
Sunday, 20 April 2008

The most rousing rendition of Jerusalem I have heard


It is now abundantly clear why the Dean of Southwark Cathedral Colin Slee has decided to ban Jerusalem.

It was not because it suddenly came upon him that “those feet in ancient times” which might have walked upon England's Mountains green” belonged to Nazi stormtroopers, but because the BNP have adopted it as their anthem, which they sing before meetings.

As a non-white member of the press invited to attend their East London meeting on 19 April, I must say that it was the most rousing rendition of Jerusalem I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. A soprano voice filled the chorus, and it sent a shiver down my spine. I said as much to the genteel lady in lilac whose voice it was afterwards and she modestly responded that it was nice to know that she had managed to keep her voice. (Some may be keen to point out parallels to the rousing rendition of “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” sung by an earnest Aryan soldier in “Cabaret”, but I am already aware of it.)

Others may wonder how I comported myself, but it just did not occur to do anything else than to stand up, join in and rather enjoy the unusual experience.


Jeffrey Marshall, the London Assembly candidate from East London, introduced himself and mentioned white locals being attacked and intimidated by Muslim gangs and no-go areas. It is for the police to deal with these incidents firmly and fairly and not the fault of peaceable Muslims if the police are reluctant to deal with multi-racial thugs because they fear accusations of racism and demotion.

The race hate legislation does little to help but everything to muddy the waters. If it is illegal to assault anyone, then it is absolutely illegal. Making it an aggravating factor to assault someone on the grounds of their religion or race only creates a sense of grievance and a headache for prosecutors and enforcers, creating a greater potential for crime, disorder and racial and religious resentment.

But will our ruling classes listen, or continue to shut their ears?


Nick Griffin the leader was there to rally the troops for their mayoral campaign.40 years ago tomorrow, he began, Enoch Powell made his famous Rivers of Blood speech. Trevor Phillips has, from the Midland Hotel in Birmingham where Powell made his speech, both agreed and disagreed with the gist of what was said. It has been said by some that Powell in fact equipped the liberals with the means to operate a conspiracy of silence, where anyone complaining about immigration would be accused of racism. The consequences of the "black man having the whip hand" had already predicted been in the 50s, and is dealt with in the latest issue of Identity by John Bean, when the implications of the British Nationality Act 1949 were being examined, but it was Powell's colourful language that gave the issue its incendiary properties.


Perhaps it is not so much Powell's incendiary words but the moral cowardice of the mainstream parties (and those who are too afraid of being accused of racism) that we should blame. It cannot be hard to imagine that there must be a Powell-equivalent in every Western nation now complaining about foreigners, who was also ignored at the time.


That they were ignored was because it only affected the working classes, and in any case it suited the governments of all hues to sweep under the carpet the awful truth that it is the addiction to the welfare state that makes our secret addiction to cheap foreign labour inevitable.While everyone complains about foreigners from time to time, the situation is most acute in countries where decades of progressive "education" has produced generations of school-leavers who are undisciplined, innumerate, illiterate and unfit for work.

Of course, sorting this out is outside the remit of the short-termist mind-set of those currently in charge, who will always have more urgent matters to deal with, such as how to stay in power by not offending anyone or doing anything much.

The English, Griffin continued, are invisible in East London, the biggest ethnic minority in their own city.

Once, when there were grammar schools, the indigenous working classes of East London might have bettered themselves, but now they are almost without exception condemned to low-pay jobs and obliged to compete with yet more newcomers for jobs, housing and benefits.Because of the demographic changes, the prospects of electoral success are against the BNP in East London but are looking good elsewhere, for it has been noted that many, in Hampstead, Highgate, Kingston, Richmond – the posh people formerly indifferent to the lot of the lower orders - are now supporting the BNP for saying things that none of the other parties dare to say.


The media now appear insatiable in their appetite to discuss immigration, particularly the broadcast media who are doing TV trailers which he says “Dr Goebbels could not have done any better”.

