
Monday 30 September 2013

The wisest thing a BNP member said about Muslims and Islamophobia after attending an MPACUK conference

Asghar Bukhari

Jeffrey Marshall of the BNP:

"The pretence that Muslims and left-lberals see eye to eye is really a nauseating conceit. Islamists are basically conservative (they would have to be if they followed the Koran) and they should openly support family values - not just keep their mouths shut over things like gay marriage. 

One bad impression I got from MPACUK's recent meeting in Barking was that Muslims are really only concerned for their own interests as a kind of pressure group - in this respect they are no different from Stonewall or feminists or Scottish Nationalists. Just as long as their interests are protected they don't much care what others do. 

It is almost as though they don't really see this as their own country - which is not really surprising, I guess. However, nationalists are at least concerned with the state of our nation as a whole. If Muslims were to be less concerned only with themselves, they could help us rebuild a decent country."

This is how I see it:

  1. Feminism is against religion, because religion is patriarchal.  Have you noticed that Judaism is a bit racist, or that Christianity and Islam are just a bit sexist and homophobic?  
  2. Feminism is also against Nationalism, because Nationalism is patriarchal.  
  3. Feminism is against social conservatism, because it promotes female promiscuity. 
  4. Social conservatism is now so marginalised it only exists fitfully in the BNP and UKIP and is constantly being salami-sliced away by their cowardly leaders.  
  5. The BNP and UKIP are afraid to question or criticise feminism because they fear alienating half their potential voters.  
  6. Most British women are sluts ie fornicatresses who have extramarital sex and most British men are MCSFs  (Morally-Compromised Slut Fuckers).  This makes the children of these sluts and MCSFs bastards.  You cannot do much with people like that without a rigorous and radical programme of moral regeneration, and this would probably involve something as revolutionary as an Islamic Revolution.  
  7. MPACUK ought to promote Secular Koranism (ie the idea of infusing the UK legal system with Koranic principles without converting a single soul and leaving the judiciary who do not have to be Muslim to interpret the laws), but they fear to tread in the territory of Anjem Choudary who commends Sharia law to the horrified British.  
  8. Most Muslims are afraid to challenge feminism because they fear being hated more than they are already.  
  9. The Sacred Cows of the British are: (a) The Welfare State (b) Feminism (c) SSMs 
  10. Even now men fear to read Simon Sheppard's Sex and Power available at which is the male equivalent of The Female Eunuch explaining their oppression.  

Sunday 29 September 2013

The Coronation of Poppea by the English Touring Opera

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this yesterday.  The cast was excellent, but I should mention two in particular.  John-Colyn Geantey (who is black) played Poppea's nurse was delightful.  He was utterly convincing in character right down to the gait of the nurse.  I was reminded of Mammy being played by Hattie McDaniel in Gone With The Wind.  He really did have the best lines, warning Poppea that to wish for marriage to Nero would be to wish for death amongst other things.  Singing Poppea to sleep he exuded all the love of a concerned mother anxious for her daughter's future. While exulting in Poppea's marriage to Nero, he was quite simply exultant.  Geantey is indeed a rising star and I look forward to seeing him again, especially in similar roles.  

I should also mention Hannah Pedley who completely brought home to me very starkly the miseries of exile as Ottavia the ex-wife of Nero.

The audience was distinctly elderly, but perhaps that could soon change with the right kind of marketing.  

The final song was of course the sexiest song in opera, for all time, probably.  You can hear it at near the end of the 28th minute.  

I quite see that Monteverdi's contemporaries were rather uneasy that such a ravishingly beautiful aria should emerge from the mouths of characters known for their foul deeds.  

Highly recommended.  

If I had loads of money I would certainly some of it lob it at the ETO, who are held in affection by me for the raciness of their stage directions.  

I saw them in Penang once many years ago doing The Marriage of Figaro.  There were only three singers and the stage was practically bare.  The singing was faultless, and I remember how the audience was a little taken aback by the male character fondling the breasts of a female character from behind.  

I enjoyed it so much I saw a full production of it in London but that was really so very disappointing.

Three cheers for ETO!  

Does anyone want to see Agrippina or Jason with me next month?  

Saturday 28 September 2013

Why are these "men" of the Left so afraid of a few little questions by little old me?

