
Tuesday 31 July 2018

Defining the participants of the Culture War


1) Marriageable men

2) Men who want to be considered marriageable so they can one day have legitimate children to properly parent

3) Unmarriageable men prepared to say that promoting marriage is in the national interest because it is a child protection scheme for rearing the next generation in optimum conditions to prevent national degeneracy


4) Feminists wishing to destroy the patriarchy who know that feminism bribes men with fornication which distracts them from marriage and becoming fathers of legitimate children and their running dogs AKA men who pander to these women in order to fornicate with them AKA Morally Compromised Slut Fuckers (MCSFs)

5) Unmarried parents not prepared to admit the error of their ways

6) Those have no intention or prospect of getting married or becoming parents of legitimate offspring because they are LGBT or in some other way unmarriageable not prepared to pay lip service to marriage AKA unmarriageable childless men and women

Which category are you?


a) criminalise extramarital sex

b) abolish no fault divorce

c) repeal anti-discrimination legislation eg the Equality Act 2010

d) dismantle the welfare state

Too many Jews settling in Germany in the interwar years caused the antisemitism of Nazi Germany?

International Migration between the Two World Wars

The first sizable wave of post–World War I Jewish international migration from Eastern Europe occurred in 1918–1921, when more than 200,000 Jews emigrated from Soviet Russia to different European countries, mostly through neighboring Poland and Romania; they settled chiefly in Germany, and later in France. In the first years of the 1920s, however, many of these refugees joined the general Jewish migration movement to the United States and Palestine. Moreover, some migrated to these destinations later—especially those who escaped Germany after Hitler’s seizure of power—but in migration statistics they sometimes appeared as immigrants who originated from Russia/Soviet Union. For this reason the number of Jews who immigrated directly from Soviet Russia to the United States and Palestine is rather unclear.

White Man's Burden 
The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. Two of them, journalists William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer, say it's possible. But another journalist, Thomas Friedman (not part of the group), is skeptical

This suggests that too many Jews settling in Germany in the interwar years after they were kicked out by the Russians caused the antisemitism of Nazi Germany. 

When liberal Jews deliberately encouraged immigration into their host countries - in the hope that plenty of other minorities in their host country would stop them from standing out like a sore thumb and take the heat off them - I don't think they knew what they are doing.

Sometimes, you can be too clever for your own good.

They must be feeling sick as a parrot now for causing their host nation to invite in all those antisemitic Muslim migrants whose countries America had destroyed at the behest of Jewish neocons. 

Anti-feminists cannot succeed without a leader with Mike Buchanan who has no moral authority

The dysgenic feminist State won't go away quietly and will only go when it is overthrown by men, not by women whose legs you like to film and slavishly agree with who need to go on courses. If Elizabeth Hobson were a man, would she get any kind of a job as Director of Communications? The fact that she is "resident anti-feminist on Radio Kent" says how harmless she is. Unmarried mothers are hardly going to call for the patriarchy to be restored and the only way to do that now in our "advanced" matriarchy is with  Elizabeth won't be agreeing to be interviewed by me, will she?

It is interesting that when Elizabeth couldn't be interviewed by Piers Morgan and Mike Buchanan said he was prepared to stand in for her, he was refused. A dysgenic feminist state prefers the young to the old, the female to the male, the inarticulate to the articulate, the irrelevant to the relevant, all because she has good legs. Anti-feminism won't be taken seriously until and unless alpha male leaders take charge and stop hiding behind women. Mike Buchanan was born beta and will always be perceived as beta by women and men.


So what are the solutions she advocates? Banning male circumcision in an egregious display of antisemitism and Islamophobia? Does she even call for the restoration of the patriarchy?

Many people see these protestations are just a cover. That matriarchal Iceland is seeking to ban circumcision is a clear implicit display of hostility towards Jews and Muslims. Deny it all you like, but you will never be able to disprove that impression.

The term for circumcision in Hebrew – brit mila – “a covenant by circumcision”– emphasises that it is this covenant which created the Jews a nation, by Abraham’s acceptance of circumcision on behalf of his yet-unborn descendants. Even non-observant Jews who do not take the biblical story seriously, accept that for Jews, for at least two millennia, circumcision was the one indispensable commandment that makes one a Jew – not living in the Jewish homeland, obeying other commandments, or anything else.
To ban circumcision, to ban joining the covenant, the rabbinical court and many Jews fear, would be (however unintentionally) to ban Jewish national identity itself.

