
Thursday, 14 November 2019

Soft-soaping Spencerianism masquerading as White Nationalism

1:00  Neonconservatism = American imperialism
2:00  ISIS mercenaries instead of young white men returning home in body bags
3:00  Spencer's studies in English and Western philosophy
4:00  Blasphemy laws and the Trinitarian God
5:00  Jews blamed for the failure of Christianity.
6:00  Israel should be a theocracy but it is the colonial outpost of a declining and despised empire.
7:00  The failure of cowardly Western intellectuals to discuss whether feminism is responsible for the decline of the West
8:00  Spencer submits to the status quo
9:00  Neurotic suspension over China
10:00  Vicky Pollard of Little Britain
11:00  Spencerian make believe which he calls "aristic, literary and philosophical"
12:00  Nietzsche and "grandpa's liberalism"
13:00  Liberalism = Conservatism = Feminism = Gay Marriage = Transgenderism = Decline and Fall of Western Civilisation governed by governments prioritising the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their casually conceived and casually parented illegitimate offspring as opposed to prioritising the preferences of married fathers who wish to properly parent their legitimate offspring
15:00  Nihilism is a product of atheism.
16:00  Confrontation between Communism and Liberalism
17:00  Writing Andrew Yang's speeches and accepting the bribe of UBI
18:00  What could the alt-right win?  
19:00  Spencerian Accelerationism 
20:00  Spencer will not be agreeing to an interview with me.
21:00  Spiritualism
22:00  The matriarchy doesn't give a damn about the men who aspire to become married fathers
23:00  Forget Secular Koranism, because Indo-Aryan neo-paganism is in the course of being created and crafted by Gandalf and Daniel Sienkiewicz to plug the moral vacuum of idolatrous and kaput Christianity. They subscribe to the rejectionism of all the Abrahamic faiths being promoted by Church of Entropy who says Christianity and Islam are "Jewish" and should be rejected on that basis.
24:00  Legacy
25:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity is ipso facto idolatry.  
26:00  Conducting another Inquisition and waging another Crusade
27:00  White supremacy and Western imperialism
28:00  Political activism according to the larpers, losers, degenerates and neurotics of the alt-right
29:00  Unprincipled men of the alt-right

30:00  Church of Entropy denies the actual existence of Christ but the unprincipled duo of Brundlefly and Jen are now in an unholy alliance against me when the Koran acknowledges the existence of Christ and the Virgin Birth. 

Jen Scharf: "There is no actual evidence to suggest that Jesus and Muhammad existed. We could just as easily say that these were invented fantasies to justify the monopoly on usury that the Jews already had. "

31:00  Church of Entropy and her proposed theocracy  
32:00  Jared Taylor and Greta Garbo
34:00  Sex and drugs and rock and roll
Are the Chinese trying to give the West unsolicited advice on how to choose their leaders better now that liberalism is obsolete?
39:00  Thucydides Trap  
Ten is a minyan or minimum of Jews required for a public prayer.
41:00  Rabbi Sacks on children at risk because of the tolerance of Slut Single Mothers
42:00  Rabbi: Jews Should Choose Death Over Allowing LGBTQ Lessons in School

12:00  "My starting point is philosophical, literary and artistic: it is not pragmatic politics."
14:00  The right-wing is just reacting to events and on the defensive.
18:00  Nietzsche and nihilism
19:00  Romanticism, nationalism and grandpa's liberalism
23:00  U2 and Liberal Catholicism
26:00  Cringey singing by Spencer
27:00  Blood and soil, Nihilism and meaninglessness
28:00  Scandinavians and Consumerism
31:00  Spencerian "morality" of going to the gym and having sex with women not his wife
32:00  Hades, flourishing, being weak and boring
33:00  Jews "sucked", Christianity, Liberalism, Nihilism
34:00  The fall of the Roman Empire
35:00  Sexual morality
36:00  Post-modern Americans
37:00  The status and statue of Robert E Lee, the slave owner
39:00  Radical morality and the liberal paradigm
40:00  Spencer would prefer a Radical Communist to create a confrontation with "weak, limp Conservative-Liberals" to the status quo. He wants nihilism to be a drunk driver driving over the speed limit to bring about a confrontation, which he thinks the alt-right would win. But he denies being an accelerationist and claims he only wants a "spiritual" confrontation and is not a materialist.
42:00  A rebuilding of liberalism or Chinese hegemony, "our hegemony"
43:00  "We are not ever going to be left alone", "re-establishing Rome"
44:00  Jared Taylor
45:00  "We live on a world island."
47:00  "We should go out and conquer the world."
49:00  "Collective/spiritual death", "deep rot"
50:00  "Obsession with the Chinese"
51:00  "We allowed this to happen."
52:00  Tattoos
54:00  Imperialism, exploitation, oil, colonialism, the white man's burden
55:00  American global hegemony
57:00  The anti-hero, the villain, the Great Satan, global hegemony, doing evil in order to do good
58:00  Pax Americana and the Thucydides Trap
59:00  "I want a white hegemony but I want it done by other people." "As an aspiring elite, I can at least offer some respect to the current elite in the sense that this whole system works."  "The global order should be respected." "Some respect should be shown to our imperial overlords."  "Our rival elites"
1:01:00 ""We have to recognise the other", "a vision of Africa",  "a vision for Native Americans", "a radically traditionalist vision for Native Americans"
1:03:00  "certain responsibilities we owe to them"  "White supremacy was what kept the world in order."
1:04:00  "radical traditionalist solutions", "imperialism", "soft jazz playing in the background"

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