
Tuesday, 7 September 2021

A Q&A manifesto for Secular Koranism

1.  Why on earth would you agree to Islamic principles desiring a patriarchy and compromising sexual freedom for the sake of your idea of morality. How is that better for you as a woman? 

ANSWER: Women benefit from a lower crime rate and most women want to be married mothers. Married mothers want their daughters to be married mothers too. Patriarchy would produce more marriageable men for marriageable women to marry who will together parent their legitimate offspring better than unmarried parents which would be in the national interest. All governments should govern in the national interest.

2.  How is that better for the social structure?

ANSWER: The social structure would be more stable, with stable families and stable marriages after no fault divorce is abolished by Secular Koranism.

3.  Why are the LGBTQ+ community against the social best interest of society?

ANSWER: They don't want to suffer a fall in status and are selfish. Secular Koranism would abolish gay marriage.

4.  Thoughts on polygamy?

ANSWER: The Koran allows it.

5. Elaborate more on how the patriarchal society you envision is safer for women (to secure lower crime rates)

ANSWER: Fatherless homes produce more convicted criminals. 

6. Regulations on clothing? Lots of feminists claim men and women should wear whatever they want. No matter how frisky/provocative/revealing it may be. What rules and regulations would you put on the society you envision? Is it exactly like Islam prescribes? Do you believe that Iran is oppressing women for making them cover up a legal requirement or is it their right as a sovereign nation?

ANSWER: Secular Koranism is for non-Muslims therefore the dress codes would apply only to Muslims, but once the laws are in place, belief will follow in a few generations.  

7. Could you elaborate on sexual harassment? I personally would say that the man is the criminal, and he should be trialed/punished but the woman should cover up and look out for her best interest, while feminists would absolutely say it is completely the man’s fault and the woman could wear whatever the hell she wants and it has nothing to do with her stimulating the man and that no one should tell her anything. Which statement would you agree with more? Do you have a different stance compared to me and feminists?

ANSWER: It really depends on what he actually did. Sexual harassment is too vague. If you mean rape, a woman's sexual history and what she was hearing should be taken into account.  

8. You mentioned you dislike the LGBTQ+ because they are selfish. Could you elaborate more on that? Could you expand more on homosexuality and transgenderism on their own? Do you see these feelings/ideas against the best interest of society? And how so?

ANSWER: I anticipate LGBTs would object to my proposed abolition of gay marriage.  Transgenderism should not be encouraged because it would make men and women less marriageable,which would be against the national interest.

9. In your ideal secular Koranist state, suppose I had my own state with Sharia Law that is, well, not so secular, and there might be laws which you disagree with. What do you hope your relationship with a neighboring Islamic Sharia law state look like?

ANSWER: I would respect the fact that in your country you might wish to do things a different way and hope this will be mutual. 

10.  How would you deal with such a state? Goals and objectives? A possible mutual cooperation for the benefit of the world? What terms and conditions would you desire with such a state? Or would you just want to go to war?

ANSWER: I would want to be a good neighbour.

11. So the dress code will only be for Muslims, will there be a dress code for non-muslim men and women? Or is it entirely free to go as frisky as you would like and wear anything you'd like?

ANSWER: Not going to be enforcing any dress codes on non-Muslims but will make Koranic dress codes the ideal.

12. Could you elaborate on freedom of speech? Is it a free-for-all-say-whatever-you-want or would you limit freedom of speech? If so, what limits would you impose and  expand on why that would be ideal for society?

ANSWER: Included in the package would be First Amendment rights.

13. Pro-Life vs Choice?

ANSWER: 100 lashes before being allowed an abortion is being considered.

14. Socialism or Capitalism? Or perhaps a mixed economy utilizing Islamic rules and methods of taxation, with no interest (Usury) permitted?

ANSWER: Isn't capitalism impossible without usury and fractional reserve banking? A flat rate income tax of 20% is being envisaged based on the principle of khums.

15. Between conservative and liberal, I'm assuming you're conservative?

ANSWER: I think Conservatism is meaningless without social conservatism and social conservatism means laws and attitudes that support marriage and family values.

16.  How would you suggest Muslims like myself and Non-Muslims today such as yourself and those aligned by your ideals, cooperate to support this goal?

ANSWER: Thank you very much for your questions and your offer of assistance. The best you can do is to talk about Secular Koranism with people, particularly senior and influential people you think would be interested. If there are any objections that keep coming up from either Muslims or non-Muslims, please let me know and I will come up with a substantive response and eventually a flowchart response.