Iceland male circumcision ban: MP behind plan 'didn’t think it was necessary to consult' Jewish and Muslim groups, amid growing anger

'I don’t see it as a religious matter,' insists Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir, a female MP. 

The matriarchy of Iceland understandably feel threatened by the patriarchal moral values Judaism and Islam represent.

In 2014, 70.5 percent of Icelandic babies were born to parents who hadn’t bothered to tie the knot.

Over 80 per cent of Jamaican children are born out of wedlock.

By 1996, 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers. Seventy-two percent of juvenile murderers and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes. Seventy percent of teenage births, dropouts, suicides, runaways, juvenile delinquents, and child murderers involve children raised by single mothers. Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous and more likely to end up divorced. A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.

It is so obvious that gentile non-Muslims cannot compete against Jews and Muslim immigrants in their own homelands. This pointless show of implicit antisemitism and Islamophobia will get you nowhere. In fact, it is just a waste of time and energy and is indeed a form of displacement activity. If you are against feminism, restore the patriarchy. Since Elizabeth Hobson is herself an unmarried mother, it would be like expecting turkeys to vote for Christmas.


Has Elizabeth Hobson articulated any solutions to the problems caused by feminism? I hope someone will attempt to answer this question if she and Mike Buchanan do not.


You will never be able to successfully challenge feminism without restoring the patriarchy. How sad that the men who wish to challenge feminism are no longer even capable of conceiving of the idea of restoring the patriarchy.

The only way to restore the patriarchy is of course to reconsecrate marriage.

Marriage cannot be reconsecrated by a Directrix of Communications who is herself an unashamed unmarried mother who cannot see the point of marriage, can it?

Or by a leader who refuses to talk about supporting marriage - the indispensable ingredient of patriarchy.

The reason why you dare not talk about restoring the patriarchy is because you already know that men who already have been the victims of feminism - including Mike Buchanan himself - are in fact unmarriageable. The more you continue to hide behind women who do not respect marriage, the more morally compromised you become and the less moral authority you will have.

Leadership is everything about moral authority, but the concept seems to be entirely lost amongst male political activists.

Monday 30 July 2018

A voice from Kashmir

2:002:00  The history of Kashmir is as old as the story of Pakistan and India itself.  The his
3:20  Jammu and Kashmir
4:30  1947 Jammu massacres
6:00  "accede"
7:15  Kashmir issue at the UN
8:00  Sheikh Abdullah
9:30  Special Status of Kashmir
11:00 Kashmir's flawed elections 
13:15  Sheikh Abdullah's betrayal of the Kashmiri cause
15:15  Accession
18:45  Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus
20:00 Jagmohan
31:45  Political scientists have equated Kashmir and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
32:15  Population breakdown
36:00  Strategic importance of Kashmir
37:45  Elections in Kashmir
39:15  Imran Khan
41:00 Muslims being lynched  Rumors Over the Slaughter of Sacred Cattle Set Northern Indian State on Edge
42:45  "One man's terrorist is a another man's freedom fighter."
44:45  Per capita income of India and Pakistan
45:45  EU referendum showed that most people don't care about national sovereignty.
47:30  Special Administrative Region
50:30  When Kashmir was almost resolved
54:15  Indian General Election 2019,_2019
58:15  Partition 
1:06:00  Pakistani Prime Ministers tend to be the puppets of the Pakistani military
1:07:00  The Pakistanin military want Pakistani foreign policy to be formulated according to the interests of the military.
1:09:00 The Pakistani Prime Minister is not really in charge the way Trump is not really in charge.
1:10:00  Musharraf
1:13:00  Why Kashmiri youth supported militant Burhan Wani
1:15:00  Exclusive: Operation All-Out 2 will target Kashmir's top 14 terrorists
Kashmir in 2017: Operation All-Out was a success, but will force alone win hearts in the Valley?
 1:17:00  Jammu and Kashmir govt's ban on social media fails as people use VPN's to access internet
1:18:00  Four generations lost to this conflict
1:20:00  Modi 
1:21:00  Gujarat riots
1:22:00  RSS
1:23:00 Political parties in India
1:26:00  autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir
What are the features of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir?

