
Monday, 28 December 2020

The Richard Edmonds I knew

2:00  Tess Culnane
6:00  Expelled for being on the Victoria Derbyshire Show
8:00  Riven Vincent
9:00  Uruguayan BNP London Mayoral Candidate
10:00  NF and David Jones
11:00  Flag and guns
13:00  Richard Edmonds bought me two drinks. 
14:00  Grand Old Man
17:00  A principled position
18:00  No use for proles now by the ruling classes.
19:00  Maths teacher
20:00  Nationalist discourse very limited
21:00  Defining nationalism
22:00  Plebeian inability to discuss ideas
23:00  Mrs Richard Edmonds
24:00  Wikipedia
27:00  Holocaust denial and Alison Chabloz
29:00  David Irving, John Tyndall
30:00  Andrew Brons
31:00  The Eleventh Hour by John Tyndall
32:00  Populares and Optimates
34:00  Nick Griffin
35:00  Envy is a Deadly Sin. 
36:00  The Ten Commandments and loving thy neighbour
37:00  Sibling rivalry
38:00  Ignorance of the ordinary Westerner of the burned and bloody history of Christianity
39:00  The moral system of the West is broken.  
40:00  Doubling down
41:00  Alleged antisemitism
43:00  Favourite rabbis and being a wine critic
44:00  Religion
46:00  Materialist ideologies
47:00  Man cannot live on bread alone.  
The social hierarchy of intesectional feminism will be widely regarded by men to be unfair.
48:00  Millennial Woes
49:00  Middle class sneering at nationalists
50:00  The plebeian inability to discuss sociological, cultural, moral and political problems
53:00  Richard Edmonds on Luke Ford
55:00  Defining nationalism as government in the national interest
57:00  A broken moral system 
58:00  Feminism
59:00  Abolition of no fault divorce
1:00:00  Jamaica and Venezuela
1:02:00  Divorce is breach of the marriage contract.
1:04:00  Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons

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