One was of a white man’s face serving as a "white board" being gradually over-written in a variety of foreign languages. Another was of a peaceful British bulldog in a pleasant English park having his territory invaded, urinated and defecated on by non-bulldog breeds, followed by an orgiastic doggy free-for-all that would only produce mongrels.

Nazi propaganda of Jews being portrayed as scurrying rats was nothing compared to this, he said.


Something has shifted, he declared. The BNP now appear to be the political centre. Gordon Brown has proclaimed the wisdom of “British jobs for British workers”. David Blunkett has described Britain as a “huge coiled spring of racial tension”.

He wondered how Muslims and immigrants must now feel. [To be honest, it did not occur to me to even feel threatened, just glad that the subject is finally being given the airing it deserves. As for the Muslims, it must now be water off a duck’s back to them by now. After all, they have been the victims of unwanted attention ever since 9/11 2001. The ones I know about are genuinely concerned about the future of religious freedom in this country, aware as they are that there may well be a significant minority who probably want to ban Islam, Muslims and mosques.]

We will know things are really wrong when the foreigners go, before being invited to leave by the BNP. In this scenario, food riots rather than race riots will be more likely.
Griffin then pointed out that he had been correct in predicting 18 months before 7/7 2005 that the bombers would come from Bradford.


The liberal media are now practising a form of perestroika, he continued, of glasnost and reform from within, by more honestly debating immigration, but they have now got a tiger by the tail. The UAF “United Against Fascism” – whom Griffin described as “government-sponsored thugs” who use violence to intimidate the BNP no longer use their more unpleasant methods of intimidation, but government ministers still hold meetings with them.

Within 3 years, he predicted British cities will be on fire from Glasgow to London, Liverpool to Hull, and it will not be long before we have “peace” walls, such as those in Londonderry and Belfast, to keep different communities from each other’s throats.

[Protestants and Catholics are the same race in the sense that they are not racially distinct in appearance, and the situation in Northern Ireland has improved rather than deteriorated. I also like to think that problems can be sorted out in time by good policing and sensible laws that are not tainted by the inequalities and confusion created by political correctness.]


On the subject of gerrymandering, Griffin commented that it is disproportionate for Dame Shirley Porter to be fined £40 million for moving about 40 yuppies into council flats. A clearer case of gerrymandering would be Operation Black Vote which has been going on for longer and used up more of taxpayers’ money.

He concluded by saying that the BNP are “the right party in the right place at the right time” to enthusiastic applause.I did not applaud because I felt it would compromise my journalistic integrity, nor did I contribute to the collection, but I felt, somehow, that I should have, because I had enjoyed the "entertainment" they had laid on.It may be wondered if one can produce rational and consistent reasons to be not anti-Muslim, pro-BNP, pro-Ken and anti-Boris, but I hope I have managed to do this.


The option of casting a second vote of course makes it perfectly possible to vote Ken and BNP, in order to punish our ruling classes who have been sweeping the problem of immigration under the carpet until now, when the media in its wisdom sees fit to raise the issue.


Doing anything about immigration would of course require the approval of the EU because we are now its vassal state and require its permission to have our own immigration policy. No doubt this is something our ruling classes would also like to stay under the carpet. They have after all conspired to deny us a referendum on this matter on the EU Constitution AKA the Lisbon Treaty.


Boris has already said he doesn't want the second vote BNP supporters were proposing to give him. The Tory candidate, has pronounced Islam “the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers” (which pleases BNP supporters), unlike Ken who has been making all the right noises as far as the Muslims are concerned. That he at least could see the folly of invading Iraq, unlike Boris, continues to stand in his favour as far as I am concerned.

What a fool is Boris to look a gift horse in the mouth - another reason why the bungling and warmongering buffoon does not deserve to win!
for their report of the meeting
Vote: Should Londoners vote BNP on 1 May 2008 to upset and alarm our ruling classes?

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