17. Polygamy is exclusive for men in the Koran and you mentioned you’re okay with it? So just to clarify, your state would support polygamy for men, correct? And would there be regulations or would it be just like the Quran prescribes?

ANSWER: Muslim men would have to register all these marriages and each prior wife must have her permission sought if the subsequent wife will be sharing  the same household in the matrimonial home unless this is not stipulated in the marriage contract. 

18. If I’m in your secular koranist state and some non Muslim burns the Quran infront of me, what do you permit me to do?

ANSWER: It could be a public order offence if done in a public place. 

19. Given you envision a patriarchy, modern day women also desire positions of power including but not limited to being judges at a court which Islam does prohibit in certain instances for certain positions of power. What do you think of that? Will Secular Koranism seek to be as patriarchal as possible or will women get power through designated channels? And what May those designated channels be?

ANSWER: The Equality Act 2010 would be repealed because it offends against

20.  In Shia Islam it is permissible to have temporary marriages between men and women for a designated time and dowry. What is secular koranism’s stance on this? Extra Rules and regulations, if permitted? 

ANSWER: Marriage is for legitimate children.It is better that a prostitute have a long-term contract than a wife have a short-term contract. I truly am grateful for your questions and I hope you will keep them coming and will soon be comfortable enough to tell me your name and perhaps a little about yourself.

21. So regarding 'prostitutes having a long-term contract' could you elaborate this with regards to your stance on mutah marriage? Would you support these kinds of acts? Temporary contracts similar to civil partnerships? An idea of an Islamic-style brothel? Would that support the national best interest for the youth especially who may possibly sexually vigorous and active but do not want to fall to meaningless bf/gf relationships and porn which would be a threat to the stability of the family or would the ideas of temporary contracts (Mutah) be a threat?

ANSWER: Video porn would be illegal under  I suppose a girlfriend/boyfriend contract could be negotiated which would kick into marriage if a baby is born.  

22. Would a girl desiring to marry man still require the father's approval as is in Islam or will this be abolished? Note that also islamically, if a husband is deemed 'competent' ie: Moral enough as a person, and capable of providing for the girl, and is a Muslim ; but the father refuses because he wants to force her to marry her cousin for example, legal authority can intervene and ensure the woman is married to the decent man she desires.

ANSWER: I think individuals should be deemed to have reached the age of majority when they are 18 and no one can marry if they are not of full adult capacity. This means a daughter can legally marry a man even if her father does not approve. 

23. The state sounds suitable for Muslims and atheists to co-exist, and integrate in but how would Christians and Jews feel welcome (People of the book)? And what about religions like hindus? Will they naturally compromise non-islamic or any anti-islamic rhetoric/behavior/aspect of their creed? Or will the secularity of the state help accommodate for this? If so, what mechanism do you propose?

ANSWER: Idolatry ie churches and Hindu temples would be allowed because even Jews and Muslims praying correctly cannot stop themselves from practising hidden idolatry.

24. Regarding the bf/gf contract, it is actually like this in Shi'a Islam where should an accidental pregnancy take place, the child is legitimate and the contract turns into a permanent, full-on responsible marriage from a temporary marriage.

ANSWER: Good to hear that the Shia solution and mine are the same!

25. We hear a lot about sexual harassment in the workplace, and how plenty of opportunities for unfaithfulness arise in the workplace when men and women work together, it's so easy to indulge in chatting which escalates into an affair and cheating. Islam proposes, therefore, rules with segregation between the sexes at work and where possible (eg, in a bank, have female offices for female clients and workers, and male offices for male clients and workers) AND, strict professional conduct between the two sexes and contact only when necessary, eg. an emergency medical ward where male patients may urgently need to see a female patient and no female doctor is available, or vice versa. Thoughts on this? Rules and regulations?

ANSWER: It used to be the case in the UK that any woman marrying would be presumed to be resigning from her job. I remember going to a Victorian factory in Kent that had separate entrances for men and women. 

26. So you mentioned, legally, after age 18 you would allow females to marry regardless of parental consent. What about those under 18? Would you take the western position of smearing everything as pedophilia or would you agree that, should the two minors (boy and girl) be deemed competent by some medico-legal process, they can enjoy a marriage. What about a 30 year old male wanting to marry a 15 year old girl? Can the girl, if deemed competent by an objective medico-legal process enjoy it, alongside the male, with her father's consent too? Noting that it promotes starting a family, satisfying her sexual desires from youth and therefore protecting her from probable sexual immorality in the future.

