
Monday 13 July 2020

Theocratic Jew likes the idea of Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy for Israel

2:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

3:00  Israel is an anti-religious police state.

4:00  Israel is required from suffering.

6:00  If Israel were a Noahide theocracy, Muslims would leave it alone.

7:00  The Noahide laws trigger secular Jews the same way it trigger White Nationalists.

8:00  Curt Doolittle, the blood libel

9:00  Edom

10:00  The Enlightenment did not accept Islam.

11:00  Isaac Newton was not Christian.

12:00  Post-Modern Liberalism

13:00  White Nationalists will fight each other after they kick everyone else out.

14:00  Christianity would not exist without Judaism. Ditto Islam.

15:00  Caesar's Messiah

16:00  Two Jesuses in the Talmud

17:00  Christianity created by Romans.

18:00  On the one hand Christ needed to die to save mankind, on the other they blame Jews for being Christ-killers.

19:00  According to the Koran, Christ only appeared to die, therefore his death could not be blamed on Jews.

20:00  Love-hate relationship between Jews and Muslims

21:00  If Israel became a theocracy

22:00  Gentiles are not allowed to make up a religion.

24:00  Greater Israel

25:00  Jews infected by Liberalism.

26:00  European Ashkenazi Jews do not understand Arab mentality.

27:00  Land for peace deals, hatred for Orthodox by secular Jews, the Israeli Army is full of promiscuous women

28:00  The IDF has masochistic and suicidal protocols, Netanyahu is now Dictator of Israel, Israeli policemen and face masks

29:00  Bill Gates

30:00  Netanyahu, police state

31:00  Fauci

32:00  Liberalism and atheism

33:00  Never leave your house

34:00  China and North Korea

35:00  The rest of the world following in China's wake when they cannot afford to

36:00  Sweden

37:00  Science is the new religion.

38:00  The Black Death

39:00  Feminised and infantilisation

40:00  No reason to wear a mask.

41:00  The 1% want to control the other 99%.

42:00  Agenda 21

43:00  My views on Islam are confusing.

44:00  Ethno-nationalism

45:00  Liberalism, atheism and nihilism

46:00  The Koran synthesises the Tanakh and New Testament.

47:00  Religion

48:00  Non-aggression principle

49:00  Universal religion

50:00  Messiah

51:00  STEM

57:00  Science, synchronicity, quantum mechanics, vibrations, energy

1:01:00  I rejoin the stream.

1:05:00  Science proves the existence of God

1:06:00  The Universe is the balloon. We are in the balloon. God is outside the Universe.

1:07:00  The Holy Spirit, quantum fluctuations

1:08:00  Judaism is mass revelation.

1:09:00  After the revelation on Mount Sinai


1:12:00  The different religious obligations of women
1:14:00  Bevis Marks
1:15:00  German synagogue
1:16:00  Hardcore cantor and 150 synagogues in London
1:17:00  Arc: boat or cupboard?
1:18:00  Why do we only have three forefathers?
1:19:00  There is only one Severn Bridge
There are only three Forth Bridges.

Boarding school
1:21:00  Being Orthodox
1:22:00  Russian Jews not Jewish.
1:23:00  Nuremberg laws
1:24:00  Kuwait
1:25:00  The typical Israeli
1:26:00  The right to bear arms in Israel
1:27:00  A Torah theocracy
1:28:00  "Purity of arms"
1:29:00  No non-Muslims allowed in Mecca.
1:30:00  Rabbi Kahane was assassinated by Mossad?
1:32:00  Muslims thought Rabbi Kahane was a good guy.
1:33:00  Jews cannot use the Biblical claim to Israel if they are not a theocracy.
1:34:00  The punishment for breaking the Sabbath
1:36:00  Stone Sabbath breakers outside the city gates.
1:37:00  Pregnancy is an unwanted side effect of recreational sex.
1:38:00  Marriage licence
1:39:00  "The mental scars of promiscuity"
1:40:00  Jordan Peterson
1:41:00  Noahide laws
1:42:00  Gentiles are not allowed to culturally appropriate the Sabbath.
1:43:00  Japan
1:45:00  The Chinese and Taiwanese
1:46:00  Departments of Jewish Studies in Chinese universities
1:47:00  White privilege is imperial privilege.
1:48:00  The failure of Christianity


1:52:00  "Secular Israelis are gentiles who speak Hebrew."

The brutalism of Tel Aviv

1:53:00  The purpose of art

1:54:00  Nihilists

1:56:00  Abortion

1:57:00  Stefan Molyneux and theocracy


2:01:00  Holocaust denial
2:02:00  Edom hates Jacob.
2:03:00  Property prices in Israel
2:04:00  Only secular Ashkenazim wanted in Israel.
2:05:00  Secular government have been indoctrinating Jews against Judaism for decades.
2:06:00  Orthodox Judaism
2:07:00  Simple Biblical law
2:08:00  We are not going to be like the Amish.
2:09:00  Yoram Hazony is a civic nationalist. Greater Israel
2:12:00  Israel is not an empire.
2:13:00  If only Orthodox Jews ran the world
2:14:00  Andrew Anglin
2:15:00  Rabbi Mirvis, the Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, published first LGBT Handbook for Orthodox schools
2:16:00  Vegetarianism
2:17:00  Obesity in Orthodox Jews
2:18:00  Israel has a fitness culture
2:19:00  Josh likes the idea of Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy for Israel.
2:20:00  Liberating to obey commands so you don't have to work things out for yourself all the time.
2:22:00  Reasoning by analogy
2:23:00  Siamese twins
2:24:00  London Beth Din
2:26:00  Judicial creativity
2:27:00  Trump
2:30:00  One party state
2:31:00  Balkanisation
2:32:00  China
2:33:00  Internal passports
2:34:00  Ancient Chinese philosophy
2:35:00  Marxism
2:36:00  Government policy
2:37:00  100% sales tax in Israel on a car
2:38:00  The middle class
2:40:00  The weather in Israel
2:41:00  Israel is a miniature America. Theocracy
2:42:00  Democracy
2:44:00  Sanhedrin
2:45:00  Edom and Jacob
2:45:00  Rudy Rochman

2:46:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

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Bananas/Coconuts/Nationalists - would you repeal the Equality Act?

Bananas and coconuts, how much do you care about white people? Do you care enough about them to support Claire Khaw’s proposal to the repeal...