
Thursday 31 May 2018

What the liberal establishment mean when they say Muslims have been radicalised

What does radicalisation mean?

If you propose a radical course of action, does that mean you are radicalised?

Extreme error requires extreme correction, does it not?

Is there anything inherently immoral about proposing a radical course of action if you think only radical action would solve the problem, whatever it is?

Is radicalisation another way of calling someone an extremist and is calling someone an extremist a way of marginalising and ultimately dismissing and ignoring his views? Radicalisation is a word you use to smear your political opponents. If you believe the status quo is perfect, then you would view any attempt to change it as subversive, evil and dangerous. But if the status quo is perfect, as you claim, then why is there a problem of "radicalisation"?

If you tell someone who disagrees with you that it is your intention to smear him, marginalise his views and then ignore his views after you have dismissed them as radical and extremist, do you think he will change his mind about whatever he thinks the problem is?  

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Tommy Robinson, Alison Chabloz, defaulting on our debts then restoring t...

How to prevent a failed state matriarchy where random violence is committed against women (and men)

Will Twitter allow me the right of pointing out that transwoman were in fact born male and may or may not still have a penis?

Why Christianity has failed

Once you admit that Christianity is kaput, then Islam is the only option. The alt-right already know this, and that is why they won't give me a platform, just like mainstream media - an entire civilisation in denial.

Liberals are always wittering on about reforming Islam. To reform Islam, the West itself has to adopt it.

Muslims have been sent to punish Christians for their idolatry.

Muslims have been sent to punish Israeli Jews for suffering Israel to become the mere colonial outpost of a declining and hatred empire that is obviously suffering from dementia.

Israel should of course be a theocracy.

If Christianity had not already failed, then the Post-Christian White Nationalist would not be forever moaning about being exploited by Jews and invaded by Muslims as well as daily in fear of alienating the feminist females he wishes to impregnate and bear his legitimate offspring whom he already knows would not dream of marrying him.

Even if he managed to find himself a wife, he would fear not being able to support her and having to send her out to work making her more likely to divorce him under the rules of no fault divorce. This means he is always in fear of his wife getting so irritated and bored with him that she will divorce and deprive him of the matrimonial home and his children for no reason at all other than her boredom and irritation.

If Christianity had not already failed, the West would be full of Christian husbands and fathers in control of their families. Not for a moment would they suffer themselves to be treated like slaves and fungible commodities while those who come after them go to the head of the queue.

Make no mistake, the Feminist State has no intention of giving up Transnational Progressivism Transnational Progressivism however many elections are held and referenda conducted.

They have no intention of playing by the rules or sticking to it. Their idea of the rule of law is to shamelessly change the rules of the game while the game is still in play, to rig the outcome.

The beta male victim of feminism is also being censored and has no one to speak up for him. The men who could be his leaders are too busy looking after Number One to think of taking any risk or making any sacrifice on behalf of the beta male victims of feminism whose numbers daily increase.

In a matriarchy, all men are lower than the immoral woman who despises the men of her own race and nation and who has no intention whatsoever of ceasing the uncontrolled immigration that she knows upsets and distresses her menfolk more than they are legally allowed to say.

It is therefore ironic in the extreme then that I, a female and a racial foreigner, am the only person who has ever consistently warned and advised them in the strongest possible terms, at some risk and sacrifice to myself, but there it is: life is full of such surprises.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Tommy Robinson talks to RT about free speech

The dysgenic feminist state that oppresses men and destroys the civilisation their male ancestors built

Women who want to become mothers should understand that they owe it to themselves to choose the father of their offspring carefully. This means that women should not be having babies until they are married because it is always easier to get a man to have sex with you than to get him to marry you.

What governments should be doing is to make marriage a good bargain for men again. would be the most effective way of making women choose their sex partners who must also be their husbands in a more careful and eugenic way.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers.

Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers with illegitimate offspring.

Male solidarity, co-operation and leadership accountability is facilitated by a chain of command in a hierarchical patriarchal society while co-operation amongst men is next to impossible in a matriarchy because there is no clear leader and even the appointed leader is obviously not in control. This is certainly the case in liberal democracies.

In a matriarchy, all men are lower than the fornicating immoral woman because in a matriarchy even the women get to choose their alpha male leader.

Once women get to choose their leader, they will inevitably choose the male leader they find most physically attractive without much listening to rational arguments or caring much about the long term national interest because it is not in the nature of females to trouble their pretty little heads about such things.

You will find that the national interest just does not compute with the average feminist and if you try to explain it to her she will accuse you of being racist, sexist, antisemitic and Islamophobic just to shame you, threaten you and shut you up.

Once males with leadership ambitions realise the importance of female support, they will pander to the female preference in order to become leader and marginalise and even ignore the male preference.

Men who pander to the female preference must logically and necessarily think, speak and behave like a woman.

When men begin to behave like women, they become incapable of defending any moral principle at all and this encourages their enemies who rightly suppose that a nation of men who submit to the female preference without the desire or ability to fight back are ripe for invasion.

This has clearly happened to the West.

Hongkongese Eurasian disapproves of Eurasianism?

Monday 28 May 2018

Millennial Woes: "The British establishment is radicalising itself against the native population."

Millennial Woes:

[contradicting himself] I do think people should be assumed innocent till proven guilty but in this case we are talking about a men who possibly rape children ... accusations of rape, abducting children, threats to kill and drugging children. Is it right that these men are allowed to walk free and the public are not allowed to know who is possibly guilty of doing these sorts of crimes. It does pose a huge risk to the British public. 