ANSWER: In the UK 16 year old adolescents can marry with the consent of their parents. This is still the case. 

27.  Regardless of the uk's stance, I would like your secular Koranist stance on a 30 year old male marrying a 15, or even a 14 year old female. Will that be possible with any medico-legal process you would install to verify the competency of the young female? Or is that completely prohibited under your state?

ANSWER: The current age of consent is 16, and I wouldn't want to change it. As much as possible, I will leave things as they are unless I think they need to be changed.

28. Can parents freely raise their children according to their creed? Or is it like Canada where if a 4 year old boy jokes about transgenderism or thinks they're a girl, they are taken away by the government and instilled with hormones? If I raise my 10 year old girl to wear the hijab (even if she says I don't like it, I as her parent am making that choice for her) will your state file that as abuse, or will it appreciate my way of raising children (Note: this doesn't mean I will beat my child up to death if she does not wear a hijab, but would obviously include me being strict and telling her off to wear it, etc..)

ANSWER: Secular Koranism would respect parental authority and your right to tell your daughter to wear the hijab. 

29.  With regards to bf/gf contracts and the idea of a 'long-term prostitute contract as a wife', would there be brothels and things like that?

ANSWER: Yes, the Koran tolerates prostitution. 

30. Could you tell me about the school curriculum you propose for my children? And what control can I have as their parent? Because nowadays everyone is teaching children in schools about LGBT stuff, and... you know..

ANSWER: Secular Koranism would mean people understand that LGBT would be treated as sex offenders if caught in a public place committing lewd acts with each other.

31. I'm guessing in your secular state pork and pubs will be available, but, will all the other meats be halal to cater for everyone?

ANSWER: I am happy to have all meat halal eventually but this would have to happen without banning non-halal methods.

32. Shi'a Islam proposes a death penalty for rape (penetration complete, not just touching). What does secular Koranism think of this?

ANSWER: I was thinking of treating rape as personal injury to be compensated.  

33. Will non-muslim women have any limits on clothing? (I asked this before but I didn't get a clear answer, if you don't mind) Or are bikinis and nudity on the beach okay? Any modesty required?

ANSWER: Any non-Muslim woman alleging rape would have to have her dress compared to that a properly clad Muslim woman to determine if there is contributory negligence. I will not be forbidding bikinis or nudist beaches.  

34. Does everyone get eid and christmas holidays or will it be restricted with respect to the person's religion?

ANSWER: I have no plans to change the public holidays.  

35. Given you're a non-Sharia secular state, but you do acknowledge Koranic principles, what happens to apostates and those who blaspheme?

ANSWER: The Koran does not mention blasphemy nor does it prescribe any punishment for apostates so nothing will happen to them. Blasphemy if done in a public place could be treated as a public order offence. 

36. Who will you give citizenship to? Is there citizenship to begin with? As in, do you wish to have your own state in a separate piece of land on earth, with your own country's name and identity? Or do you just desire to have the UK transform into Secular Koranism?

ANSWER: I have in mind Britain adopting Secular Koranism with British Characteristics.

37. Is polygamy exclusive to men under secular Koranism or can women get polygamous (Polyandry)

ANSWER: The Koran does not say women can have four husbands, and I will be going by the book. 

38. Will married individuals caught cheating with 4 witnesses get stoned to death/executed as per the Koran?

ANSWER: The Koran does not mention stoning, does it?

39. There is no consideration of the hadith from your side? You strictly derive Islamic principles exclusively from the Quran. 

ANSWER: I do not reject all Hadith, only those that obviously contradict the Koran. 

40. Given you'd like British characteristics, will there be some aspects of the culture filtered out? What industries will be shut down aside from the porn industry which we covered? Gay villages will be shut down?

ANSWER: Gay villages would have to call themselves something else. 

41. Maybe I have a skewed perception due to media/social media and the British public is not the same as I know but: I'm assuming that the British are indulged and are enjoying the excessive liberal culture, feminism, LGBT pride parades, anti-patriarchy, pro-choice atmosphere with weak, male simps, and female attention whores with onlyfans. How optimistic are you to shift the dynamic and succeed, realistically speaking? We have massive social liberal waves getting popular by the masses and the islamic atmosphere unfortunately slowly fading away.

