
Sunday, 23 August 2020

Talking to a German about the War

1:00  Entire leadership of Britain's biggest Muslim charity QUITS  in antisemitism row after it replaced disgraced trustee with director who branded terrorists 'heroes' and shared posts glorifying attacks on 'Zionist enemy' Israel

7:00  AIPAC antisemitism

God who created evil therefore also created antisemitism to punish Jews when they do not do what they were specially chosen by God to do: civilise the gentiles with the rule of the Noahide laws.

Tisha B'Av

8:00  Jews are God's Chosen People chosen to be light unto the nations setting and upholding standards which they have been neglecting to do since the late Middle Ages when they said it was OK for Jews to do business with idolaters.

In the 16th Century, the terse comment is explained as follows by Moses Isserles, where it is seemingly expanded to allowing partnerships in the first place:

Today, it is permitted [to form a partnership with Christians], because when they swear on their holy scriptures called the Evangelion, they do not hold it to be divine. Even though when they mention God they mean Jesus, they do not mention idolatry since they really mean the Creator of heaven and earth. Even though they mention jointly (shituf) God's name and another name, there is no prohibition to cause someone to jointly mention [or associate] (shituf) God with another... since this association is not forbidden to gentiles.

9:00  Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions.

14:00  Noahide ranking of the other four world religions

15:00  Christian Zionists

16:00  Honour killing in the Torah and apostasy in the Koran

19:00  Jewish neocons
White Man's Burden
The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. Two of them, journalists William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer, say it's possible.

22:00  Israel is an American colonial outpost.

23:00  Why is Israel holding its third election in a year?

28:00  6 subjects MSM should be discussing

29:00  Josh seems to see the point of a Register of Jews and Secular Koranism as a starter theocracy for Israel.

32:00  God punishes Jews with antisemitism for not doing what He has chosen them to do. 


42:00  Hamza Yusuf is useless. 

45:00  The Wars of the Reformation were about whether European nations were to govern themselves or suffer themselves to be told what to do by the Pope in Rome. If European nations were already Muslim when Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses, there would have been no need for him to write it, thereby not provoking the Wars of the Reformation which caused the death of 8 million Europeans.

Martin Luther published his 95 Theses precisely half a millennium ago.  It’s tempting for libertarians to celebrate this day as a great victory for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but the Reformation’s main fruit was over a century of horrifying warfare.  The Thirty Years’ War, with a death toll around eight million, is the best known.  The French Wars of Religion claimed yet another three million lives.  These numbers are even more gruesome when you remember that Europe’s population was far lower back then: For 1500 AD, Angus Maddison assigns twelve million to Germany and fifteen million to France. 

For what did these millions die?  The standard story, as far as I can tell, is that the Reformation helped free Christianity from the “corruption” of the Papacy.  Priests stopped scalping tickets to heaven and supporting their mistresses with the proceeds.  Is that supposed to be worth millions of lives? 

50:00  Church of Entropy is the theocrat refuses to get "more involved in religion" than she has to. 

52:00  Which imams say Islam needs a "reformation"?

57:00  Rabbi Sacks

58:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.

1:01:00  The people above us are no better. Giving up on political activism

1:02:00  Church of Entropy talks about her sacrifices.

1:04:00  Church of Entropy talks about being a "spiritual parent".

1:05:00  Three Gorges Dam
Anxiety grows as China’s Three Gorges dam hits highest level
Officials seek to reassure public after world’s largest hydro-electric dam nears capacity amid heavy floods

1:18:00  Echo chamber

1:20:00  International Trade Markets

1:21:00  Secular Koranism


1:23:00  According ot Church of Entropy, Christianity and Islam are "Jewish religions". 
1:24:00  Housekeeping
1:35:00  Culture War in Israeli
1:25:00  An Islamic Union that includes Israel in the Middle East?

Ben Abrhamson:
I believe the entire region should be an Islamic Union, with Israel as a full member. It should be modeled on the best aspects of the EU with open borders, free trade, and encouragement of Abrahamic (pbuh) faith. It should include Palestinians, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Iran, Turkey, etc. If the UAE-Israel agreement brings us closer to that, I think it is a positive development.
1:28:00  One-party state
1:29:00  Matriarchy

1:30:00  Neologisms

1:39:00  Censorship in the chat
1:41:00  Begging 
1:42:00  Obsessing over Church of Entropy
1:43:00  Meeting people halfway
1:44:00  Clarification
1:44:00  Restoring the patriarchy
1:45:00  Hurting Church of Entropy
1:47:00  Supreme power
1:48:00  Climate change
1:49:00  Tax credits
1:50:00  Cutting forests
1:51:00  Restoring the patriarchy
1:54:00  White Nationalist Group Forms 'National Justice' Political Party
1:57:00  Alex Woodrow

2:08:00  I am the punching bag of Church of Entropy.
2:09:00  God created evil.
2:10:00  6 subjects MSM should be discussing
2:12:00  Leafleting

2:16:00  SCYTH joins.

2:17:00  Munich and Nuremberg
2:18:00  David Irving in Austria
2:19:00  Prussia, Germany going to war over "a scrap of paper"
2:20:00  The Berlin to Baghdad Railway
2:22:00  Americans not mature enough to administer a global empire. 
2:23:00  Britain falling into its Thucydides Trap twice in WW1 and WW2
2:24:00  Poland had a Saxon king in the 1700s.
2:25:00  Belgian
2:26:00  Britain declaring war on Germany in WW1 and WW2 turned what would have been a European war into two World Wars.  
2:27:00  The Battle of Waterloo
2:28:00  Pyrrhic victory
2:29:00  Total war
2:31:00  Austria
2:32:00  Edict of Expulsion 1290
Hitler was the perfect boss: Former maid breaks her silence on the 'charming' dictator
2:34:00  Bunker typist tells of Hitler the friendly boss
2:37:00  The Irish-Germans of America

2:38:00  The Kulturkampf in Israel
Palestinianism is the poster cause of Western progressives. It is no coincidence that the tactics being used in the culture war against the West turn out to be the same tactics used against Israel.

