
Monday, 19 February 2018

Simon Sheppard says our justice system is now feminine and men should now be very very afraid

How women are now in the key positions of state. Few women have a developed sense of justice, even those in the legal profession.

Theresa May is our female Prime Minister, Amber Rudd is our female Home Secretary, Alison Saunders is our female Director of Public Prosecutions, Chantal Aimee Doerries is Madam Chairman of the Bar Council

Middle class men are too afraid to challenge feminism because they are afraid of being accused of a historic sexual offence or of their wives divorcing them and then taking half their stuff and depriving them of their children.

Philip Davies MP who used to make a stand against feminism is now too cucked and afraid to challenge feminism. Can anyone tell me when it was he last made an anti-feminist comment? You can be sure that the feminazi MPs have put the frighteners on him. He also knows that there is no such thing as male solidarity amongst male Tory MPs so if the feminazis get him, there will no masculine call to rally to his aid. Atomised Western men are invariably atheist, unprincipled and cannot think beyond the next election or sexual encounter.

Roger Scruton, Conservative philosopher, is now so old and doddery that he must know that his wife will soon be his nurse so he will understandably refrain from criticising feminism for the sake of domestic harmony. He has already told me his views on feminism is exactly that of Christina Hoff Sommers', no more and no less. (It is a bit like an anti-Semite saying exactly 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, no more and no less, wouldn't you say?) He also has a son to put through Eton, that school for unprincipled public school cucks. Don't expect him to risk any of that on your behalf, O Oppressed Men of the Matriarchy! Old men lose their testosterone and become old women, afraid to say too much in case their teeth fall out, or if saying anything should make their nurse angry at them and treat them roughly.

Isn't it a delicious irony that I, a female and a foreigner, should presume to care more about oppressed white men oppressed by feminism who are not my father, husband nor son? It must be because I am that rare female with a sense of justice, I suppose. It is probably because I was not born here and had part of my education abroad that made me retain some kind of decency, principle and fighting spirit, for which I only have my parents to thank. I like to think of myself as the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, doing it only because there is no one else around to do it.

Peter Hitchens: "I'm a feminist, of course I am!"

According to Simon, the subliminal message being promoted by the liberal media is that it is OK for justice to be withheld from people you dislike and even hurt and kill them, especially if you think they are racists.  

Will the West go the way of the Qing Dynasty during the Boxer Rebellion if its massive matriarchal mistakes remain uncorrected?

O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah , witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.

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