Alt Right Torah: Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25)

6:15  Immigration analogous to a henpecked husband not knowing how to say no

14:00  While diversity can cause conflict, fair enough rules and a social order should be able to resolve conflicts. Egalitarianism in itself creates conflict because everyone thinks they are as good as each other. In the animal kingdom in a fight for resources, the smaller weaker animal easily gives way to the stronger bigger animal. It is only when both parties are equal in size that conflict is certain. The polite fiction that egalitarianism - a kind of moral communism - is the fairest and best social system must be exposed for what it is: a lie.

14:45  Dennis's response was difficult to read. Was he referring to when he was talking about "the fundamental differences" of black and white people? Their alleged criminality? Their aggressive manner? The kind of music - non-white - that they like? I remember Greg Johnson talking about his horrible bus journey in DC when he sat next to a black woman with a baby who changed its nappy in front of him.  The other thing he said about black people was the way they just said anything that popped into their head, without filters. This actually made me think of low class poorly educated white people accused of being white nationalists. These so-called fundamental differences are therefore just class differences and would exist even within an all-white society. Oh, and the other thing Johnson complained about was the way white people no longer enforced whatever rules of behaviour they once had.  I hope Dennis will address these points that I omitted to raise in my hurry to talk about being conflicted with regard to lowering the speed limit and putting speed bumps in the road at  15:44

19:00 " ... a genetically homogeneous society, people who vibrate on the deep unconscious frequencies of racial kinship that binds us all together. It's basically a longing for brotherhood and belonging. Diversity takes that stuff away - that is the problem with diversity."  "It robs you of your God-given natural birthright to be part of an ethnic community." 

When white people were ensconced in their Christian homelands, they had the European Wars of Religion, the American War of Independence, the American Civil War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Wars of German Unification, and then the First and Second World Wars.

When the Pilgrim Fathers left the Old World for the New World after enduring Christian on Christian religious persecution, they found that this practice of Christian on Christian persecution continuing between the Quakers and Puritans.

Even now, they still haven't gotten over it and are now talking about having a civil war to resolve the differences between Feminists and Nationalists. This Culture War is really a culture war to restore the patriarchy, which is as old as the hills if you think of it in terms of the eternal battle of the sexes.  The weapon men have against immoral women is the rules of marriage that forbid and punish extramarital sex. The weapon immoral women have against men and the civilisation their ancestors built is to seduce them into sexual immorality. This story is as old as the hills and is even mentioned in the Torah. The Chinese call the eternal battle of the sexes Yin and Yang.

"And by the way, of all the sins listed, what’s interesting is you’ll find that sex before marriage is not on the list."

But fear not, for it is certainly mentioned at

21:00 I talk about gang culture. My apologies for omitting to mention "postcode gangs" where different gangs of mixed race gangs kill each other when they stray onto the territory of another gang in another postcode.

How would we treat our identical twin who expects us to share exactly half our goodies with him or her, including our sex partners and any love and respect we may get? I think most of us would murder that identical twin if we knew we would get away with it.

24:00  How I propose to help Orthodox Jews so concerned about immigration they join the alt-right but suffer socially and professionally

26:30  The alt-right is like the hippy movement if it does not have an official leader. Am I alt-right? I don't even know!

33:00 Immigration, Jews do have an agenda to diversify their host countries so they don't stand out too much as a minority.

I think the man to watch is Israeli political philosopher Yoram Hazony whose book THE VIRTUE OF NATIONALISM will be out in September. 

The Dark Side of the Enlightenment
Today’s advocates oversell the benefits of unfettered reason. They dismiss the contributions of tradition, religion and nationalism to human progress.

Why Does Facebook Think I’m ‘Political’?
The robots won’t let me advertise my book on nationalism.

38:00  Have the white working classes priced themselves out of the labour market?

The immaturity and cowardice of anti-immigration political parties who refuse to address underlying and longstanding social problems for fear of upsetting their underclass supporters who have no interest in matters such as state education and marriage and only want the welfare state for whites only.

The marriage licence had the purpose of licensing only married people to have sex and children with each other and to privilege the married over the unmarried. Marriage is eugenic.