ANSWER: All this can be reversed by the advance of Secular Koranism if only Muslims dared talk about this amongst themselves and to non-Muslims. 

45.  Will women be allowed in the military?

ANSWER: Certainly not as combatants.

46. Will onlyfans be illegal including porn?

ANSWER: Prostitution is not forbidden by the Koran.

47. Any rulings on alcohol as per the Koran/Hadith?

ANSWER: Alcohol will be licensed.

48. Have you considered accepting Islam? Would you in the future?

ANSWER: I would not dismiss the possibility but at the moment I am focused on making the case for arriving at Islam through reason alone. 

49. If onlyfans were legal would that not mean porn is legal although you intended to make porn illegal? 

ANSWER: Live porn can only be viewed by no more than three viewers. I am not sure if one person performing a lewd act far away from the person paying her comes under

50.  And if prostitution is legal how does that work when you desire to implement punishment for adultery and seek to stabilize family through marriage?

ANSWER: If prostitution is legal, then extramarital sex would be permitted but only in licensed brothels.  

51. With regards to the "prostitution", that would require a contract between the male and the female, like a mutah marriage. Hence the licensing you speak of, correct?

ANSWER: Onlyfans would be a one off transaction, surely?

52. And by 'live porn can only be viewed by 3 people max' I'm assuming you mean you would only take legal action against the live porn distributor with 4 witnesses + ; as the Quran prescribes. That way you're being lenient enough in your state to appreciate secular private freedoms but should indecency spread too far into the public, you would protect familial stability by ensuring sexual immorality is tackled and not spread too far. Is this also correct? Or is there another rationale in mind?

ANSWER: Prostitution is an institution which should be regulated by the state to protect society and individuals. Licensed brothels would have health and safety standards protecting both prostitute and client.

53. onlyfans happens to be a monthly sub with followers. think of it as getting Instagram followers but each pay a monthly fee to access content

 ANSWER: Then that would be a monthly contract of quasi-prostitution if that is indeed the nature of that content. 

54. Could you elaborate further on your idea of brothels and prostitution? And how it's regulated with health and safety standards? And how to license, etc..?  And how/why it could be a successful industry WITHOUT compromising the patriarchal family structure you seek?

ANSWER: There would be health checks for the sex workers and brothel inspectors to see that the premises comply with standards of health and safety. Licence holders would have to have criminal record checks and be expected to have a reputation of fair and honest business dealings. 

55. Describe your political system: Is Secular Koranism a democracy? What's the politics like? One "king"/ruler who knows how to best apply Koranic principles? or is it like a democracy with a constitution containing fundamental Islamic Koranic rulings like lashing adulterers, etc.. Elections, if any? A parliament?

ANSWER: It would be a one-party theocracy run along the lines of the current Chinese system. The only working one that is successful that I know of is the Chinese Communist Party. If China were operating Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristic through their single party system, Xi Jiniping would be Caliph. 

Candidates would come from the same party, but there is no reason why there can't be elections at local level.  

I envisage a unicameral system. 

56. How would you differentiate "prostitution" and "extramarital sex" from sexual immorality/adultery which you prescribe 100 lashes for with 4 witnesses. Wouldn't brothels basically support the 4-witnesses for adultery and therefore be contradictory? Would there be a contract between prostitute and client upon entry so that it is legalized in a fashion similar to mutah?

ANSWER: Prostitutes tell you the price up front before the supply of services. 

The existence of licensed brothels means that extramarital sex is in fact licensed on the premises. 

57. Is your idea of Caliph an elected one? Or is there an objective criteria such as them being a Muslim or at least someone competent with applying Islamic/Quranic principles? What makes the Caliph worthy and who chooses them?(I'm not aware of how Xi Jinping got his presidency)

ANSWER: It would depend on the political traditions of the country adopting Secular Koranism and I am not going to be prescriptive about this.They don't have to call themselves Caliph but, as I understand it, a Caliphate is just another word for Islamic empire. 

58. Will women have the chance to become female Caliph or is it exclusively patriarchal as per Islamic principle?

ANSWER: If men play their cards right and maintain the patriarchy by infusing its laws with Koranic principles including those that would raise the status of married parents over and above that of non-parents and unmarried parents, they need never consider this unwelcome possibility. 

