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http://archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/death-of-god.html |
Just think: they equate their God with a failed revolutionary they decided to worship as a deity.
Not one Christian can honestly explain the Doctrine of the Trinity without ceasing to be a Christian.
Do you think the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury or York believe in the Doctrine of the Trinity? Do they hell. What they are doing is paying lip service.
Do as I say, not as I do, they will say to you, when you have revealed their unbelief.
Have you noticed how Christians start looking shifty the moment you ask them about the Trinity? You should try it and see.
The only reason why Christians believe Christ is God is because they don't want to do the hard work a Jew needs to do to remain a Jew and because they despise Muslims, who, like the Jews deny the Trinity and abhor the idea of a divine prophet.
"It is a weakness of human nature to hate those whom you have wronged."
How have Christians wronged Jews and Muslims?
Let me count the ways: the Inquisition, Crusades, the turfing out Muslim Arabs to make way for the Jews they have been persecuting for centures in Christian Europe in their ignorant and arrogant antisemitism. In other words, robbing Peter Arab to pay Paul Jew.
As for those who call themselves Christians but don't know they have to believe that Christ is God or else go to hell - because if you don't believe that you ain't Christian and all non-Christians go to hell, doncha know - I only have pity for you and your ignorance.
Actually, only the non-white non-cultural Christian truly understands the nature of this bargain unlike the ignoramuses who think they are Christians because they are not Jews or Muslims (whom they despise), and call themselves Cultural Christians. (That is why these Oriental converts and evangelists are always proclaiming Christ is Lord to all and sundry in that annoying way, to show everyone else that they believe, even if deep down inside they do not.) These Cultural Christians never enter a church save when they are called upon to attend a wedding. They know they feel comfort a the sight of a church spire and feel alarm and distress when they see a minaret, and that is what makes them Christian, they think to themselves.
Or they might go to church for a bit, until their children get into the church school of their choice, because they cannot afford school fees.
What else do these disgusting Christians do?
They pretend to eat the flesh of Christ and drink the blood of Christ like some cannibal who thinks that eating a dead human being, especially one that they also think is God, will give them special powers. Yep, that is what Christians call Communion and the Eucharist, don't you know.
What was it Hitler said about telling a big enough lie?
in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
How can believing in a lie and making others believe in the same lie possibly make you a better person and make your society a better society if you are so hypocritical and so cowardly you never condemn anything at all, not even gay marriage?
Instead of enjoining good and forbidding evil, as the Muslims are meant to do, the Christians spend their entire lives convincing themselves of a lie while tolerating all manner of evil and waste their compassion on the worst of people because theirs is a masochistic religion for women and slaves.
There is a reason why Christianity and Hypocrisy go together like Horse and Carriage ....
British Jews too have gone native in the land of Unctuous PC Extremist Liberalism. When an Orthodox Rabbi brightly suggests on Woman's Hour to Dame Jenni who calls him "Zvi" that all who wish to marry should first become civilly partnered with the option of converting it into marriage later, you know that the stench you are smelling is the rotten corpse of Western civilisation.
Interesting post you have here, but it is only full of half truths.
Firstly there is a lot historical facts within the Gospels, from birth to the resurection of Christ.
It was the religious leaders of Jesus day that accused him of blasphemy, but if the text is study closely truth is Jesus never claimed to be God and no authentic Christian will claim that. Jesus was fully human and fully part of God’s deity, which no human was ever meant to be able to explain. So Christianity has never meant you have all the answers. That is what faith mean, trusting beyond what the eye can see. Most Christians probably have more questions later on in faith then they first started out.
Christianity is also not about being perfect. Nobody is, and that was the point behind Christ coming.
Many of the answers you seek lay with God alone (Jew, Muslim or Christian) but it most certainly doesn’t mean the stories of Christ are false. There is never a justification for persecution of any religion and authentic practitioners of religion (which ever it be) will stand firm in that belief. You speak of Christian extremists in Europe, but you seem to overlook the threat that extremist who claim to be Muslim that are currently threatening the world. All religions have their share of extremists who claim to persecute all in the name of religion.
This said, I do still repect your thoughts and ideas.
Interesting post you have here, but it is only full of half truths.
Firstly there is a lot of historical facts within the Gospels from the birth to the resurrection of Christ. These cannot be overlooked from whatever side of the wall you sit.