47:00  Ukip to team up in 'unholy alliance' with Steve Bannon's new far right European movement

50:00 Bodies in suitcases

55:00  Internet censorship

1:17:00  On there not being a lot of love and inclusion in Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25, I point out at 1:21:00  that even after you have exterminated the other, you could still backslide and disobey God's laws and still be cursed by Him.

1:34:001:34:00  Immigration, discrimination and the internal passport

On December 27, 1932 the USSR Central Executive Committee and Sovnarkom issued a decree About establishment of the Unified Passport System within the USSR and the Obligatory Propiska of Passports. The declared purposes were the improvement of population bookkeeping in various urban settlements and "the removal of persons not engaged in industrial or other socially-useful work from towns and cleansing of towns from hiding kulaks, criminals and other antisocial elements. "Hiding kulaks" was an indication at fugitive peasants who tried to run away from the collectivization. "Removal" usually resulted in some form of forced labour.
Passports were introduced for urban residents, sovkhozniks and workers of novostroykas (новостройка, a major construction site of a new town, plant, railway station, etc.). According to the 1926 Soviet Census 82% of population in the Soviet Union was rural. Kolkhozniks and individual peasants did not have passports and could not move into towns without permission. Permissions were given by chairpersons of collective farms or rural councils. Repeated violation of the passport regime was a criminal offence. Passports were issued by the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (Soviet law enforcement) and until the 1970s had a green cover.

The racial tensions in Russia sound pretty horrific at

According to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, all citizens are equal and enjoy the same rights, regardless of gender, beliefs, or ethnic background. However, this legal equality does not always extend to the workplace or everyday life, and discrimination and racism in China do exist.

In China, on top of everything else, they also have astrology-based discrimination!

1:39:00  My White Pill
Things must get worse before they get better, so we should look upon deterioration as improvement!

I should have said all empires are by definition multiracial and multiracial and America is indeed a global empire. Their survival depends on good rational government and fair enough rules ie patriarchy and civic nationalism capable of keeping the lid on all the inevitable social tensions that exist in any society.

1:49:00 "Fundamental British values"  Jews, traditional Christians and Muslims are having trouble accepting the gay marriage and transgenderism of "fundamental British values" which becomes a discussion on submission and domination. Appearing to be submit could mean that one is asserting control over our emotions by not losing one's temper and having a tantrum only to feel bad later for having behaved badly.

2:14:00  Religion and white solidarity
2:17:00  The principles of liberalism currently ignored by illiberals
2:17:15  The pub is the community centre for atheist white men, but they just get drunk and steal each other's women and then fight each other
2:17:30  No safe spaces for white men, anywhere at all in the UK, unless it is the Masonic Lodge ....
2:19:00  The dysfunctional political system of the West
2:20:00  The solution in theory should be considered even if you think it is unlikely to be implemented in the current political order.
2:21:00  Trump, populism, civic nationalism, protectionism
2:22:00  China

How I propose to help Orthodox Jews so concerned about immigration they join the alt-right but suffer socially and professionally

F Schmidt, Jew:

If you are reading this, I assume that you are an atheist who recognizes that modern culture is a disaster and that Islam is a morally promising alternative.  Your problem is that you cannot accept Muslim beliefs.  I will address this problem.

First I will address atheism.  Atheism means believing that there is no god.  The problem with this is that most atheists don't have a coherent definition of god, and to take a position on the existence of something that you haven't properly defined is simply silly.  The main attribute of god that atheists object to is that is god is supernatural.  Yet pantheists define a god that is not supernatural.  I believe that the Old Testament idea of God is not supernatural either.  The definitions of "god" found in dictionaries reflects the Christian nature of our society, not the historical use of the concept of god.  A more reasonable definition of god is a global force or set of forces that cannot be described scientifically.  For example the forces that shape human history can be considered god if you believe that history is shaped by a consistent set of forces.  Because people are unsatisfied with concepts that aren't described and explained, god has historically been described through personification and explained as supernatural.  But these are not necessary attributes of god.  The key point of the idea of god is that just because one cannot describe a force mathematically or explain the mechanism of the force doesn't mean that the force doesn't exist.  Forces that cannot be described or explained (yet) are still real and must be respected.  This is the concept of god.  The concept of monotheism is that there is one consistent set of forces that applies across time and space.  This consistent set of forces we call the one God.  This concept makes science possible.  It also makes it possible to study history to determine which moral systems worked.  If you accept what I have written so far, then you are no longer an atheist.  You can now honestly say that you believe in God, but that your view of God differs from the Muslim view.  This is a big step forward, big enough to allow you to participate in a mosque without fundamental conflict.

