
Saturday 30 June 2018

Andy Nowicki On Where The Alt Right Went Wrong

1:31  Jews are just as divided between liberals and Conservatives as Western gentiles.

Nationalists are their own worst enemies because they are leaderless beta male victims of feminism without a moral system that they collectively subscribe to. They have no religion, in other words, and therefore no moral code. They are not even perceived as men worth leading, which is why senior Western politicians have ignored them completely because the risk of being seen to lead them is too great a risk and sacrifice.

2:59  "We are not special," says Dennis Dale. But we are the species that created God!  "We are not special,"


What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet,
to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me—
nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.

3:10  On repopulating the race, I wonder which the panel would choose:  On repopul

You are the last white man in the whole wide world.

The last white woman in the world is a fat slut.

There is another woman left in the world and she is beautiful, clever, kind and would obviously be a good mother for your children, but she is black.

You can only take one of them in your space ship to escape before the earth is hit by a deadly comet. Which one do you choose?

Every race and nation thinks they are exceptional. I know it is hard for you guys, because you have to deal with the simultaneous failure of your religion and your political system, one helluva a double whammy.

E Michael Jones said: "Without religion, we have no identity."

3:17 You can't only have a high trust low corruption society without a moral system which most of society adheres to, and this can only be done if most parents in your society are married parents. May I remind you of the illegitimacy rate in Canada (50%) and the US (40%)? The link between illegitimacy and criminality is well-established.   You can't only have a The illegitimacy rate in Jamaica is 85%.

3:20  "Content Watcher is not a practical, systematic political thinker"?  He seems very able to allow the facts to change his mind. Even if my one party theocracy were implemented yesterday, the fact remains that   "Content W Western civilisation as we know it will have ended. Since both Christianity and representative democracy are both coming to the end of the line at the same time , the best that can be hoped for is that the transition from worse to better will not be too prolonged and painful.

Plum Tree Nationalism

Esoteric Annihilationism

Some of you may wish to read my comments in the chat.

The following are my comments under the video.

Sceptical indecision is risk-averse self-interest that refuses to make the investment of embracing patriarchy or even understanding how it is constructed.

It is easier to hate Jews and Muslims and insist on resting on your laurels.

Action + Meditation = Wisdom + Success

When you change your mind, you change your algorithm. When a nation changes a law, it changes a small part of its algorithm. When it changes its religion or political ideology as well as its political system, it is called a revolution because its previous and obviously faulty algorithm is replaced by the new hopefully better one.

26:00  Only the Greek dialectic will free us from the fetters of this world. Ah, suddenly Shiva, the God of Destruction of Stupid Ideas and Opinions, hoves into view ...  

I come in on the 48th minute.

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang

1:12  Kevin Grace: "Feminism and capitalism march hand in hand." The other enemy that feminism marches hand in hand with is socialism.

The normalisation of the working mother normalised the divorced mother.

The normalisation of the divorced mother normalised the single mother.

The normalisation of the single mother normalised the unmarried single mother.

The normalisation of the unmarried single mother normalised a culture of excuses and entitlement.

1:25 Owners, management and shareholders of the company don't care about the long term future of the company because they can cash out any time.

Working mothers do not have as many children as full time mothers leading to a declining birth rate and a senescent populace. The lower the birth rate, the higher the average of the populace.

The lower the birth rate, the higher the demand for cheap immigrant labour.

The more senescent the populace, the more risk-averse and feminised the men become.

Young sexy women have the most power.

As for the older generation, men pop off sooner than women so even amongst the elderly, elderly women impose their preferences on elderly men and political parties continue to pander to the preferences of both elderly women as well as young sexy women further marginalising the male preference in youth and age. would justify the repeal of anti-discrimination and affirmative action legislation.

1:28  What is good for the race = the long term national interest = nationalism

Promoting the long term national interest means thinking beyond the next election, which is always less than five years away.

This means abolishing representative democracy and establishing a one party theocracy.

You would have to admit that China and Iran are one party states and are the only races and nations enjoying an independent foreign policy and national sovereignty not subject to Western imperialist hegemony.

1:40   Dennis Dale: "The Japanese saved the American car industry by forcing them to compete against the Japanese car industry."

Dennis Dale's post about the discussion is at

One woman defends Secular Koranism surrounded by a virtual sea of Islamophobes!

It is me at the beginning, so just listen till you get bored.  

