
Monday, 26 January 2015

How many votes do you think the only antifeminist party in the West will get?

I myself will be voting UKIP, but if you live in the Nottingham area and live in the constituencies of Ashfield, Broxstowe and Sherwood and are antifeminist, you may consider voting for Mike Buchanan's antifeminist party with the ridiculously long name - Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them)

Mike Buchanan actually loathes me, and has in fact refused to engage with me, but I urge you to vote for his party and his bunch of beta male prospective parliamentary candidates, because I do not want to be accused of being merely destructive of the efforts of others to fight feminism.

I am surprised he has not done so already, as I have, decades ago.

I am however saying that if Mike Buchanan were to hand over his party to me after losing his deposits officially and publicly, I would be able to do more for antifeminism than he ever could, because my leadership would be formally acknowledged by the men of Britain and my message would go further and my voice become louder.

An exchange on why some antifeminists would prefer Mike Buchanan

Claire Khaw on how feminism causes immigration

Below are a few of my tweets to him, which he has not seen fit to acknowledge.

Simon Sheppard's Sex and Power
Why females prefer immigrant males UKIP candidate: Simon Ashcroft

Mike Buchanan without the women

Mike Buchanan interacting with the women

Mike Buchanan UKIP candidate: Frank Dunne
Ray Barry

Ray Barry in Broxtowe  UKIP not standing in Sherwood?

Ian Young in Sherwood

Ian Young
Mobile: 07842 137041

"Ian Young – described by Buchanan as “well-known as a survivor of domestic violence” – who is standing against Conservative MP Mark Spencer in the Sherwood Constituency."

Justice for Men and Boys: what we learnt from the manifesto

An anti-feminism party called Justice for Men and Boys (And the Women Who Love Them) is standing for parliament in May’s general election.

J4MB announces a new candidate, and a new strategy, for the 2015 general election

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