
Thursday, 18 March 2010

Liberal Orthodoxy v The National Interest; How to vote in General Election 2010

If you are going to vote LibLabCon, you are too stupid to vote.

If you vote for policies supported by parties that amount to a systematic cultivation of failure, you are too stupid to vote.

If you think Cameron is going to be better than Brown, after the hash he has made out of policy-making in the last five years since he became leader, you are too stupid to vote.

The Liberal Democrats are a party of porn stars and coprophiliacs, and are so out of touch that they think it is OK to be seen to be a party that tolerates this filth.

If you think the LibDems are a protest vote, you are too stupid to vote.

If you think "racism" is worse than loss of liberty, you are too stupid to vote.

If you are afraid to vote for a party because of its reputation of racism, though it has many policies that you actually support, you are too stupid to vote.

UKIP would appear to be the happy medium, though it has hedged its bets on the war and on the EU. If you think hedging its bets was a good idea then vote UKIP.

UKIP will not explicitly denounce the war and only offers us a referendum on the EU.

The BNP however states it would withdraw British troops now if it could, and intends to withdraw from the EU without holding a referendum.

If you prefer a party that was the most consistently against the invasion of Muslim lands from the beginning, then you know what to do. If there were any justice in the world, they should mop up the Muslim vote since many of their policies, such as government by referenda as well as corporal and capital punishment, are supported by the Koran.

But there is very little justice in the world and very little reason in Man.

The party that was right all along is unfortunately also unpopular and has been consistently demonised by the liberal media for many decades.

It remains to be seen if that party has the ability to attract enough votes to revolutionise the debate between Liberal Orthodoxy and the National Interest.

The longer the war carries on the more paranoid the government will get, the more paranoid it gets the more paranoid it will make us. It will then rob us of even more of our liberties and property.

Liberalism is rotten to the core because it has perverted its own ideals. Its supports are the unholy Quartet of Denial, Denunciation, Ostracisation and Censorship.

Let us hope it will have the decency to die before it does any more damage.

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