
Tuesday, 20 November 2018

I complain about Greg Johnson

Sorry about it ending rather abruptly when I was talking about white genocide, but I am sure you get the gist of it. I don't know why that keeps happening.

The bit you missed was me complaining that he says he is too busy to discuss Heidegger and authenticity with me.

UK needs migration because Britons are 'so bloody stupid', says peer who wrote Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty

Fathers are sleazy and mothers are lazy: What foreign au pairs REALLY think of British parents

White Nationalism is a busted flush if White Nationalists refuse to discuss what religion to follow post-pogrom

Greg Johnson and I talk about sex and his latest book

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Failures of communication and comprehension

1:00  Speakers Corner 2:00  Hatun Tash 4:00  Posie Parker 7:00  Trump's foreign policy 8:00  Zelensky 9:00  Neocons 12:00  Starmer 13:00...