59. There's a woman in a photo with a Nazi flag who happens to carry your name? Does that happen to be you? If so, why were you in such a photo?

ANSWER: I was invited to join the BNP and what happens is that in the West, eventually you will eventually be accused of being a Nazi and a racist if you discuss immigration - because that is the worst thing your political opponent can call you.  

After being expelled for what I said at, I did not want to give up political activism and still wanted to be associated with nationalism which I want to define as government in the national interest to universalise and rehabilitate its reputation as a viable political ideology basically saying if Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, Islam is divine civic nationalism. 

I decided that rather than retreat into defeat and obscurity, I wanted to double down and become more prominent because nothing that so far had proved that my diagnosis or solution is wrong, only that people do not like it. 

60. Why do YOU personally want a partiarchy and not seek power for yourself and rule the secular koranic state yourself for the first term or when it's first established?

ANSWER: I see myself as a moral and political philosopher and a political scientist. To suggest that I want to the absolute dictator of Britain would signal that I am mad and silly, wouldn't it? The most I want to be is Government Adviser once it is accepted that my diagnosis of the problem and proposed solution is correct. 

61. I see. So the media claims the BNP is far right etc... The BNP does have some anti-muslim, anti-Islamic rhetoric. They also seem to be pro-Israel and what happens against Palestinians. 

ANSWER: Anti-immigration parties tend to be against foreigners, other races, Jews and Muslims. Most of the time they confuse the disease with the symptoms and are divided about who to hate more ie Jews (whom some think are the disease) or Muslims (whom some think are its symptoms). Being mostly atheist proletariat from fatherless homes and bad schools and being mostly unmarried parents, they lack the protection having a religion would give them and an education that enables them to express their feelings civilly and within the law as well as the social standing that would allow them to have their preferences prioritised.  

Mind you, you could be educated and middle class and then labelled a racist antisemitic Islamophobe by the media which would destroy your reputation and career. 

62. Could you elaborate on whether or not you're anti-Islam/Anti-Muslim, and if so or if not, why?

ANSWER: I would have thought that my proposal to use the Holy Book of Islam and Muslims would answer your question about whether I am myself an Islamophobe! 

63.  Where you stand on the Israel-Palestine conflict? And why?

ANSWER: This is a territorial dispute that I think would end the moment Israel adopted Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics since I believe God if He exists intended Jews to live in Israel as a theocracy in one Islamic State. 

64. Elaborate on your views on immigration.

ANSWER: I see immigration as resented by the indigenous population and which should not be imposed on them by hook or by crook. It is after all the job of government to make the working classes work. Because of the operation of representative democracy, political parties will be afraid of alienating too many voters and not challenge undesirable behaviour in the way that they must to govern in the national interest. 

65.  Do you support Palestinian resistance and their pride for their national identity?

ANSWER: I really try to stay out of these disputes because I don't need any more controversy! 

66. In other words you're saying you are not anti-immigration, but believe immigration should not be something the country should think about given their own population is meant to work and support the country to be self-sufficient, rendering immigration unnecessary and disregarded. Have I got that correct or are your views different?

ANSWER: The government should govern the nation well enough to make people think things are fair enough and believe that the best people are the ones in charge. Currently, that is not the case because many citizens think non-citizens are being treated better than citizens, whatever their race and are also of the view that their politicians are both corrupt and incompetent.

67. You mentioned being resented by the BNP, and wanting to continue activism on your own, but could you elaborate on the pictures with the Nazi flag? What made you comfortable being around such a flag? Do you identify as a neo-Nazi in any way? And if so, why?

ANSWER: It was a publicity stunt to associate myself with nationalism which I want to define as government in the national interest. Because individuals all the way up to great empires do not know what is good for themselves (because they all eventually decline and fall), we might as well agree to be guided by the laws of God. 

If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism. 

If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite". 

Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe because they worship the most powerful deity conceivable.

But for Judaism, Jews would not exist. 

But for Jews existing, there would be no Jesus for Jews to worship.  

However, worshiping a Jew as the co-equal of the Abrahamic God is obviously idolatry and blasphemy, particularly as we know that Jesus was convicted of blasphemy for saying his father is God. If God exists, I imagine He would be angry with Christians for their idolatry and blasphemy and probably angry with Jews and Muslims for doing nothing to challenge the global nature of three global Christian empires. Muslims are also commanded by to admonish those who claim that God has begotten a son. 