It was the religious leaders of Jesus day that accused him of blasphemy, but if the text is study closely truth is Jesus never claimed to be God and no authentic Christian will claim that. Jesus was fully human and fully part of God’s deity, which no human was ever meant to be able to explain. So Christian has never meant you have all the answers. That is what faith mean, trusting beyond what the eye can see. Most Christians probably have more questions later on in faith then they did at the beginning.
Christianity is also is not about being perfect. Nobody is, and that was the point behind Christ coming.
Many of the answers you seek lay with God alone (Jew, Muslim or Christian) but it most certainly doesn’t mean the stories of Christ are false.
There is never a justification for persecution of any religion and authentic practitioners of religion (which ever it be) will stand firm in that belief. You speak of Christian extremists in Europe, but you seem to overlook the threat that extremist who claim to be Muslim are currently to the world. All religions have their share of extremists who claim to persecute all in the name of religion.
Your views are all respected and I sorry to see Christianity that way.
You have not addressed the issue of the Trinity.
Or gay marriage.
Or how Christianity has failed to safeguard the morals of Western man.
Or the issue of the Eucharist when Christians pretend to eat the flesh of God and drink the blood of God.
Or whether, if you do not believe in the Trinity, you go to Hell.
The Holy Trinity was never meant to be explained. At the end of the day - Jew, Muslim or Christian will all say God is God and God is Truth. In even in this day, Truth doesn't need to be explained, for truth will always prevail.
As for issue of gay marriages - what issue? I never said I agreed with the church about their policies!
Your point on Christianity failing to safeguard the morals of Western man – that is not a job for Christians alone. That is every single persons responsibility black, white, yellow, Jew, Muslim, Christian we all have the same accountability.
As for the Eucharist, the scriptures may say - ‘Jesus said, this is my body’ - That was the language of the day. In today’s culture you would probably give him a business card to remember you by. He would give you a piece of bread and a cup of wine to remember him by - he wouldn't tell you however that it is his body. To take the words out of the Bible and using them as they are written without doing background research will always seem wrong since it was written 2000 years ago. Bread and wine were symbols to represent his body and blood, the main part of the commandment is ‘do this in remembance of me’. In other words 'keep your memory of me simple, use bread and wine.'
As for my belief, I believe we are all made up of the Holy Trinity, since we are all made in the image of God. Soul = Holy Spirit – Body = Son – Mind = father.
Christianity (indeed any religion) is about asking questions. But it is also about understanding that not all the questions will be answered this side of eternity. And if you gamble your faith to get all the answers you’re going to run out of steam. Keep asking, but realise that not all the answers will come, and sometimes you just have to follow anyway.
I personally would love to take this up further with you via email, because I find some of your arguments so interesting. I invite you and any other of your readers to email me: info@challengemychurch.org.uk
I don't promise to have all the answers, but I promise give you my honest opinions.
As for going to hell if you don't believe in the Holy Trinity, I don't think it works like that.
You can still make it to the better place (Heaven) even if you don't believe, it all comes down to character and what legacy you leave when you finish you lifes journey.
There are all sorts of things we cannot provide scientific proofs for. Both the order and chaos of the universe make believing in God absurd and not believing in God absurd. Either belief takes faith that is outside the realm of scientific rationalism. The Trinity is believed by millions (including Benedict) because it is a syllogism built upon a series of previous beliefs that are not unreasonable. These beliefs cannot be scientifically proved, but that doesn't make them unreasonable. Science is a tool, used to observe that which can observed. Just because something is not observable through science does not make it unreal or untrue. This is basic science 101. If Jesus is who he said he is, then the Trinity is real and Christianity is the one true religion that will lead to God. If Jesus is not who he said he is, then Christians are the most to be pitied. Nevertheless, your emotion-filled, half-truths get us nowhere. Science cannot prove or disprove the validity of Christianity. You must take another tactic and try harder.
You have to remember that the world and all the creation which we take for granted was created first, man came last (Weather you look at the Bible or Science). If we were meant to understand how it was all put together than we would have been made first. Anyway, all science does for me is back Christianity up.
We live with a lot of natural order around us, for example the season and the food chain. Order doesn't come from nowhere.
As annoymous said, most Christians have all their eggs in 1 basket, so if Jesus ain't who he says he is then there will be millions of people who will be screwed.
"As for going to hell if you don't believe in the Holy Trinity, I don't think it works like that.
You can still make it to the better place (Heaven) even if you don't believe, it all comes down to character and what legacy you leave when you finish you lifes journey."
Challenge My Church, how do you know it doesn't work like that? Have you asked the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope?
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