Examples of questions I have asked:

  • Would you agree that Post Modernism is a state of denial? (The thing that is being denied in Post Modernism is the consequences of thinking we can dispense with the strictures of religion in order to maintain our civilisation.)‎  
  • Would you agree that Modernism is the idea of thinking we can dispense with the strictures of religion in order to maintain our civilisation?‎  
  • What is modernism? 
  • Do you think Islam will come after post modernism? 
  • What comes after post modernism?
  • What does it mean to be modern?‎  
  • How do you know when you have good government? 
  • Were the Ancient Greeks and Romans Fascist?
  • Would you say that whether we have good government is more far important than whether our government is considered democratic, liberal or legitimate?‎  
  • Irrespective of what you think of Conservatism or members of the Conservative Party, do you think a party that refuses to state its principles is a fraud on its members and voters? 
  • Did you know that the Conservative Party of Britain does not have any principles at all and refuses to state them?

Thesis (Modernism), Antithesis (Post Modernism), Synthesis (Theocracy)

Modernism is the idea of thinking we can dispense with the strictures of religion in order to maintain our civilisation and Post Modernism is a state of denial of the consequences of dispensing with the strictures of religion. Post Modernism can only be followed by a Theocracy.

Friday 27 September 2013

The Ancient Greeks and Romans were in fact *Fascists*

When Hitler was going on about his Thousand Year Reich, what could he have been thinking of but the Romans?

Where did the Nazi salute come from?  It was really the Roman salute.

Personal virtues

These are the qualities of life to which every citizen (and, ideally, everyone else) should aspire. They are the heart of the Via Romana — the Roman Way — and are thought to be those qualities which gave the Roman Republic the moral strength to conquer and civilize the world. Today, they are the rods against which we can measure our own behavior and character, and we can strive to better understand and practice them in our everyday lives.

  1. Auctoritas  - "Spiritual Authority" The sense of one's social standing, built up through experience, Pietas, and Industria.
  2. Comitas - "Humour" Ease of manner, courtesy, openness, and friendliness.
  3. Clementia - "Mercy" Mildness and gentleness.
  4. Dignitas - "Dignity" A sense of self-worth, personal pride.
  5. Firmitas - "Tenacity" Strength of mind, the ability to stick to one's purpose.
  6. Frugalitas - "Frugalness" Economy and simplicity of style, without being miserly.
  7. Gravitas- "Gravity" A sense of the importance of the matter at hand, responsibility and earnestness.
  8. Honestas - "Respectibility" The image that one presents as a respectable member of society.
  9. Humanitas - "Humanity" Refinement, civilization, learning, and being cultured.
  10. Industria - "Industriousness" Hard work.
  11. Pietas - "Dutifulness" More than religious piety; a respect for the natural order socially, politically, and religiously. Includes the ideas of patriotism and devotion to others.
  12. Prudentia - "Prudence" Foresight, wisdom, and personal discretion.
  13. Salubritas - "Wholesomeness" Health and cleanliness.
  14. Severitas - "Sternness" Gravity, self-control.
  15. Veritas - "Truthfulness" Honesty in dealing with others.

Public virtues

In addition to the private virtues which were aspired to by individuals, Roman culture also strove to uphold virtues which were shared by all of society in common. Note that some of the virtues to which individuals were expected to aspire are also public virtues to be sought by society as a whole. These virtues were often expressed by minting them on coinage; in this way, their message would be shared by all the classical world. In many cases, these virtues were personified as deities.

For more, see Aquila - The Public Roman Virtues (Nova Roma).

  1. Abundantia - "Abundance, Plenty" The ideal of there being enough food and prosperity for all segments of society.
  2. Aequitas - "Equity" Fair dealing both within government and among the people.
  3. Bonus Eventus - "Good fortune" Rememberance of important positive events.
  4. Clementia - "Clemency" Mercy, shown to other nations.
  5. Concordia - "Concord" Harmony among the Roman people, and also between Rome and other nations.
  6. Felicitas - "Happiness, prosperity" A celebration of the best aspects of Roman society.
  7. Fides - "Confidence" Good faith in all commercial and governmental dealings.
  8. Fortuna - "Fortune" An acknowledgement of positive events.
  9. Genius - "Spirit of Rome" Acknowledgement of the combined spirit of Rome, and its people.
  10. Hilaritas - "Mirth, rejoicing" An expression of happy times.
  11. Iustitia - "Justice" As expressed by sensible laws and governance.
  12. Laetitia - "Joy, Gladness" The celebration of thanksgiving, often of the resolution of crisis.
  13. Liberalitas - "Liberality" Generous giving.
  14. Libertas - "Freedom" A virtue which has been subsequently aspired to by all cultures.
  15. Nobilitas - "Noblility" Noble action within the public sphere.
  16. Ops - "Wealth" Acknowledgement of the prosperity of the Roman world.
  17. Patientia - "Endurance, Patience" The ability to weather storms and crisis.
  18. Pax - "Peace" A celebration of peace among society and between nations.
  19. Pietas - "Piety, Dutifulness" People paying honor to the gods.
  20. Providentia - "Providence, Fortethought" The ability of Roman society to survive trials and manifest a greater destiny.
  21. Pudicita - "Modesty, Chastity." A public expression which belies the accusation of "moral corruptness" in ancient Rome.
  22. Salus - "Safety" Concern for public health and wellfare.
  23. Securitas - "Confidence, Security" Brought by peace and efficient governance.
  24. Spes - "Hope" Especially during times of difficulty.
  25. Uberitas - "Fertility" Particularly concerning agriculture.
  26. Virtus - "Courage" Especially of leaders within society and government.

