The meeting began an hour later than stated. I was introduced by Jeffrey Marshall to Derek Beackon the first BNP councillor elected in 1992 General Election - a historic first. We shook hands and his manner was gentle and mild unlike the hell-raising Nazi Fascist Extremist Racist the media potrayed him in old news reports. He also wore rather less frightening glasses than the ones I remembered from old news reports.
Richard Edmonds chaired the meeting and he looked younger and stronger than I remembered when I last heard him speak. His headmasterly bellow promptly stemmed our chatter and commanded our silence.
He began brandishing the infamous objectionable 12th edition of the BNP constitution. 92 pages of nonsense, he called it. It was much better in the old days when it was only 15 pages long.
He reminded us that the BNP are a democratic nationalist party. We were all present freely of our own will and had every right to do so. Indeed, Section 7 (page 27) allows a leadership challenge every year.
Then he began by praising Jim Dowson of Midas Consultancy, an "outisde businessman" being paid £2,000 a week. This works out to be £90,000 per year as well as the £72,000 per year paid to the Call Centre in Northern Ireland. Dowson was not a member, but a businessman. The last Advisory Council meeting held in March discussed at great length Dowson's "outside consultancy". He "no smudge, no fudge, quite impressive and a very powerful speaker". He was also described as "completely frank and open as well as a very dynamic businessman" who answered every question fully and frankly.
The 12 Regional Officers however, are not paid. We were reminded that £7,500 per month goes to Jim Dowson for his consultancy fee.
It was Richard Edmonds view that "all party business should be done in-house."
Mailshot letters of appeal with Nick Griffin's signature were also the work of Jim Dowson, "an outside businessman". Edmonds said he was "shocked to the point of being frightened at the direction the Party is heading."
Jonathan Bowden - the talented and transporting BNP orator - would have spoken but was prevented from doing so by transport and traffic problems. Eddy has his complete support.
MICHAEL BARNBROOK was then introduced.
He began by saying he arrived at the meeting unaware that he was supposed to be speaking. It was disconcerting to find his voice moved by emotion. Indeed, he was actually tearful. He has been "stressed out" by this whole business. He had considered himself "a nobody" in the Party but from the way he was being treated, one would be forgiven for thinking that he or Eddy were "probably the most dangerous person in the BNP. The whole business had put his marriage under a strain. As far as he was concerned, the leadership contenders were "nice people" and he "genuinely didn't want to get involved" in the leadership challenge. Eddy Butler, the leadership challenger, had reduced the 1000 Tory majority in Bexley to a mere 8. Eddy Butler, as far as Barnbrook was concerned, "has not destroyed the General Election campaign" and should not have been removed from his post as National Organiser.
He was a self-confessed Griffinite who has been bothered by phone calls ever since he agreed to a meeting with Eddy Butler, who understandably wants to lobby big-hitter members of influence. Apparently, Nick Griffin and/or his Praetorian Guard are so steeped in paranoia that they thought Eddy was about to pass him documents that would get him into trouble with the law. Barnbrook then said he was already 67 with only 3 years' membership of the party while Eddy has "the personality of a flatfish" and "no one knows him".
We laughed in surprise and I quickly glanced at Eddy to see if he too was enjoying the joke. Eddy was indeed smiling.
Barnbrook then admitted that while everybody who was inclined to support the Party "loved Nick Griffin", this was regrettably not the case as far as the activists and organisers were concerned.
He declared the leadership nomination form he received an insult to his intelligence for the reasons explained at
See heading "Yellow Peril" (This is not in fact a reference to the BNP being swamped by the Chinese but to the colour of the official and offending nomination form.)
If you believe that Richard Barnbrook and Derek Adams are not spoiler candidates (candidates with no chance of winning but put forward with the intention of preventing Eddy from getting the 840 nominations required to trigger a leadership challenge), then you must have an IQ of under 10, Michael Barnbrook went on to say.
He has ended the careers of at least 12 MPs and the career of Ian Clement and wondered why he was not given more credit for this in the run-up to the leadership election. He did not want praise and acknowledgment from the Chairman for egotistical reasons, he said, but because all this sleaze-busting of expenses irregularities might have given the BNP more votes in the run-up to the General Election
The implication was that the Chairman wished not to acknowledge the contribution of others to the Nationalist cause and sought to identify the BNP with himself alone.
Clarity, probity and transparency are required and only a leadership election would clear the air and save the reputations of both Nick Griffin and Eddy Butler, he said.
The point was that one could be a Griffinite and still want a leadership challenge, to clear the air, and he therefore urged everyone who cared about the Party, irrespective of their personal loyalties, to see to it that the Party gets one, Barnbrook concluded.
Video of meeting on 20 July 2010:
Part 1 - Michael Barnbrook
Part 2 - Michael Barnbrook
Part 3 - Michael Barnbrook
Christine Mitchell on Paul Norris and Paul Golding on the Eddy tapes. It is claimed Eddy "condemned himself" at a meeting at which I was present. The person who came out of it worst was not Eddy.
Part 1 - Eddy Butler
Part 2 - Eddy Butler
Part 3 - Eddy Butler
Part 4 - Eddy Butler
Part 5 - Eddy Butler
My photos used in Eddy Butler's blog at
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