Friday 29 June 2018

Lord Monson, who lost both his sons to drugs, wants to legalise cannabis. #waronskunk

Thursday 28 June 2018

Trump Gets Another Supreme Court Vacancy

Kevin complains about me from 2:41:

"I have been feeling this stalking going on in my own case in the last few weeks. I'll just say an internet user who I'll call the Crow ... "

Luke: What's she been doing to you, Kevin?

Kevin [with a long-suffering sigh]: 15 to 20 or 25 every day and this latest bit of 'Oh yeah, you're not gay but we're going to call you Vicky after Victoria' ... you look at the screen and it's there and before you decide to look away you've taken in a certain amount and it's become obsessive. It could be a troll or a prank, but I kind of doubt it.

My tweets to Kevin can be found at

Luke: Do you think she is dangerous?

Kevin: No, obviously she's of no danger to me because she's like 5000 miles away, and there's an ocean there, but I was talking about New York City and that low level of hostility, the idea that there's a person out there who's obsessed with you and has the means to contact you, it's a little worrying, but I had an actual stalker once, so this is nowhere near as bad as that. I had a man who heard me on CBC radio ....


CHAT COMMENTS in which Pepe asks a very interesting philosophical question.

Pepe Sells but Who's Buying?​ If Kevin never checked his Twitter, would the stalking still exist?


For what it's worth, Luke, let these people say what they want if it is not really too awful. If they cannot say what they want to you, they are more likely to want to do you violence. The other day you were saying that women worry more about being a victim of violence than me, but statistically, it is men who are more likely to suffer violence.  
It is a shame none of the reports on the murdered Japanese blogger said what the quarrel was all about.  
All I can say is that we political bloggers must have Emunah and Bitachon while trying as much as we can to avoid the sin of Lashon Hara to minimise risk. All political principles that you hold dearly are worth dying for. If political bloggers cannot at least pay lip service to this, then it means there is nothing really that we really believe in, and if so, then we are really no better than cattle reared for meat.  
My other suggestion is to not get personal even if the other person is. There is also a noticeable difference in emotional levels when you use the vocative and  when you are  referring to someone in the third person. Debating societies have a convention of making participants address each other in the third person and Parliamentarians are obliged to call each other "the Honourable Member for Brentwood & Ongar", for example, rather than "that drunken liar I see before me". 

Wednesday 27 June 2018

The belief in a Jewish conspiracy is caused by the defects of Christianity

E Michael Jones appears at 39:02.

Thoughts that occurred to me while listening to E Michael Jones who no longer speaks to me though we did speak twice.


The Pope and Curia are managing the decline of the Catholic Church and feeding off its corpse. Judaism failed Jews in Ancient Israel when they had a corrupt priesthood. The Saducees were the ancient equivalent of the liberal elite, and the Pharisees were the ancient equivalent of Trump supporters. Israelis would be well-advised not to rebuild the Third Temple, if they know what's good for them. Islam is the religion that recognises the logic of having the laws of a society conforming to its chosen moral system. Therefore the closest people to a priesthood Islam would have is the judiciary. While judges can also be corrupted, the fact remains that legal decisions are open to public scrutiny and subject to appeal. What goes on behind the scenes in any priesthood are dark and dirty secrets.


Whites will have no identity until and unless they have a religion that maintains minimum standards of sexual morality. The first step towards achieving this goal is to have a media that is prepared to discuss these things openly and honestly. It is for this reason that White Nationalists need the support of non-whites, Muslims and Jews already in the West also concerned about the way things are going. It is wrong to assume that Muslims who are already US citizens want more Muslim immigration the way it is wrong to assume all white people would relish all their family descending on them at the same time. Insistence on racial exclusivity will impede this goal. It is therefore imperative that the alt-right be represented by its most telegenic, fair-minded and impartial white men. Richard Spencer may be dreamy and easy on the eye, but my view is that someone like Dennis Dale is needed. I find myself warming to him even as I know that he is a White Nationalist only concerned about the welfare of white people. My other favourite White Nationalist is Ann Coulter even though I know she is a bit of a neocon. I know most white people can't help being neocons because they understandably subscribe to the idea of Western imperialism which is of course what gives them their racial pride. However, all empires decline, especially if their religion and political system start to fail and senior politicians are in denial. The key to redemption is the ability to acknowledge one's mistakes and undergo the process of Teshuvah. Humility is therefore the key to redemption.