These virtues are the opposite of what liberals preach, are they not?

They prefer the seven deadly sins topped with the icing of self-pity.

The symbolism of the fasces suggested strength through unity; a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is very difficult to break.

Think of any Fascist symbol or even the swastika and compare that to the sorry infantilised blurred torn rags we now have today for what passes for ideology or morality and you will see what I mean.

Hardly anyone studies the Classics now, with the results that are now plain to see.

Compare the Twelve Tables of Rome to the Conservative Party who cannot find their principles anywhere and seem to think they are contained in David Cameron's Foreword in their 2010 General Election manifesto.

Feminists would be horrified by the position of women in those times and wish to suppress knowledge of any patriarchy that existed before the hegemony of feminism, wouldn't they?  The historical ignorance of the typical British schoolchild is testament to success of the female-dominated teaching profession in suppressing knowledge of the patriarchal past.
Are Conservatives just people who don't know they are Fascist?

A few verses from Homer dampens my hopes of becoming Dictator of Britain any time soon

As I was casually leafing through Homer's Odyssey, I came across this arresting paragraph.

Zeus now addressed the immortals:

"What a lamentable thing it is that men should blame the gods and and regard *us* as the source of their troubles, when it is their own transgressions which bring them suffering that was not their destiny. 

Consider Aegisthus: it was not his destiny to steal Agamemnon's wife and murder her husband when he came home. He knew the result would be utter disaster, since we ourselves had sent him Hermes, the keen-eyed Giant-slayer, to warn him neither to kill the man nor court his wife. For Orestes, we we told him, was bound to avenge Agamemnon as soon as he grew up and thought with longing of his home. Yet with all his friendly counsel Hermes failed to dissuade him. And now Aegisthus has paid the final price of all his sins." 

Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.

This does not bode well for my plan to transform Britain into a one-party theocracy.

Let us hope that patience and perseverance as well as good fortune and perspicacity will be enough to allow me to achieve my object before too much longer.

Questions for Andrew Brons of the British Democratic Party

My message to Andrew Brons of today:

"Whether ethno-nationalists like it or not, Civic Nationalism is the only way towards electoral respectability.  When racial nationalists say they will be voting UKIP at the 2015 General Election, they are in fact conceding that Civic Nationalists have won the argument."  

Would Andrew Brons care to comment on this?

I have a few more questions:

  1. If civic nationalists have indeed won the argument, it is not time for ethno-nationalists to acknowledge this, and plan for the future on this basis?
  2. If civic nationalists have indeed won the argument and voters use UKIP as the biggest stick with which to beat the Tories with at the 2015 General Election, how likely do you think the voter is to return to ethnno-nationalism at the General Election after that?
  3. If you think it is unlikely that the voter would return to the ethno-nationalist parties after voting UKIP at the next General Election, do you think it is now time for the BDP and BNP to go civic nationalist sooner rather than later so that you are in a position to compete with UKIP at the next General Election?  
  4. If you are thinking of going civic nationalist sooner rather than later, do you think have a non-white such as Claire Khaw in your party in a prominent position would show that you are doing more than paying lip service to civic nationalism and utterly transform your image from being racist evil extremist antisemites and Islamophobes to something more morally and intellectually respectable?
  5. If you think civic nationalism is boring, do you think Claire Khaw would be the best person in Britain to make civic nationalism attractive, inclusive and exciting?  
  6. Are you aware that the Claire Khaw has been described as a "British Nationalist Philosopher" by Hugh Muir of The Guardian? 
  7. Who else in nationalism has been described as such?  
  8. Are you afraid of letting Claire Khaw into your party because you fear she will take over?  
  9. What are you afraid she might do if Claire Khaw does indeed take over?
  10. Why don't you let Claire Khaw do the job that you ethno-nationalists clearly cannot?
  11. Would you say that your true position is that you would rather your race became hopelessly degenerate or even extinct rather than admit that ethno-nationalism is a dead duck?  
  12. Would you say that your true position is that you would rather your race became hopelessly degenerate if not actually extinct than accept any advice or assistance from Claire Khaw even as you know that ethno-nationalism has been a miserable failure for so many decades now?  
  13. Are you aware that Pride is a Deadly Sin?  
  14. Is it your intention never to have this debate so that you can take your ethno-nationalist beliefs with you to your graves?  

