
Monday, 4 May 2020

The harm of idolatry and blasphemy atheists find almost impossible to understand

It should be noted that Daniel is an ex-Catholic and is now atheist. Atheists believe both monotheists and polytheists are mad and silly and do not distinguish between

a) the idolatry of non-Abrahamic deities and
b) the worship of the Abrahamic God.

However, any knowledge of Judaism would tell you that the Torah ordains death for any Jew convicted of idolatry. If Jews practised idolatry as the Normans did, they would, like the Normans, be now extinct having assimilated themselves out of existence. Christians are now virtually extinct in the West since very few who identify as Christians are confirmed and very few confirmed Christians actually believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God. In fact, the West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human.

In short, to affirm the divinity of Christ is ipso facto idolatrous and to affirm his co-equal status with the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God is ipso facto blasphemous.

Christ was crucified for blasphemy - a capital crime for Jews. Christians have themselves affirmed the blasphemy for which Christ was crucified and to this day affirm the idolatrous Doctrine of the Trinity, apparently blissfully ignorant of God's prohibition of idolatry and blasphemy in His Ten Commandments. If this is pointed out to them, they are indifferent to the gravity of this sin, and are clearly more pridefully invested in their idolatry than in the correct worship of God.

They are also indifferent to warnings that idolatry leads to self-worship and self-worship leads to self-destructive narcissism. Should they end up destroying themselves like Narcissus, they can always blame the Jews who neglected their religious duty to promote the Noahide laws - which also forbid idolatry and blasphemy - amongst gentiles.

And so the endless cycle of blame will continue, until and unless the correction of Secular Koranism is adopted and imposed. I like to think it is not too late to repent, even after 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy.

Step 1, Regret. Realize the extent of the damage and inwardly adopt of feeling sincere regret.
Step 2, Ceasing.  Immediately stop the harmful action.
Step 3, Confession and restitution. Verbalize the mistake and ask for forgiveness, either from God or from the wronged party. If possible, the wrong must be righted through compensation. If the sin is against God, acts of charity may be considered as restitution. 
Step 4, Resolution. Make a firm commitment not to repeat the sin in the future.

1:00  Apparently, "Jewish behaviour" is "feigning ignorance of what constitutes Jewish behaviour".
2:00  I am accused of being the Barbara Lerner Spectre of Islam and "avoiding the JQ".
3:00  Gandalf gets hysterical about the Noahide laws.
4:00  Universal laws and Natural Law
5:00  Rejecting the Noahide laws because they are Jewish
6:00  Spokesperson for the Rabbinate
7:00  Idolatry
8:00  Jews are godless. Does he mean they are liberal?
9:00  Wotan
10:00  Obsessed with Jews
11:00  Idolatry
12:00  Christ was an executed revolutionary!
13:00  "Jesus is divine by nature."

1:00  Just as most gentiles are liberals, so are assimilated Jews liberal. Should gentiles apologise to Jews for corrupting their morals with liberalism?

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