The next step is to honestly consider Islam.  It is only fair and reasonable for you to consider Islam with an open mind.  You should attend mosque regularly.  There will certainly be people there who will explain to you why they think you should accept Islam.  Consider what they say.  And read the Quran.  As you gain understanding of Islam, it will become clear to you whether or not this is something that you can believe.  If you can accept Islam, then you are done, no need to read more.  But if you can't accept Islam, continue reading.

Even if you can't accept Islam, you should still support Islam because it is the only major moral force in the world today.  As a believer in monotheism, you are still closely aligned with Islam.  To fit in, avoid undermining the beliefs of Muslims with pointless debate.  Instead, focus on areas where you agree.  I also recommend that you do daily prayer at home.  The purpose of prayer is not to benefit God, but to benefit yourself by reminding yourself of the importance of religion.  I do one 4-repetition prayer in the Muslim form each day.  Doing daily prayer will prevent you from feeling like a hypocrite in the mosque, and will make prayer in the mosque more natural.

If you find yourself in this position, as a non-Muslim attending mosque and supporting Islam, then I hope you participate in this forum.  There aren't many of us and we can give each other advice.

But the main thing is to take the first 2 steps above.  Reject atheism and start attending mosque.  Do not be intimidated by Islam, and don't settle for being part of degenerate modern culture. 

How Muslims can defend themselves when Islamophobes cite the usual verses against them

Sunday 29 July 2018

Can the Muslim World Become an Influential Power?

13:30  Abdul Wahid: "Pakistani election results should be seen as "a rejection by the people of Pakistan of what they have for the last seven decades: a manipulation of politics by the secular political elite and the very leadership of the army over decades - not in their own interests , but in the interests of the elite within Pakistan or the influence of the United States, which has had a huge influence."

15:30  Abdul Wahid in response to point that all nation states have their problems: "Not all nations go through the security crises that Pakistan has in the last 15 years since the War on Terror - a "war on terror" that civilian government and the military conspired with the United States against Muslims neighbouring in Afghanistan and really damaging Pakistan's security by moving its troops from its hostile frontier with India and getting them to save America's interests in Afghanistan. Not every nation in the world sees itself as subservient to the IMF agenda in an economic crisis. Those nations of the world and ex-colonies are often subject to that and what you have never seen in the history of Pakistan is a government that has been willing to take a stand against that world order which subjugates countries like Pakistan, the Muslim world and indeed much of the rest of the world."

32:00  Breixit 

37:00 Nationalism and Racism

44:00  Trump  

Can a gentile discuss antisemitism without being accused and convicted of being an antisemite?

Friday 27 July 2018

Is the older woman who had sex with this man a slut?

My definition of a slut: a woman who has sex with a man not her husband. Whether we like it or not, that is the technical definition.

At the very least, it is a woman who has made a bad bargain for the sexual access she allowed a man eg by getting a reputation for being a slut, being thought a slut by the man, by her friends and family or by the man's friends and family.

Do you think the left-wing older woman got a good bargain when she had sex with this man who associates with Millennial Woes, an ethno-nationalist who wants to expel non-white and mixed race UK citizens?

Thomas Baden-Riess worries about falling out with Millennial Woes. 

The longstanding conspiracy of Liberals to censor Conservatives to rig the game of politics in their favour is now coming to an end

British masochism should not be indulged in the case of Ian Simpson  From 1:33:00