I wonder if I will receive a response.

  1. Will he pretend not to have received it?
  2. Will the message be passed on to him by whoever deals with his correspondence?  
  3. Or will it be deleted?
  4. Or ignored?
  5. If Andrew Brons does receive this and does not deign to respond, what might his reasons be?  
  6. Would it be because he does not know how to answer the question?
  7. Would it be because he fears to give a truthful answer?
  8. If he does not reply at all is it because of incompetence or intellectual dishonesty or just plain out and out racism ie he does not think I deserve a reply because of my race?   

We shall see!

Any nationalist who wants this question to be answered is requested to get in touch with Andrew Brons so that he knows that you know that the question is hanging in the air.  (This is written by Kevin Scott, I believe.) (Adrian Davies is the only one who earnestly advocates civic nationalism, but I can see the lot of them dragging their feet and blocking their ears, because, guess what, they don't want to do it.  For them to go civic, they would have to let me in, and that just wouldn't do it, would it?)

I am female and a foreigner, not white and male, so my views can safely be ignored. All they have to do is exclude me from their meetings and disable me from commenting on their little visited website.

Even if I am absolutely right about everything I say, they do not have to acknowledge this, they think to yourselves, and there is nothing I can do about it.

This is what these dishonorable men think and do.   But why would they wish to deny the truth?

Because these despicable men who fear to discuss this issue properly have become women. There is no other explanation, is there?

How I become a nationalist and discovered the cause of British malaise

When the BNP invited me to join their party and I accepted their invitation. My views have always been right of centre.

My political education consisted of working out why the party with the policies I most agreed with were the party that wanted to turf people like me out.  I did not assume, just because they wanted to turf me out, that they must be wrong.  It really was not hard for me to work out why they would mind.  Indeed, I remember feeling rather concerned for white people when I first arrived at Heathrow and saw how Asian West London was as I was driven through it into town.

The trouble with them is that no one will tell them why they are being overwhelmed by immigration. They prefer to blame the Jews, you see, rather than themselves and feminism.

It is to do with their birth rate.

Low birth rate = labour shortage

Feminist employment protection legislation causes a low birth rate.

The working mother became the divorced mother and the divorced mother the never married mother.

Most British mothers are never married mothers.

Most British mothers are bad mothers.

Because of this most members of the white working classes are not fit for purpose.

‘It’s not worth getting out of bed for less than £300 per week.” That was the insistent reply from the spokesman of a small group of young unemployed people I talked to.

“Why do you think anyone is going to pay you £300 per week when you can hardly read or write?” was my reply. We exchanged comments, getting ever more heated. “So you would make us take immigrants’ jobs would you?” I was asked. “You bet,” I retorted.
These young people were existing on an income of benefits supplemented perhaps by petty crime and drug dealing. Their belief that this was a satisfactory outcome filled me with horror. What kind of life would they be leading 10 years’ hence?

It is against this background of embedded dependency that the government’s latest set of welfare reforms need to be judged. Welfare is being reformed primarily to save money to reduce the structural deficit.

Now none of them will dare to criticise single mums because almost every woman they know is a single mum. If they offend single mums they won't get any sex or have to question the morals of their own mother.

BNP supporters are most affected by illegitimacy, but you will notice that the liberal establishment will not criticise SSMs either because if they do they will immediately alienate half their voters ie women.

Most British women are fornicatresses and most British mothers are SSMs.

Men are more racist than women because they are in practical terms more threatened by foreign men coming to their land and competing with them for jobs, resources and females, but because women don't feel threatened by immigration they dismiss the fears and concerns of men.

If extramarital sex were forbidden, then men would not have to flatter women they are not married to and pretend to agree with them in order to have sex with them.

However, since it is now the norm to have extramarital sex, then the only thing left for you to do if you are the one looking for sex is to flatter your target and this means masking the truth or even telling lies to achieve your object.

