels the need to do in turn victimise others in order to pass on his pain and rage at being so comprehensively deceived by his government for so many centuries.

35:00  Ed Dutton's unreadable article on Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute

36:00  Nick Griffin on the Patriotic Alternative and For Britain

38:00  The blame game of nationalism

39:00  Evidence of stupidity

40:00  Oligarchy

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The operation of dialectical materialism is a truism — Robert Cobb (@SgtLeoGLambert) October 6, 2024 10:00  Alfred the Great