
Thursday, 27 September 2018

On being compared to Rose West for not agreeing with the Islamophobic narrative

Because I challenged the Islamophobic narrative of Muslims terrorists and Muslim sex predators committing their crimes because of their religion, I have been compared to Rose West and called "an enabler" of something or other. Anyone noticed to have expressed agreement with the points I have been making on Facebook have been denounced as "bottom feeders". I am also accused of wanting to integrate "Muslim sex perverts".

Much has been made of the fact that I said Muslim criminals would make the most of their opportunities for criminality in a culture of tolerating underage sex. (The Gillick case - establishing the concept of Gillick Competence - gave doctors the legal right to give underage girls contraception without telling their parents, if they thought the girl knew what she was doing. This House of Lords decision was made in 1985. Presumably, underage girls already knew that fornication could result in unwanted pregnancy, which was why they wanted to get the pill from their doctor.)

It seems that pointing out that a culture of tolerating underage sex would only make child prostitution inevitable has turned me into a terrorist sympathiser and a paedophile sympathiser.

It is interesting that the two people who think that Muslim sex predators and terrorists commit their crimes because of their religion refuse to condemn the practice of doctors aiding and abetting underage sex.

I keep asking them their position on Gillick competence, and they keep refusing to answer. I suppose I have to conclude that they want the status quo of continuing to condone underage sex while complaining about Muslims sex predators preying on underage girls. This is so they can continue to feel the righteous indignation they so enjoy feeling while promoting their unofficial religion of Islamophobia.

Doubtless, Tommy Robinson too would take the same position they do which is that doctors should continue being allowed to supply contraceptives to underage girls without fear of being charged with aiding and abetting underage sex.

My proposal of making extramarital sex a crime in particular of punishing unmarried parents with 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring as prescribes is a bit too radical for them. But I just don't see why it wouldn't work or what else would work.

Howard Flight echoes Keith Joseph's 1974 warning that 'our human stock is threatened'

Widely regarded as a Prime Minister in waiting, Keith Joseph, Jew, as long ago as 1974 tried to warn the gentile that his "human stock is threatened" because of the policy of enabling and tolerating single motherhood. However, for his pains he had a woman beat him to becoming leader of the Conservative Party and after that Prime Minister.

If politicians who stick their necks out over a principle and tell the truth are badly treated, then the British public must not be surprised if none of them will do so again. The result is that we now only have unprincipled charlatans in charge trying to do as well as they can before they are removed from office.

If Jeffrey Epstein were my friend before his conviction ...

Why is no journalist asking what Shaun Wright meant when he asked "Why are you picking on Rotherham?"

Why sacking everyone in Rotheram local government will do NO GOOD AT ALL

Race has NOTHING to do with why police were initially reluctant to pursue Muslim sex predators

Claire Khaw in conversation with John Collins from 1:40:00

Does Islam stop Muslims from committing sex crimes?

Why supporters of anti-immigration parties tend to hate and fear Islam and Muslims

It is my view that "organic response" implies a threat perhaps of violence. I have sought clarification, but this has been denied, followed by an invitation to join him in attending a Tommy Robinson rally at the Old Bailey on 2 October 2018. Probably, if  I had been stupid enough to accept his invitation, I imagine that his plan would have beeen to "out" me to the assembled Tommy Robinson supporters and denounce me as "an apologist for Muslim terrorists and Muslim sex predators" and thereby cause me to fear for my safety so much that I would renounce Secular Koranism which he would record on his phone.  

Is there just a hint that I should be able to do kung fu because he is planning something against me that might require the use of any martial arts skills I might have? 
This stream has been deleted.
This stream has been deleted.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...