Telling lies in order to get sex from women corrupts your morals. It is not so much the sex, but the act of actively and consciously telling lies in order to get sex.

When you think of all the countries the West has invaded and bombed, you may wonder what they are doing it for and who is benefiting.

In fact, even if you believed in one or all the conspiracy theories going around it still makes no sense. I suspect the truth is actually surprisingly simple.

Because the Western man is afraid of his women, he can only take it out on Muslims by bombing them to make him feel a man again.

Listen to any explanation given by any warmongering politician.  The reasons really make no sense at all, do they?

In the conflict with Germany which began in August 1914, the desire to dominate and subdue women, a natural instinct with sound evolutionary origins, was expressed another way. Germany was subjugated instead, just as a man who has lost control at home seeks to dominate elsewhere. Moreover, the British government had itself become feminized, choosing as its enemy one more masculine than itself, the sort of enemy the female would have chosen. By attacking a more masculine opponent, males had been manipulated into serving the female interest. This hypothesis is supported by the following:

  1. The astonishing rapidity of the declaration of war against Germany, taking place even before a peace lobby could be organized. This was because, in effect, the government had already been at war for some years: the WSPU had publicly declared that a "state of war" existed in 1910.19 However the government's opponent was one for which their options for retaliation were very limited. Frustrated by the terror tactics of the suffragettes, and their impotence in fear of the public reaction which might result from any forceful response, the government was desperate for a "real enemy" they could properly engage.
  2. The suffragettes' alacrity in forming an alliance with the government on the outbreak of war. On 8 September 1914 Christabel Pankhurst returned from Paris and immediately gave a speech not on suffrage but on "The German Peril." Led by Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, militant suffragettes became the most enthusiastic advocates of the war. Copying Admiral Charles Fitzgerald with his initial group of thirty women, they became active all over Britain in "White Feather Brigades," handing white feathers to any man in civilian clothing with the intention of shaming him into enlisting.20 So fervent were they that demobbed soldiers, soldiers on temporary leave, civil servants and boys were confronted with this symbol of cowardice. Christabel Pankhurst crossed the Atlantic shortly afterwards to seek American support for the war. 
  3. Much of the propaganda of the time featured obvious sexual imagery. Typical was the portrayal of a masculine German "brute" and a vulnerable, feminine Belgium, which men were exhorted to rally to defend.

Anyway, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

Ex-BNP racial nationalists say they will vote UKIP at the next general election

Twenty Years On: Nationalist Unity meeting to remember Derek Beackon's election victory, September 1993

A meeting took place in East London to mark the September 1993 election of Derek Beackon in Tower Hamlets. This election win was against all the odds, and the strategy behind it was highlighted by long-standing British nationalist Richard Edmonds. Other speakers discussed the present political system's weaknesses

Part 2 of the nationalist election success in Tower Hamlets: former East London organiser Dave King gives his perspective on the events that shook the established political system, and the mainstream media.

The third part of the tribute to nationalist strategy for electoral success in East London. Four other speakers give their views on how a small group took on the big political parties, and won. (Frank Forte, Tess Culnane, Mike Newland, Jez Turner)

Part 4 of the tribute meeting to Derek Beackon's election success in East London. Peter Rushton gives a broad view of the setbacks that nationalism has faced in three decades, and how the principles behind the effort to regain national identity have not changed

If white racists get into power using civic nationalism, the first thing they will do is kick all non whites out including you
how will you convince white racists, that brown people are ok?
you mean you want to become the leader of the ethno nationalists first and then hopefully the civics will unite behind your new brand of nationalism when they say your popularity?
why don't you just bypass ethno nationalists? why spend so much time with them? they typically are low paid, uneducated and stupid, what do you gain by persuading them of your ideas? they are no use, why not just spend time with people who are already civic nationalists and are making progress
why do you spend a lot of time in the company of people who are racist?

Claire Khaw The problem with nationalism is that nationalists have no idea what they are going to do after they have turfed people out of their country.