The Four Steps of Atonement
In Jewish tradition, the process of atonement has four clearly defined stages:

Step 1, Regret. Realize the extent of the damage and inwardly adopt of feeling sincere regret.
Step 2, Ceasing.  Immediately stop the harmful action.
Step 3, Confession and restitution. Verbalize the mistake and ask for forgiveness, either from God or from the wronged party. If possible, the wrong must be righted through compensation. If the sin is against God, acts of charity may be considered as restitution.
Step 4, Resolution. Make a firm commitment not to repeat the sin in the future.


If you want my honest opinion, Jews run circles round Christians because Christianity is so stupid.

If you believe in the Trinity, you are stupid. If you only pretend to believe in it, you are corrupt.

If stupid and corrupt people and their stubbornly chauvinistic descendants suffer, it is for a reason. Jews always ask themselves what they have done to deserve their suffering, and this earns them brownie points to heaven, if they arrive at the correct answer. Is that not correct, Luke?

Once most Western men stopped being being Christian and married fathers in control of their unbroken families, that was basically the end of the Christian phase of Western civilisation . Now some transgender woman in the C of E is proposing to make belief in the Trinity no longer compulsory for Anglicans.

"The Private Member's Motion has been proposed by the Rt Rev’d Josie-Josiah Jimplecute, Bishop of Breadford, a diocese that has seen the highest number of Muslim immigrants to the UK. Bishop Josie-Josiah, the CofE’s first openly transgender bishop, has been pioneering Alpha for Allah, a course for Christians wanting to become Muslims."

The Trinity is of course the Achilles heel of Christianity. Catholic Kevin Grace still desperately clinging to his Catholicism loathes and fears me. If Christianity were not a failure, I would be prosecuted, incarcerated or perhaps burned at the stake for blasphemy.

This is basically deep down what Kevin Grace would like to do to me to shut me up: conduct an Inquisition. This was basically how Christians would "win the theological argument" against Jews and Muslims in previous centuries and against the Unitarian heretics of Christianity.

Just like Kevin Grace said of himself at, Christianity has now had its innings.


Jews should be divided between (1) the secular and (2) the observant . Amongst the observant, these should be further divided between (a) those who are merely ritually observant and (b) those who take the trouble to defend their religious principles through politics.

The best Jews are of course the 2b Jews. Can you think of any?

The most influential Jew in the world is Rabbi Sacks, who has blocked me on Twitter.

I think the reasons are because of the following posts.

Is it part of the job description of an Ambassador of God to warn and advise the gentile when his moral standards have fallen dangerously low?

Just as the Archbishop of Canterbury used to be the conscience of the English monarch, Rabbi Sacks is now the conscience of Western leaders

If only the Jews would do their religious duty and remind the gentile of the Noahide laws! Oy vey!

Distinguishing authentic Orthodox Judaism from Reform Judaism is crucial to preserving the good of Jewish identity and keeping observant Jews safe

Rabbi Bassous calls all Jews with the flame of the Torah still burning in their hearts to take a stand against "fundamental British values" which have fallen dangerously below the minimum standards of the Noahide laws that are but the decrees of Antiochus

E Michael Jones lumps all Jews together in a bid to smear them collectively for his Catholic convenience. How would you feel if the rest of the non-white world decided to exterminate white people to cleanse the earth of the dysgenic ideas of liberalism and feminism, just to make a point, because they can?


Why are Catholic priests mostly gay? Because, if you were an ambitious gay Catholic man, you would be heading straight for the Catholic seminary, wouldn't you?


E Michael Jones is disingenuous when he pretends he is not white. The world is really divided between Jews and gentiles and Jewish power is derived from the practice of Judaism. Jews are indestructible because they are indeed God's Chosen People who will always be protected by God to make a point. The point being made here by God is that your religion and political system should always be strong enough to accommodate Jews as minorities in your country and the only religion that can accommodate a Jews as a  minority and still do justice to both Jew and gentile is Islam.


It was Calvin who arrived at the clever idea of Christians practising  usury and blaming Jews for it when things go wrong.


African Christians will be killed if C of E accepts gay marriage, says Justin Welby
Archbishop says he has seen mass grave of Christians killed by neighbours who said they feared being 'made to become gay'

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Kevin Michael Grace On Red Hen & The Coming Civil War

I come in from the 14th minute.