If some rabbis find me alarming, it is more because I have repeatedly asked them to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws ranking Islam moist Noahide and Christianity least Noahide, less Noahide even than Hinduism which is idolatry. While Hinduism is only idolatry, Christianity is both idolatry and blasphemy.

Of course, just like Muslims, Jews must fear to offend their Christian Liberal overlords by pointing out that Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers.  

They will probably fear to do it now because doing it now will raise questions on why they haven't already done it before.  

But I like to think it is never too late to repent, and the Day of Atonement is ten days after Rosh Hashanah, which is today.   

68. What will you do to feminists? Especially hardcore feminists who indulge in adultery, disobey their husbands, seek abortions, etc..

ANSWER: Then they will be divorced by their husbands under fault-based divorce. Eventually, no rational and moral man will give women like this the time of day.  

69. Abortion laws and regulations? Here is what Shia Islam says: Abortion is not allowed after the implantation of the [fertilized] ovum [on the lining of the womb], except if the mother’s life is in danger, and in this case, it would be permissible to abort the foetus as long as the soul has not entered into it (i.e. before the end of 4 months); after the entering of the soul, it is not permissible, as an obligatory precaution. Agree or disagree? What's different under Secular Koranism?

ANSWER: Before the end of four months sounds fair enough to me. 

70. Thoughts on the necessity of the wife obeying her husband?

ANSWER: The loving husband also fears to displease his wife too much, I think, if only to avoid a failed marriage. I also propose a Friend of the Marriage the couple would have to agree on before they marry who will serve as the first port of call when the couple encounter relationship problems. 

71. Can a man have an Islamic sex slave? Just to be clear, an Islamic sex slave isn't the same as a slave back in the 1800s in America with zero rights and complete servitude, it's kind of like a maid nowadays that works in your house (A maid contract), and I think you can enjoy them intimately. What is secular Koranism's stance on this? If you accept it, can you provide arguments against feminists and western liberals who would tell you you're violating human rights, and how you'd make sex slavery palatable? (IF you accept legalizing it)

ANSWER: The humane treatment of slave requires that all have the option of manumission. The slave owner must not compel his slave into prostitution if she desires to remain chaste which means that a female slave who agrees to manumit herself through earnings from prostitution will have to be properly paid at the going rate, whatever it is.

72.  Men in general may happily follow secular Koranism as your system does, to an extent, satisfy a man's appetite, and will be attracted. But, how can you sell secular Koranism to a woman?

ANSWER: Patriarchy serves the interests of women who want become and stay married mothers. Patriarchy would also produce more marriageable men for women to marry than under the current system which keeps the price of sex cheap and low causing degeneracy. Degenerate men are not marriageable men because they would not make good husbands and fathers. 

73.  So a man can have sex slaves as he desires provided the slave has an option to be released. Will this be done in a contract fashion like ordering a maid?

ANSWER: I haven't given it as much thought as you appear to have, but I think so!

74. How can you sell this to the British? Why would Christians let alone Jews want secular Koranism and not a secularized version of their creed instead? 

ANSWER: The banning of usury would allow Western governments and individuals to default on their debts. 

I don't think there are any real Christians in the West, just Westerners who pretend that they are Christians.  

Christianity has no uniquely Christian principle other than that of worshiping Jesus as God. 

The Torah has 36 capital offences that even Jews themselves don't follow now. 

75. What's the plan to deal with Imams that will tell you that what you are doing is haram, neglecting hadith? 

ANSWER: A lot of Western laws are already haram eg gay marriage. I would have thought Muslims would be pleased that the West is moving towards Islam and would want to encourage this. 

76.  Why would I, as a Shi'a Muslim desire Secular Koranism? 

ANSWER: Why would any kind of Muslim anywhere in the world object Western nations adopting Secular Koranism? Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery?

77.  Will I not compromise my creed being in a secular state? 

ANSWER: How do you envisage your creed being compromised?

If theocracy is a society governed by God's laws,then Secular Koranism is also a theocracy, but accommodates atheists making belief in Allah optional.  

78.  Or given that you want to implement "Islam Lite", I can still practice "Standard Islam"?

ANSWER: Of course! guarantees freedom of worship.