People need a Big Idea that they want to be part of.
Kevin Scott And Claire's "big idea" is that we embrace the idea of the pro-immigration Labour leader of Newham, Sir Robin Wales, and promote 'integration'! Doh!!
by Mike Newland.   Since time began (well since the current official dogma becam...See more
Claire Khaw Never heard of it till you mentioned it, Kevin!
Kevin Scott But that is what you want (if I remember your very poor speech in Newcastle a year or so back,) isn't it, Claire?
Claire Khaw I was the only one who spoke in favour of civic nationalism, and you rather took against that.
Claire Khaw Still you and others have said you would vote UKIP next election, so you have implicitly conceded that civic nationalism has won the argument.
Kevin Scott Primarily because I am not a civic/state nationalist!
Claire Khaw I think you would all be a bit taken aback if I started advocating ethno-nationalism!
Claire Khaw Civic nationalism is not a state of mind, but a STRATEGY.
Kevin Scott Not really, I have voted UKIP in the past (the 1997 and 2001 general elections, plus the recent PCC elections last November.) At the last council elections I voted Green.
Claire Khaw Just because you have adopted this STRATEGY does not mean you care about your own people less.
Kevin Scott I am open to strategy, but not sell-out!
Claire Khaw In what way would have "sold out" if you do not actively go around being rude to other races and threatening to turf them out?
Claire Khaw People like you make UKIP's job harder. You must already know that the first step towards regaining national sovereignty is to leave the EU. Nothing you do makes any sense.

Perhaps it does if you enjoy going round in ever decreasing circles.
Susan Clapp Im only voting ukip because has i said we have no other choice, if something else comes along ill change my mind, we voted for griffin and look where he got us? Who can you trust, I'll take my chances and then hold my hands up if im wrong, but what else does anyone suggest.
23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
Claire Khaw Council elections are a WASTE of time. So are the Euro elections.
Claire Khaw The only election that matters is General Elections, and your scatter-gun approach is completely hopeless.

However, since you have no one who is MP material anyway, the whole exercise is irrelevant.

The best thing you can all do is take a long-deserved rest and vote UKIP.
Frank Forte When you break it all down. English , Irish Welsh and Scots are histoically WHITE CAUCASIAN. At one time the fact that a few ethnics had mixed in was of little to no consequence. That was WAY BACK THEN. The fact that our race is in serious danger of being ethnically cleansed due to crooked immigration policies and rocketing birthrate is cause for preserving our race and to some this means the REPATRIATION of ALL NON WHITES.
Claire Khaw I have said many a time that the problem of immigration is so bad in this country that even immigrants have a problem with immigration now.

You won't accept this because acknowledging the truth of this means having to embrace civic nationalism.
Claire Khaw You can say "Repatriate all non-whites" till you are blue in the face, but it will never happen if you cannot even get it together to trigger an EU referendum, will it?
Frank Forte No Claire, I do not see it happening either for a number of reasons. I understand those that feel that way though.
Frank Forte In the late 60's and early 70's There was every hope of doing this and it would have been the right thing to do.
Claire Khaw Ethno-nationalism is the equivalent of asking a girl you fancy if she fancies a shag.

Civic nationalism is the equivalent of asking her if you can buy her a drink.
Claire Khaw Ethno-nationalism is the equivalent of a child who has not been told by its mother not to begin any sentence beginning with "I want ... "
Frank Forte Not now though. Things have got too dire. I believe we have been sold out and betrayed by our Politicians. Now, if I am honest I really do not know what the solution is, other than to do what you can to get Nationalists into eventual power and THEN fight out your differences.
Frank Forte I DO ask my women for a shag.
Claire Khaw You have all given up. You seem to think that the only thing left for you to do is to be rude about other races, because that is all ethno-nationalism really means, *in practice*.
Frank Forte No Ethno Nationalism is NOT about slagging other races it is about PRESERVING yours.
Claire Khaw Oh, and living in the past and making a point of never doing anything new or different because that would mean you have betrayed your principles ...
Claire Khaw Not being rude about other races is not "betraying your principles".

Threatening to turf them out has not gotten you anywhere, has it?

The most successful nationalist party in Europe is Front Nationale and it is CIVIC nationalist.
Claire Khaw How can you preserve your own culture and race if men do not exercise masculine and parental authority?
Claire Khaw How can solve your problem when you refuse to deal with the causes but only complain about the symptoms?
Claire Khaw Let's just say people are prepared to listen to you and take you seriously.

When they ask you what you are going to do and how you will run the country after you have turfed out everyone you want to turf out, what have you to say to them?
Claire Khaw Even racial nationalists like Kevin Scott and Mike Newland have admitted that they have no option but to vote UKIP at the next General Election.

This means that civic nationalism has won the argument.
Claire Khaw Immigrants when they first arrive tend to vote for the party that let them in. They were told by Labour that the Tories would turf them out given half the chance.