2:30  International School My dear father says that non-white children who go to international school become neither fish nor fowl.
12:45  UKIP couple have foster children removed from care
17:00  Cultural diffences in expressing opinions and emotions
21:00  How James O'Brien became the conscience of liberal Britain 
25:00  Pisa: At-a-glance global education rankings in science, maths and reading
32:45  Proms among music festivals pledging 50/50 gender split in lineups
35:15  Female Police Officers
39:30  Nationalism, group solidarity, tribal loyalty
46:00  Did Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson make the nation swallow a poison pill? 
47:00 Here today and gone tomorrow leaders in the establishment and against it 
49:30  James O'Brien not wanting to appear jingoistic but asks if we should let foreign companies buy our national utilities
50:00  Dying people live in the past and so do dying nations and civilisations
51:30  The lies we are expected to believe from the presstitutes of BBC
55:00  The Fisherman and His Wife
56:00  Abolishing the licence fee
57:00  Official state channel
58:00  Social justice = intersectionality = feminism = degeneracy
1:00:00 Using deductive reasoning to put 2 and 2 together to make 4 and to avoid and solve problems is now considered fascist 
1:04:00  Personal responsibility
1:05:00 Slut shaming  
1:06:00 Gay pride
1:07:00 - the 100 lashes punishment for sex offenders in town squares and village greens
1:09:15  Polygamy
1:10:00  Good looking men
1:12:00  A Muslim man can have up to four wives
1:16:00  A social history of porn
1:17:00 Nuns in nunneries
1:19:00 The murder rate between spouses and intimate relationships is probably higher than between other relationships

Thursday 26 July 2018

Twitter is messing with my direct messages

Yoram Hazony: Facebook won't let me advertise my book on nationalism

By Yoram Hazony
July 25, 2018 7:01 p.m. ET

The robots at Facebook always urge me to “boost my post.” This sounds kinky, but it’s Zuckerspeak for buying advertising. I’ve avoided these offers because I’m no computer genius. For me, high-tech is writing down my password somewhere.

But then I kept seeing ads for Yossi Klein Halevi’s new book, “Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor.” I have a book coming out called “The Virtue of Nationalism.” Like a knucklehead, I figured if Yossi could boost his post, so could I.

I pressed “Boost Post.” Soon thousands of people were seeing my ad, and I was psychotically checking the click count every four minutes. “Your ad is doing better than most promotions on Facebook,” the robots flattered me. I was like Fast Eddie playing big-time pool. How could I lose?

It lasted two weeks. Then a red announcement appeared: “Your ad was not approved because your Page has not been authorized to run ads with political content.” My boost was now stamped with a verdict in red letters: “Rejected.”
Why Does Facebook Think I’m ‘Political’?
Photo: iStock/Getty Images

I found a window for submitting appeals. “My book is concerned with the historical development of the nation-state and the case for preferring it to imperialism,” I groveled. I offered to send the robots a copy so they could see for themselves.

Facebook’s sentient programs don’t wear dark glasses or have menacing names like Agent Smith. A response came from “Veronica”: “The text and/or imagery you’re using qualifies as political, based on the definition we’re using for enforcement,” it said. “You must authorize your page to run political ads.”

Me? Run political ads? I scoured Facebook’s definitions, which said “political content” is support for candidates, ballot initiatives or legislation. “Dear Veronica,” I pleaded. “I don’t see anything in the ad that qualifies as ‘political’ based on Facebook’s definition. Could you specify which aspects of the ad qualify as ‘political’?”

A reply came from “Sol”: “The text and/or imagery you’re using qualifies as political.”

A friend put me in touch with a Morpheus-like figure struggling to liberate mankind from Facebook. “You’re not alone,” he said. “Even major media like the New York Times and small businesses that aren’t political are being told to register.”

I figured if the Times could register, so could I. For days I answered the robots’ questions and uploaded personal documents. Finally, they mailed me a paper letter with a secret code. I entered it. The robots were pleased: “You’re all set. When the Page admin has completed the next step you’ll be able to run ads.”

Who was “the Page admin”? What “next step” was it contemplating? I recruited a computer-genius friend to help. He spent days hacking through the Zuckerspeak. After a dozen runs, the robots issued a green check-mark saying I’d “linked my ad accounts” (to the mother ship, I believe).

Ads with political content were “approved.” I was in. I brought up the ad and clicked “Boost Post.” The robots replied: “Your ad was not approved because your Page has not been authorized to run ads with political content.”

After 10 weeks, I have no ads. But I’m left with a question, like a splinter in my mind, driving me mad: Did Facebook get its “political ads” policy from Monty Python, while outsourcing customer service to HAL from “2001”? Or is it simply unwilling to run ads for a book about the virtue of nationalism?

Mr. Hazony is author of “The Virtue of Nationalism,” out Sept. 4 from Basic.

The future of the West is cyborg, mad scientist, Terminator and Robocop, says Aleksandr Dugin