79.  Are there any women other than yourself that agree with your views and are Secular Koranists. Especially young women in this generation, who are most likely shaping into the hardcore feminists that would want complete freedom to satisfy their appetites

ANSWER: No women so far and hardly any men! If the media were prepared to engage with me, I think the point could easily be made that patriarchy serves the interests of women who want to be married mothers. 

80. Modern day secularism, as I'm sure you're aware in the declining west, places a massive emphasis on personal freedom and raw pleasure and extreme decadence. How will secular Koranism persuade people away from this, or satisfy these desires?

ANSWER: As you know, Westerners are triggered by immigration and in particularly Muslim immigration. It is possible that their anxiety and concern, hatred and fear that their future as a functioning society is threatened may eventually result in a reluctant consideration of the only cure possible.

81. Similar to above questions, how will you specifically target the youth (gen z) who consider you a "boomer" and persuade them to join you?

ANSWER: Nationalism is represented by Brexit and Trump as well as anyone who believes that the boomer generation spent their inheritance. Secular Koranism is supposed to help people acknowledge their mistakes and solve their problems with humility and practical solutions. 

82. What if human rights groups object to you? Appeals to the united nations and things like that? What to do?

ANSWER: I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

83. Counter-terrorist measures against ISIS and anti-semitic, racist, supremacist, neo-nazis? It's easy for them to sneak into society as not only migrants, but those that would vote for you in the UK. What will you do to counter-act/filter/cleanse society from these people?

ANSWER: Are you really suggesting that migrants can be smuggled into the UK in sufficient numbers to affect future elections in the UK?

Antisemitism and racism already exist though. 

84. Won't ISIS extremis and neo-Nazis desire a place like Secular Koranism to slowly push their agendas in? 

ANSWER: Antisemitism already existed even before the Nazis came to power in Germany. Not sure what you think ISIS and Nazis would like about SK and how you think they might try to push their agenda.

85.  Will you have any precautionary measures for such things? So that 'extremists' don't take advantage/abuse the system?

ANSWER: The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 

86.  Since modern day secularism emphasizes decadency and raw pleasure in the name of freedom, does secular Koranism seek to satisfy these appetites modern-day liberals and the anti-religious atheists/anti-theists constantly sing about (Freedom to do whatever you like for pleasure) in an alternative fashion, OR does secular Koranism seek to persuade society away down a different path?

ANSWER: What would you like SK to ban?

87. I wasn't necessarily thinking of banning things, I was just asking if your idea of SK seeks to satisfy the decadence modern liberal secularism preaches, OR persuade people to stray away and go down a different path of chastity and abstinence, or does it preach something in between?

ANSWER: I think you would have to give me a specific example of decadence for me to give you a proper answer. 

88. Suppose I am a woman that doesn't want to be a mother, I want that strong independent feeling, will SK still cater for me? Could you elaborate on how there's a place in society, satisfactory for me?

ANSWER: The option of a career is open to women and there is nothing in the Koran that says women cannot work, receive a university education or start a business.

89.  I'm a woman want to have sex with as many men as possible and not settle into a family, would Secular Koranism allows this?

ANSWER: You could become a prostitute working in a licensed brothel. 

90.  What to do about men becoming weak and simping for these women?

ANSWER: Men would be more wary of having sex with immoral women like the above if unmarried parents are treated as sex offenders as prescribed by

91.  I know you wanted pubs but the Koran does take a stance against alcohol, and i'm sure you're aware of how terrible alcohol is. And given you worry about the taxpayer's money, imagine the money being pumped into drunk-driving accidents, all the medical conditions, physical and mental, it exacerbates and leads to. And of course, modern day secularism sees no bounds and ethical issues with enjoying alcohol to one's heart's content

ANSWER: Any crime convicted while addicted or intoxicated would be treated as an aggravated offence. 

I don't think it would be politic to propose the banning of alcohol but this may be possible in future generations. 

92. Will Islamic divorce/family courts be with respect to the religion? I want to marry the Islamic way, and divorce the Islamic way -> Will there be a separate Islamic court to deal with such affairs? Will Christians have a Church-Court that deals with these affairs too? Or is it one unified civil Secular Koranist court that deals with all our affairs regardless of religion?

ANSWER: All marriages in the UK would be treated as marriage contracts and divorce treated as a breach of that contract. 

93. Can schools have mandatory martial arts classes for the boys to develop masculinity and not turn them into weak, pathetic simps?

ANSWER: State secondary schools would be single sex under Secular Koranism. 

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