Once they are here long enough they will think of supporting UKIP, or even the BNP!
Claire Khaw If you can't quite manage to turf them out you might as well try to get them to vote for you.
Claire Khaw If you go down the civic nationalist route, you can mop up all these votes.

Immigrants who complain about immigration are the most unrepresented lot of voter in this country.

They cannot complain to the LibLabCon because they will be reminded that they too are also immigrants, while they know the Eurosceptic parties don't like them much and they don't want to be seen as turkeys voting for Xmas.
Claire Khaw The only way to strengthen the Eurosceptic movement can only be by going civic and helping UKIP even if they say they don't need or want your help.

UKIP cannot defeat the LibLabCon on their own, can they?

Even the LibDems was the result of a merger of the Liberal Party and the SDP.
Frank Forte Yes I WILL vote for UKIP this time around and I will be voting for a Civic Nationalist Party If one appears. ONLY because any other type of Nationsalism will not get a look in.
Claire Khaw What the BNP should do is go OFFICIALLY AND EXCLUSIVELY civic.

Only when it has done so would it be in a position to compete with UKIP.

This is so OBVIOUS to me.
Claire Khaw In the case of nationalism, diversity of ideology is *not* strength.
Claire Khaw Currently, UKIP is the only anti-immigration party that you can say you vote for in mixed company without losing friends and business.

That is the bottom line.
Claire Khaw If the BNP won't go exclusively and officially civic, the BDP would be in a position to force its hand by doing so itself.

The BDP can only go officially and exclusively civic in a convincing way by having me as a member in a prominent position.

Once that is done, the BNP will follow suit and also go officially and exclusively civic.

Only when the BNP has gone officially and exclusively civic will your old party will be in a position to compete with UKIP again.
Claire Khaw When the BNP is officially and exclusively civic it can co-operate and do deals with UKIP as well as capitalise on Labour weakness and infighting.
Claire Khaw This can all be done easily and does not require any expenditure of money or resources.

I have in mind UKIP standing in Tory seats to threaten Tories, and the BNP standing in Labour seats to threaten Labour.
Claire Khaw If all you can say is "Let's just wait for things to collapse and take power when civil disorder to breaks out," you are not going to get the confidence and trust of the average voter, are you?
Claire Khaw It can be done with a nudge and a wink.

September is a big month for the far-right in this country. Today is the 20th an...See more
David King Why is this dragging on over a picture that was taken recently. The pic we used for Derek back then was nothing like this one. The fact is WE WON regardless. The people of Millwall voted based mainly on our housing policy and our slogan of 'RIGHTS FOR WHITES'. Millions of idiotic British people voted for Tony Blair because of his sickly smile and look where that got us. The people of Millwall were intelligent enough to see through the lies and fake smiles of the other candidates and voted for truth and facts.
23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Claire Khaw Who will you be voting for in the 2015 General Election, David?
David King Sadly Claire, it will have to be the best of a bad bunch, UKIP. There will be no BNP candidate in Basildon and UKIP are saying the things nearest to what I want to hear.
23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Claire Khaw David, your answer, and that of the others, suggests that there is a certain consensus even amongst racial nationalists, that civic nationalism has already won the argument.

The most useful thing the BNP can do now that it is hopelessly eclipsed by UKIP is to go officially and exclusively civic.

Only when it does that will it have a fighting chance of competing with UKIP again.

If the BNP won't listen the BDP can do so to start the ball rolling.

Remember that Front Nationale now officially civic nationalist and who says it is closer to UKIP than the BNP is only successful because it has come to terms with this political reality, ie that the majority of white people even in white countries do not want to be seen as racist.
Farage's politics are closer to Marine Le Pen's than to her father's Is Nigel Farage England’s Pierre Poujade or its Jean-Marie Le Pen? I say “Engl
Claire Khaw The most constructive thing the BDP could be doing is to acknowledge this reality, ie that the only viable way to be Eurosceptic and anti-immigration is to be civic nationalist.

Not only must the BDP acknowledge this, it must be seen to be show publicly that it understands this new reality.

To show that it has understood it and to show that is prepared to demonstrate its new civic nationalist credentials, it should have me in a prominent position in the party ie as Media Spokesman.

Now, what would be the problem with this, apart from the fact that you cannot bear the thought of this because you don't really want to be civic and want to remain ethno-nationalists?