56th minute  Why the Mexicans wouldn't put up with an immigrant invasion the Americans have

On the average age of a country affecting the National Character from 1:01

The feminine stratagem from 1:24 and Trump as alpha male of America and whether he is really in charge.

Trump backs down on migrant family separations policy

From 1:52 Kevin Grace quotes: "Privatise profits and socialise risks."

We discuss Corporate America and the oligarchy. I was going to say the second American Revolution should abolish the oligarchy and have a one party state like China, but they started talking about Kevin's avatar instead.

The US could become a one-party state without even having to change its constitution

Western democracy falters and looks to China

It was me who complained about Kevin's avatar in a previous podcast, so I can't complain now. I have previously suggested that his avatar should be a marijuana leaf.

After Analytical Chick and I are removed, Luke invites the men to discuss women. Kevin complains about my Twitter behaviour and Secular Koranism then starts having a lovely time talking about his time as a thespian, bad British teeth and his current life goal of getting teeth implants.

Martin Amis novels discussed.

Muriel Spark and ageing is mentioned. Apparently, being old is better than growing old.

At 2:29 Kevin is asked if he is gay. There is a shocked silence and then ....

at 2:31 Kevin complains about being stalked by me and my tweets to him at  which he says are like Another Tequila Sunrise.

Is Kevin the hired hand? Am I the woman runnin' round because Kevin who presumably neglects me is enjoying his tequila nights and sunrises? With whom am I runnin' round? Dennis Dale?

2:33 Luke Ford considers breaking his vow not to masturbate made on 13 June 2012 because he has seen some arousing photographs of me.

Kevin confesses to having a Chinese girlfriend once. Luke admits to succumbing to the Yellow Fever. Kevin says - rather hysterically in my view - that Oriental women who marry white men are "horrifying" and "disgusting". However, I would be the first to admit that we are not all angels.

The conversation then turns to the camp tones of Kevin.

Whether Muslims have the right to pray in Hyde Park to provoke the Islamophobes is also discussed.

2:39  Kevin thinks I am nuts and a Muslim and doesn't even want me to tweet in support of him because he hates me so much.

2:40  Luke Ford says he likes my comments on his videos.

They call me MATA HARAM.

2:41  Kevin Grace [dramatically and portentously]: "I have realised the full import of Claire Khaw!"

Dennis Dale: "She is so right. You just reject her message because she is a woman, and an Asian woman."

2:43  Q:  Do we want more Claire Khaw or the Yentl with the Beautiful Voice? A: We want more Dennis Dale!

Kevin says "Claire is fake!" and accuses me of being off topic when talking about a second American Civil War. Was I? I thought I completely addressed the question as quickly and as succinctly as I could, even down to the one of who would win if it happened. Oh dear, Kevin hates me so much he cannot bring himself to be fair to me. He should take cognisance of this verse in the Koran:  Do not let your hatred of your enemy prevent you from being just, Kevin!

2:48  Kevin tells us of his thespian past.

2:52  Kevin very sweetly white knights for me.

David Icke

Tom Selleck

Tom Cruise


3:06  Kevin caterwauls.

Their favourite movies

From 3:34  They talk about being being bullied at school. Kevin calls motiveless malignity Original Sin.

3:38 Ecce is complimented on his voice. I think it is a bookish preppy New England aristocracy voice. I imagine the narrator of The Great Gatsby having a voice like Ecce's.

They are basically talking about their Yetzer Hara without using the word.

Luke is pleased with the crazy stream. 

Monday 25 June 2018

CrossTalk Bullhorns: Demonization (Extended Version)

Alt Right Torah: Parasha Balak (Num. 22-25)

I first appear from the 26th minute on the proposal to male circumcision and Rabbi Sacks not promoting the Noahide laws as his great hero the late Rabbi Schneerson said Jews must, "by force or by more peaceful means".

And again at 1:25 on YouTube free speech rules.

From 2:14 I propose ways of dealing with the problem voters wanting their GIBs.

From 2:20 on female voters voting for left-wing parties. I repeat Ann Coulter's point.

