
Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Analysing a conversation between two Jews (Paul Gottfried and Lawrence Auster) on Islam

2:00  Islam is Monotheism III.

Not even Christians claim the New Testament was written by Christ, let alone God.
3:00  How should we choose the religion of our country?
4:00  We cannot tell which religion is true.
5:00  Choosing a religion is a moral and political choice.
6:00  The religion with the most powerful God
7:00  An imperial religion
8:00  How is going to church going to help your political activism?
9:00  The burned and bloody history of Christianity

10:00  The Founding Fathers were in fact proto-Muslim.

11:00  Christians executed heretics who denied that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. They were also antisemitic and haters of the Semitic religions ie Judaism and Islam. They hated the two other branches of the Abrahamic faiths because Jews and Muslims refused to believe in their idolatrous and blasphemous nonsense cooked up by a bunch of bishops called to Nicaea by an emperor that wasn't even Christian. 

12:00  The way Jews and Christians define themselves

13:00  If a Jew's wife's conversion was not complete before her first child was born but was complete by the time her second was born, the first child would have to undergo a conversion while subsequent offspring would not.

15:00  Rule-based Judaism is a stronger religion than Christianity whose narrative is absurd, idolatrous and blasphemous.

16:00  God revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. Not even Christians claim that the New Testament was written by Christ, let alone God. Not only are Christians idolatrous and blasphemous, their scripture is undeniably inferior in conception to the Torah and the Koran.

17:00  The Torah and the Koran are the directly revealed Word of God (ie direct evidence of God's existence if you accept the premise that God revealed the Torah and the Koran to mankind), but the New Testament is mere hearsay (ie what Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - mortal fallible men - claim to have witnessed). 


22:00  No rule of law can be found in the New Testament.


24:00  Why do atheists complain about being threatened with hell? 

25:00  If your religion were working properly, your government would be governing properly. If your government were governing properly, you would not be complaining about terrorism being committed by victims of your foreign policy. 

27:00  Paul Gottfried:

"I never deny that Muslims are vile or that I would be delighted to be rid of them."

28:00  Your enemy may not be lying all the time. 

29:00  What is the Western culture and what is the Western way of life?

30:00  Plebeian Islamophobes

31:00  Muslims represent the immigrant group xenophobes most hate and fear. 

33:00  The definition of fascism

34:00  Is feminism is fascism?

35:00  Could Global Man be a Secular Koranist?

39:00  Lawrence Auster: "Islam is a threat."
Paul Gottfried: "We should send Muslims back to whence they came even if Islam is not a threat."

43:00  Islamophobes at Chronicles

Paul Gottfried:

When I was in Israel, I met no one who sounded as passionately anti-Islamic as you are; the only people who share the depth of your antipathy are the Catholic converts at Chronicles and the Serb nationalist Trifkovich. 

Edward Welsch

Clearly, they would rather talk to each other in their Islamophobic way than talk to me. Edward Welsch is a Catholic convert. Christians are terrified and avoid me like the plague because they know I would be gunning for their Trinity which they know, deep down, is morally and intellectually indefensible. Not even a Sistine Chapel stuffed with Cardinals longing to be Pope would be able to defend the Trinity against charges of blasphemy and idolatry. 

American dinosaurs talk about being "paleocon"

44:00  Is Islam a threat to the West? If so, how and why?

49:00  Fallacy of composition = category error


Mencius Moldbug writes:

It’s a pleasure to see you debating PG—my two favorite paleo intellectuals.May I suggest that the problem is that the two of you are operating under different definitions of “Islam”? Professor Gottfried appears to be using the conventional American usage, in which a “Muslim” is anyone who says he’s a Muslim. You appear to be discussing the actual tenets of orthodox Islam.

I forget who said that in America there are Protestant Protestants, Protestant Catholics, and Protestant Jews. Likewise, I suspect the good professor’s “moderate Muslims” are Protestant Muslims. Or to be more exact, Unitarian Muslims. That is, they consider themselves Muslim, but their general outlook on life is not much different from that of the average “Stuff White People Like” intellectual fashion victim.

A Protestant Islam is the great fantasy of our multiculturalist (ie, Unitarian) masters. In the Unitarian worldview, the only reason that all Muslims do not instantly convert to Unitarianism (while remaining, of course, Muslims) is the “hate” they encounter from those, such as you and Professor Gottfried, who have not yet submitted to multiculturalism. The resemblance between this strategy and Ann Coulter’s plan for solving the Muslim Problem (“invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity”) is rather striking, I find.

This is why the actual tenets of Islam don’t matter to progressives (ie, Unitarians). It’s because, in the glorious future in which everyone is a Unitarian, there will be no Islam. There will only be “Muslims,” who pray to the One God who is named Allah, and perhaps preserve some of their colorful native rituals.

56:00  Peter Andrew Nolan

58:00  Restoring the patriarchy

1:00:00  Unmarriageable Western men who are atheists would not want to restore the patriarchy because they are not prepared to make the sacrifices required of men ie raising the price of sex to establish and maintain the patriarchy.

1:01:00  Muslim terrorism

1:02:00  Suicide bombing began in Sri Linka

1:03:00  Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his assassin were both Christian. Christians started two World Wars. Christians nuked two Japanese cities of civilian non-combatants. Christians fought the American Civil War. Christians fought the English Civil War. Christians fought the Wars of the Reformation and the European Wars of Religion as well as the Wars of European Unification. Christians started the French Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848. No other religion had a continent-wide war of religion. Sounds like Christians are the most militarily aggressive religion of all and this was why they were so good at war and acquired a global empire. But they hate and fear Muslims for a few acts of terrorism after they were traumatised from being the victims of Western foreign policy. These Christians can dish it out, but they can't take it when the slipper is on the other foot.

1:09:00  Mike Buchanan


Paul Gottfried is just as opposed to Islam as you are, but he’s more afraid of the untold damage the neocons have done to this great nation and will continue to do if allowed to exploit the Islamic threat with the same non-solutions that the Republican party is championing namely their invade the world and invite the world policies. It’s quite simply Gottfried understands that the existential threat to the West isn’t Islam, it’s the West.

1:12:00  Invade and invite the world!

1:13:00  Neoconservatism = American imperialism

1:14:00  Paleocons = social conservatism

Neoconservatism = foreign policy

Paleoconservatism = social policy

1:15:00  Patriarchy

1:16:00  Feminism has destroyed the patriarchy. 

1:17:00  Chinese ancestor worship

1:19:00  The reality of obtaining and maintaining an empire

1:20:00  People not knowing who they are or what they are supposed to be doing

1:22:00  Patriarchy is threatening to matriarchy. 

1:23:00  Secular Koranism

1:27:00  A legal system is not a belief system. Secular Koranism is not a religion but a rule system. 

1:28:00  Feminised men who want to be in their cosy little Christian circles

1:29:00  Christianity is kaput. 

1:30:00  What happens when your religion is kaput

1:31:0   A POTUS who is also a nationalist

1:32:00  Widespread illegitimacy is evidence that the patriarchy has been destroyed.

How We Ended Up With 40 Percent of Children Born Out of Wedlock

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