Kevin Scott, have you been putting these arguments to Andrew Brons?
David King I dont see it as a case if Racial nationalism versus Civic nationalism. I see it as a reality that no true nationalist wants to vote for a Griffin led BNP that serves only to finance his lifestyle and ego. If the BNP was led today by someone with the decency, integrity and morals of Richard Edmonds, its support would come flooding back. So in the likelihood this will never happen or the absence of any other serious nationalist party/candidate in the Basildon area, I have to vote for the next best thing
22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Claire Khaw While Richard Edmonds is a good and rousing speaker, the fact remains that Nick Griffin is still the better man to connect with the average voter, and this is why more party members will always vote Griffin than for Richard in any leadership election.

It is not just a matter of choosing a leader whom you like and trust, but of also choosing a leader *who will connect with the average voter*.

If you don't understand this reality, you will not understand why you will never get anywhere in politics under your class system.

Do not forget that Nick Griffin is a public school boy and the average voter is a snob who can't help voting for someone in the class above them.

That was why the Tories voted for Cameron when he had no policies and ignored David Davies who was not a toff even though he had all the right policies.

That was why Labour could not get anywhere under the Welsh windbag Kinnock and only started motoring when they had a public school boy as their leader.

Please understand the reality of your class system.

It is not because people don't care about immigration that they won't vote for you. They all love your policies and have done so for decades, as you can see at It is because they already know which class the average BNP member belongs to.

I am sorry to put it so bluntly to you, but this is the reality you have to grasp before you can understand what it is you have to do have a realistic chance of rivaling UKIP or even being in a position to do deals with them.
A majority of people back the British National Party's policies, according to a ...See more
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2 · Remove Preview
Claire Khaw So this is what I suggest:

1. Discuss amongst yourselves whether I should be in the party.

2. Discuss amongst yourselves whether I would best serve the cause by being appointed BDP Media Spokesman.

Just doing that would make a difference in no time at all.

No canvassing or leafleting or fund-raising required.

Only discussion and decision!

I really would be happy to answer your questions in this regard.
David King Firstly. Dont you dare question my intelligence or understanding of the situation. Who the hell do you think you are ?

If you were intelligent enough to have read my last post correctly, you will see that my comment did not recommended Richard as party leader but called for someone with his qualities.

As for Griffin appealing to the masses, his appeal has seen the massive growth of the BNP and its current day collapse as people have in time seen through him and his inadequacies.
He will, I have no doubt, lose his seat at the next election and thanks to his conniving, trickery, lies and lack of sparkling personality or ability to perform in front of millions of tv viewers (question time), the BNP will become a distant memory.
Griffin's bubble has burst.
Now take your insults, smug and patronising comments elsewhere as you have now wasted enough of my time
22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Claire Khaw Who in nationalism has the qualities you ask for in a leader, David?
Claire Khaw I think Nick Griffin will keep his seat no problem in the 2014 MEP elections. Why do you think he might not?
Claire Khaw I have taken great care not to insult anyone but there is nothing I can do if you are determined to take offence. The fact remains that none of you have any new ideas. I do see that you would rather do nothing than consider seriously anything I have to suggest, because I am not one of you.

There is not much point being one of you either because I have already noticed that nationalists are not exactly known for treating each other well.

And that is why nationalism will never get anywhere.

I am only taking an interest because I see the Eurosceptic parties as being the only parties left in the country that might promote social conservatism, selective education, be against gay marriage as well as wanting criminals to be punished properly.

It would be nice if nationalists could get their act together instead of just being losers who are nasty, destructive, racist as well as out of ideas. By appearing to be all of the above, we make all the things we ask for seem undesirable and unwise.
Claire Khaw

Time is running out, people.

Under plans by the European Commission's vice president, Viviane Reding, it would assume far greater powers over life in the UK.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people just let it ha...See more
Claire Khaw The Asians don't have anti-miscegenation laws. It is enough for them to have honour killing, it seems.

It is all about parental and masculine authority, which you cannot retain if you don't respect the institution of marriage.

The reason why marriage is no longer respected is because so many people think they can still respect marriage even if they as they married parents the same as unmarried couples and say it is OK to have gay marriage.

But if you treat them the same then it means there is no practical difference between getting married and not getting married and it is cheaper and easier not to get married at all, isn't it?

The other thing is the welfare state. If there is no welfare state then people would keep in touch with their family a bit more as well as stay married to their spouses.

The state is the "husband" of the unmarried single mother. This means that the taxpayer is her "husband" who has all the responsibilities but none of the rights.

Something isn't quite right here, but does the BNP or the BDP ever discuss such things?
16 hours ago · Like


The future of the West is cyborg, mad scientist, Terminator and Robocop, says Aleksandr Dugin