
Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Why reject Islam if you are a gentile who wants to worship the Abrahamic God without idolatry?

Lawrence Auster

3:00  Only self-hating Jews ignorant of their own traditions would convert to Christianity.


5:00  Islams socially conservative values are the antithesis of liberalism.

6:00  Lawrence Auster was a Jewish Islamophobe who converted to Anglicanism.

10:00  Are Jews white?


The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States

David Horowitz Shuns a Race-Baiter

32:00  Lawrence Auster must have been an atheist even though he converted to Chrsitianity.
33:00  Understanding the worldview of an observant Jew
34:00  Minorities wanting to assimilate into the dominant culture
36:00  Leibniz
37:00  Thanking God for Misfortune and Deliverance
Mikeitz (Genesis 41:1-44:17)
48:00  Jay
50:00  People who call themselves Muslims while promoting LGBT rights are ignorant people who don't know the Koran while claiming to be Muslim.

People who confuse a book he will never read with brown people he knows he hates

51:00  Muslims are also punished when they don't follow their own rules.

52:00  No religion, no group solidarity. No group solidarity, no male co-operation to deal with uncontrolled immigration.

Why do atheists always complain about Jews and Muslims who have their religion? Why can't they put two and two together and make four? The reason Jews and Muslims get treated better than atheist plebs is because of the protective wrapper of their religion.

55:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God

56:00  Westerners who keep insisting that Islam is violent obviously do not know the burned and bloody history of Christianity. Christians had a continent-wide European Wars of Religion. When they settled in America they had their American Civil War. Christians started WW1 and WW2. Christians also bombed non-combatant civilians in two Japanese cities. If there is a WW3, it would be started by people claiming to be Christian.

57:00  The socio-historical analysis of the decline of Western civilisation

58:00  Paul Gottfried was unable to have a full and frank discussion about Islam with his fellow Jew Lawrence Auster who was clearly getting frustrated with him. Auster believed that Islam was in itself a threat to the West while Gottfried said he rejected that view because he hated neocons so much that he would reject anything neocons said including the existential threat Islam posed. He only finds educated and Westernised Muslims bearable.

"I never deny that Muslims are vile or that I would be delighted to be rid of them."

59:00  Gottfried must have forgotten everything he ever learned about Judaism from Yeshiva University and is now an atheist.

1:00:00  Diaspora Jews like Halsey English and Paul Gottfried are too frightened to tell their fellow Americans that Christianity is kaput, but they have a religious duty to do so as Chosen People.

There is no prospect of a Christian revival in our lifetimes even if we were all born yesterday. 

1:02:00  The Seven Noahide Laws

  1. If you believe the Abrahamic God created the Universe and is in control of every aspect of it, you would have to believe, as Leibniz did, that everything happens for a reason.
  2. If you believe that God first revealed the Torah to Jews, you would have to believe that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. 
  3. If you believe in the Abrahamic God, you would have to believe that Jews are God's Chosen People and no mortal has the right to take their status away, however much Jews are hated by gentiles.
  4. The Koran acknowledges that Jews are God's Chosen People.
  5. The Koran acknowledges the right of Jews to reside in Israel.  
  6. Antisemites cannot answer the question "If Jews are not God's Chosen People, who is?"
  7. Antisemites are acknowledging the existence of Jews, even as they hate them.  
  8. Love them or hate them, no one can deny the existence of Jews. 
  9. Love them or hate them, Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
  10. If God is indeed omnipotent then He would have created a logical universe. 
  11. If Jews are God's Chosen People, they were chosen for a purpose and that purpose was to Noahidise gentiles. 
  12. Jews are not allowed to assimilate until and unless they have Noahidised gentiles. 
  13. The quickest way of Jews Noahidising gentiles is to acknowledge that Islam is the most Noahide observant of all gentile religions and Christianity the least.
  14. Jews refuse to perform their religious duty to the gentile now, because that would draw attention to the fact that they have omitted to do this duty since the late Middle Ages when they declared that it was permissible for Christians to be Christians even though their religion is undeniably blasphemous and idolatrous. 
  15. Christianity is offensive to God because of its idolatry and blasphemy. 
  16. The corrupt priesthood of Christianity who never believed in Trinity are happy to carry on pretending that they do because they rely on the continued existence of Christianity for their status and income. 
  17. The corrupt priesthood of Christianity are in fact atheist or they would be wise and fear God and His wrath after 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy.
  18. Both Judaism and Islam would see Christianity as idolatry and blasphemy.  
  19. All it takes now for Christianity to be well and truly exposed for its clay feet is for Jews and Muslims to jointly point out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. 
  20. Christians cannot deny their idolatry because the Doctrine of the Trinity defines Christianity and the narrative in the New Testament is that Christ was convicted by the Sanhedrin of blasphemy when he said his papa was Hashem Himself. 
  21. The narrative in the Koran is that Christ did not die on the cross and it only appeared so, letting Jews off the hook of being Christ-killers. 
  22. The Koran accepts the Christ as a prophet of God and even the Virgin Birth as a way of meeting Christians halfway. 
  23. Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system. This means no one is required to believe in anything because which is the basis of the First Amendment guarantees freedom of belief. 
1:04:00  Jay's scripture is written by a non-Christian called Emmet Fox.  

1:07:00  The people antisemites and Islamophobes are always complaining about - Jews and Muslims - have the protective wrapper of a religion which they clearly lack. 

1:08:00  Lawrence Auster was sincere about his hatred and fear of Islam. 

1:09:00  If Christianity is indeed working, then Christians would be considered higher status than Jews and Muslims in the West, but the opposite is the case and Christians are in fact despised. Christianity is actually such a failure that plebeian antisemites and Islamophobes have turned to neo-paganism because they reject all the Abrahamic faiths which they believe to be "Jew-created". The shame and humiliation they feel when they realised that their ancestors were either forcibly converted or tricked into worshipping a Jew on a stick can only be resolved by becoming Buddhist or Hindu or a militant atheist, it seems. 

1:10:00  We can only have Secular Torahism or Secular Koranism. 

1:11:00  It is impossible to have a secular version of the New Testament.  

1:12:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system.  

1:13:00  There is no rule of law in the New Testament.  

1:14:00  Bhagavad Gita

1:15:00  There is no rule of law in Hinduism.  

1:19:00  The cure exists before the onset of the disease from 32:00

1:26:00  The nature and purpose of religion

1:27:00  Jay gives himself away when he talks about standing shoulder to shoulder to God as if He were a comrade or an equal. 

1:28:00  The nature and purpose of religion

1:29:00  The moral imperative of religion for your society

1:30:00  Is the true purpose of religion to get us to heaven?

1:31:00  Keeping the group in existence and apart from others.

1:32:00  Imperial religions

1:33:00  When WASPs finally won the Wars of the Reformation

1:34:00  Iran and China's Mandate of Heaven

1:36:00  If we had a rational absolute monarch with imperial ambitions, he would use Secular Koranism to control us rather than Christianity because it is too high-maintenance requiring 

a)  compulsion for church attendance
b)  people to pretend to believe that they believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe
c) a priesthood to trick and threaten people into pretending to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe 

1:39:00  The West must be better at transgender operations now than Iran. 

1:40:00  There is no political will for a Christian revival since virtually all Western politicians are atheists. 

1:41:00  The cure already exists for the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. Gentiles can repent with Islam or at the very least Secular Koranism.  

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