
Monday, 4 May 2020

Mark Collett's alleged Jewish heritage

Does Mark Collett - former BNP member infamous for his controversial views on Jews - have Jewish heritage while being unaware of it? Years ago, I pointed out to Mark that he did look as if he could be Jewish. Indeed, he looked so Jewish that I assumed that I was not the first person to point this out to him. He remained silent.

Rabbi Mizrachi himself admits that there are many people who think they are Jews but are not, and many people who think they are gentile but are in fact Jews. One could end up being a self-hating Jew. Self-loathing has long been regarded as a sign of mental illness and a feature of living in the early 21st century West is its ever rising levels of mental illness.

Is the West capable of correcting itself before it ends up gouging out its own eyes in despair and self-loathing, as Oedipus did?

The tragedy of Oedipus Rex is about a man who didn't know his parents. He ended up murdering his father in a road rage incident and having sex with a cougar that turned out to be his mother.

If we didn't know who our parents are, we could end up committing incest with our sibling, sugar daddy or cougar.

Isn't it already painfully obvious that condoning casual sex would inevitably lead to dysgenics and degeneracy?

Interestingly, it was the the late Jewish baronet Keith Joseph who pointed out to the British in 1974 in his Edgbaston speech that they were destroying their "human stock" by condoning unmarried parenthood. He paid dearly for pointing out the obvious when he found himself apologising for his speech. A man who was widely regarded as a Prime Minister in waiting found himself serving under Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female Prime Minister - the first milestone of matriarchy. Before Keith Joseph, it was Enoch Powell who destroyed his career by pointing out the obvious. Unlike Joseph, he did not apologise.

Why won't nationalists talk about marriage and family values instead of endlessly obsessing about Jews?

We know who we is in power by those we dare not criticise, and I don't mean the Jews. They now have a representative in Downing Street, sharing the bedroom of the British Prime Minister.

Blue Labour thinking, with its emphasis on community-led solutions, is being touted as the party's version of the Big Society, and it's also possible that his emphasis on "family, faith and flag" will be a means of Labour outflanking the coalition on the right. The feminazis of the Labour Party destroyed his career.

The feminazis of the Labour Party Helen Goodman and Harriet Harman destroying Maurice Glasman's career

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Is Trump Good?