2:40:00  Putin: Russian president says liberalism 'obsolete'
Is Putin right? Is liberalism really obsolete?
Western liberalism is obsolete, warns Putin, ahead of May meeting
Liberalism Is Obsolete,' Russian President Vladimir Putin Says Amid G20 Summit
'The Highlights of Putin's 'Liberalism is Obsolete' Interview With FT

2:43:00  I can think like a racist/Jew/liberal/feminist etc.
2:44:00  No capital or corporal punishment in the West.
2:45:00  America's global empire is administered through liberal democracy.
2:46:00  Liberalism comes from the French Revolution. 
2:47:00  Jewish Emancipation
2:48:00  A Register of Jews
2:49:00  Reform Jews

2:50:00  The media is more powerful than the government.
2:52:00  Jews and the liberal elite
2:53:00  The liberal media
2:54:00  Muslims
2:55:00  Are all Jews liberal? Is Judaism liberal?
2:56:00  A Register of Jews so liberal Jews can be struck off
2:57:00  What does liberalism mean now?
2:58:00  Jews who think they can good liberals and good Jews
3:00:00  Feminism has normalised single motherhood.
Why women prefer immigrant males

The British women 'going to the jungle for sex with migrants' - whistleblower claims some aid workers have 'multiple partners in a day'
Calais volunteers have been accused of having sex with camp migrants 
Whistleblowers claim some are having several sexual partners in one day
It is alleged some volunteers are suing the camp as 'a free for all festival' 

Asylum chief is fired in Denmark after lurid details emerge of several female workers having sex with 'children' at migrant centres 
Sisi Eibye was shown the door after revelations about the troubled centre
At least three women at the centre in Tranekær were sexually involved 
One woman photographed and videoed herself having sex with a boy
Claims were officially reported last week, but municipal staff already knew 

3:02:00  Stonetoss
3:05:00  Simon Sheppard
3:07:00  Apartheid
3:09:00  Honour killing
3:10:00  BLM

3:12:00  The punishment does not fit the crime.
David Starkey claims 'the whites have become black'
 This article is more than 9 years old
Historian provokes storm of criticism after remarks during a televised discussion about the riots on BBC2's Newsnight
Fourteen per cent are born to parents who are married to each other, while 86 per cent are not.

3:16:00  Poodles are gun dogs.
3:17:00  The rule of law and equality before the law
3:18:00  Corporal and capital punishment
3:19:00  Dog training
3:22:00  The cultural and genetic disadvantage of the illegitimate
3:24:00  The liberal media
3:26:00  Putin
3:28:00  Jordan Peterson
3:30:00  I just want a dialogue.
3:31:00  Church of Entropy and Jon Vance

"She's obviously nuts."

3:32:00  Mike Enoch
3:33:00  Talking about ideas
3:34:00  We must ask questions.
3:35:00  Men afraid of women.
3:36:00  Status
3:37:00  My flag and gun photos
3:38:00  Eric Striker
3:40:00  Why I had those gun and flag photos taken
3:41:00  Permanently identifying myself with nationalism
3:42:00  Defining nationalism as government in the national interest
3:43:00  How is feminism, liberalism, gay marriage, transgenderism etc in the national interest?
3:44:00  Scyth predicts that YouTube will close my account when I get to 10k subscribers. 
3:45:00  More liberal Jews than there are religious Jews, more liberal gentiles than there are nationalist gentiles.
3:46:00  Jews cannot be blamed for liberalism. 
3:47:00  Israel is full of liberal Jews. 
3:48:00  Banning usury

3:49:00  Hitler and usury

"There is the widespread notion that Hitler was fighting the Money Power and that he was a problem for the Bankers because he created a Usury free economy. But there was no Usury free Third Reich economy. The German taxpayer continued to pay interest over the substantial national debt and commercial banking received interest for its fractional reserve banking based loans, which to a large extent financed the war."

3:50:00  Liberalism, feminism and usury harm society. Jews are not the only people infected with liberalism.  

3:54:00  Liberalism is a history of mistakes. 

3:56:00  Nazi slaves

3:57:00  Slavs

3:59:00  Why I had those gun and flag photos taken

4:02:00  Hongkong and vested interests

4:04:00  Antifeminists who refuse to campaign for no fault divorce and MGTOW

4:05:00  Me on Vice

4:07:00  Antisemitism

4:08:00  Even the Koran is Zionist. 

4:10:00  Jews are also victims of liberalism.  

4:11:00  Jewish assimilation

4:13:00  Trump

4:14:00  CGTN

4:15:00  Christian Zionists who Republicans

4:16:00  Israel–United States relations

Late Republican Senator Jesse Helms used to call Israel "America's aircraft carrier in the Middle East", when explaining why the United States viewed Israel as such a strategic ally, saying that the military foothold in the region offered by the Jewish State alone justified the military aid that the United States grants Israel every year. Currently, there are seven major non-NATO allies in the Greater Middle East.

Israel is becoming terrified of the U.S. empire’s decline

4:17:00  The Greater Israel

4:18:00  One-party state

4:19:00  What's wrong with liberalism

4:20:00  Bismarck on mistakes

4:21:00  Church tax

4:23:00  Burial

4:25:00  Lockdown and the Black Death

4:27:00  Masking

4:28:00  Bowing, curtsying and the handshake

4:29:00  Charles and the veterans with no social distancing

4:32:00  Spain and its migrant workers

4:35:00  Church of Entropy and Aryan kangs

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...