Sunday 24 June 2018

The irresistible Truth, Logic and Morality of Secular Koranism

Saturday 23 June 2018

The trouble with Western civilisation

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Claire Khaw traduced by a member of the alt-right

Monday 18 June 2018

The 13 Principles of Secular Koranism

  1. There is no compulsion in belief.  (This means all anti-discrimination thoughtcrime legislation must be repealed eg the Equality Act 2010.)
  2. You can be atheist and support Secular Koranism if you think it is necessary to restore and protect the patriarchy. 
  3. You can be agnostic and support Secular Koranism if you think it is necessary to restore and protect the patriarchy. 
  4. You can be Christian and support Secular Koranism if you think it is necessary to restore and protect the patriarchy. 
  5. You can be Jewish and support Secular Koranism if you think it is necessary to restore and protect the patriarchy. 
  6. You can be Hindu and support Secular Koranism if you think it is necesstary to restore and protect the patriarchy. 
  7. You can be Buddhist and support Secular Koranism if you think it is necessary to restore and protect the patriarchy.
  8. You can be polytheist and support Secular Koranism if you think it is necessary to restore and protect the patriarchy.
  9. You agree that patriarchy must be protected from being undermined by the marriage-substitutes supported by feminism eg fornication, the civil partnership, gay marriage etc.
  10. You support the constitutional right Secular Koranism would give you of not being taxed more than a flat rate income tax of 20%.
  11. You support the abolition of usury as a means of curtailing Jewish power over the gentile. 
  12. You support the abolition of no-fault divorce.  
  13. You support in principle corporal and capital punishment when the interests of justice require it. 
[This post is dedicated to Analytic Chick and is intended to remind you of the 13 Principles of Judaism.]

Accused of being a disingenuous liar and a scoundrel because I didn't announce *at the very beginning* that I was as Secular Koranist

God and Nations

God (if He exists) is Darwinian

Religion and Nationalism

BNP Letter of Expulsion


REFERENCES TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND BETTER WHAT WAS DISCUSSED was the story about the female activists being made to leave the cafe in Paris that Ecce was talking about.

Up to 180,000 people a year could be paid resettlement grants of £50,000 to leave "overcrowded" Britain under the BNP's immigration policy, the party's leader Nick Griffin said today.

He stressed this would be a voluntary programme for those who were not defined as White British.

Mr Griffin also said the country's doors would be shut, except to those immigrants whose entry would suit the UK, such as physicists with specialist skills.

The exchange Adassamad Clarke and Claire Khaw had on Secular Koranism

Abdassamad Clarke the Muslim scholar blocks Claire Khaw from his Facebook page

How is heaven described in the Koran

"Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are the Abrahamic religions with the greatest numbers of adherents. Abrahamic religions with fewer adherents include the faiths descended from Yazdânism (the Yezidi, Yarsani and Alevi faiths), Samaritanism, the Druze faith (often classified as a branch of Isma'ili Shia Islam), Bábism, the Bahá'í Faith and Rastafari."

It doesn't matter whether you are Lebanon or Singapore, if you let in enough aliens they are going to change things. But why did you let them in in the first place? It is the logical inevitability of empire to become international and multiracial, because it is the nature of empire to annex the nations of other races. You can only acquire empire by invading the nations of other races. When this happens enough, the original people will find themselves a minority. This happened to the Romans too.

What I proposed about infanticide is already being done

When the Torah says “an eye for an eye”, the Talmud explains this is not taken literally but means monetary compensation must be paid for an injury.  When the Torah specifies the death penalty of stoning, the Talmud explains it meant the offender was hurled down from a high place – rather than pelted with stones.

Any revelation We cause to be superseded or forgotten, We replace with something better or similar. Do you [Prophet] not know that God has power over everything?  

When We substitute one revelation for another, – and Allah knows best what He reveals (in stages),– they say, "Thou art but a forger": but most of them understand not.

It doesn't matter whether you are Lebanon or Singapore, if you let in enough aliens they are going to change things. But why did you let them in in the first place? It is the logical inevitability of empire to become international and multiracial, because it is the nature of empire to annex the nations of other races. You can only acquire empire by invading the nations of other races. When this happens enough, the original people will find themselves a minority. This happened to the Romans too.


Nazi Germany’s leaders also harbored half-baked ideas about messaging to North Africa’s Muslims. Heinrich Himmler was the Third Reich’s most influential advocate of the instrumental use of Islam in war strategy. In the spring of 1943, as Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s army in North Africa stumbled to defeat, Himmler asked the Reich Security Head Office “to find out which passages of the Qur’an provide Muslims with the basis for the opinion that the Führer has already been forecast in the Qur’an and that he has been authorized to complete the work of the Prophet.”


The future of the West is cyborg, mad scientist, Terminator and Robocop, says Aleksandr Dugin