Tommy Robinson talks about how he is offended daily  by niqabs, drug-dealers, child rapists etc but no one cares whether we are offended by these things and by we presumably he means native white British people.  

Then very interestingly, he talks about a group of parents who have started patrolling the city in the north of England to stop the grooming gangs because they have concluded that they can't rely on the police to stop the grooming gangs, and he says he is going to visit city that night - Friday night - to talk to them about it, to interview them.  

The establishment would not want news of that reaching the general public because it is the beginnings of self-reliance, street action and possibly vigilantism. They fear the implications of that. The implication is white solidarity against Pakistani Muslim rape gangs. The problem for the establishment and the powers that be is that once the whites have collectivised at that local level, it will be much harder for the establishment to maintain the status quo. 

Millennial Woes suggests that it was only when the Sikhs decided to defend their girls with violence did the police see fit to to intervene.

There has been this tacit informal code of silence - of omerta - on parts of the British media about politically inconvenient events and also politically inconvenient truths. They just decide that's off the agenda, and that's been going on for the last ten years. It is very obvious that there is this judicious editing going on. It is one of the reasons why the alternative media exists at all. The fact that is this news agenda which is British but also international - and you say it is transnational has become increasingly obvious - definitely since the turn of the millennium. Media outlets act in concert deciding what they are going to report and how they are going to report it. It could be entirely instinctual. It might not be a coordinated network, it might be that they agree - it's in the air, that's the meme, that's how we are going to report it. What we have now is a formal codification of the news agenda on the part of the government just saying "That man, that story did not happen" and that's a very sinister development. It's scary, because if the British judiciary and by extension the British government can order the media not to report this story, then they could do it with any story. This gagging order on reporting on Tommy Robinson's imprisonment is a good thing, because it makes explicit what a lot of people have known subconsciously for years: the non-reporting of events and the slanted reporting of events. We've just got used to it. We've come to accept it and even expect it. This is what they do and how they behave.  The media is incredibly biased and they are able to lie to us and say black is white. 

Britain today is a country where the following ten things happen:

  1. Publishing a joke video in which your dog does a Nazi salute will transform you into a convicted criminal, as happened to Count Dankula.
  1. Advocating for the survival of the white race will get you branded a racist, Far Right, extremist, hater, Neo-Nazi etc and you will be barred from entering Britain, as happened to Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer and Martin Selner, simply because you like your race and want it to survive. Can you imagine that happening to someone of any other race?
  1. Intending to interview Tommy Robinson will get you barred from entering Britain, as happened to Brittany Pettibone. 
  1. Criticising Islam even with satire will get you barred from entering Britain, as happened to Lauren Southern. 
  1. Voicing anti-immigration, anti-multiculturalism, anti-Islam or anti-diversity opinions could get you a 6 year jail sentence, if the Sentencing Council have their way.  That's the direction the establishment is heading in, and it's pretty hardcore. 
  1. Singing songs about the Holocaust will transform you into a convicted and jailed criminal, as happened to Alison Chabloz. 
  1. Singing songs about Jewish power will transform you into a convicted criminal after Jewish groups have used their power to get you convicted. 
  1. Giving a speech about Jewish power, including the unique power to have their own police force will get you jailed for a year, after Jewish groups have used their power to get you jailed. 
  1. Disobeying a court order about something trivial will get your thrown in jail for 13 months within a matter of hours. 
  1. The media can be gagged from reporting to the public that you have been imprisoned, and anyone on social media who does so, could be arrested. 

All of the above (with the exception of No 5) have happened in the last few months in Britain. So the British government has a plan for Britain. The plan and also their determination to stick to and implement that plan are becoming increasingly clear. The plan involves the future of Britain and the future of British society, and that involves what you might call the legacy population of Britain, namely the native British people. The government's plan means the transformation of British society and thereby the dispossession of the British people. What they want to transform Britain to is not clear: it could be a coffee-coloured Islamic theocracy, or it could be a coffee-coloured secular police state, or maybe they oscillated between the two goals, unsure which of them is more feasible or desirable, but either way their plan requires the measures we are seeing now.  

Any expression of dissent from this political paradigm is now treated as a crime, and this includes causing offence, even if only perceived, not intended, to non-white groups in Britain with whom the government intends to transform Britain - culturally, racially, genetically. It also includes any causing of offence to Jews as a group. You can make your own mind up as to why the British government is so eager to placate Jews as a group. At this stage, I am not even sure it even matters what the original reason for that was because we are heading into chaos. We are heading towards what you might call anarcho-tyranny, but beyond that, decades of chaos and bloodshed. But in the meantime, we aren't supposed to even talk about the issues which will animate the decades of bloodshed and chaos. We are not even supposed to talk about it. That's why they want to put people in jail for six years if they do so. We are just supposed to pretend that everything is fine and that we're all on board with the government's plan for the country, for us, and our grandchildren. How delicately the fetters have been placed under our lips over the last few decades. But now suddenly we feel their weight upon us - silencing us, suffocating us.  

The British establishment is radicalising itself against the native population.   

The government of Britain does not care about the native people of Britain. It has put in measures to make sure that they are mixed out of recognition and bred out of dominance in their own homeland. 

It has also put in place measures to ensure that they daren't complain about this. So make no mistake: this is not just cultural, it's not just religious: it is racial, genetic, permanent.  

The government of Britain is trying to destroy the native people of Britain, and it's doing everything that it can to stop them talking about it.  

I will leave it up to you to decide whether the civic nationalists have a solution for this situation, whether the Conservatives, Jordan Peterson-style individualists or progressives have a solution for this. Or, whether these groups are just delusional, weak wastes of your time. 

Alexander Mercouris talks about the Deep State in Britain:

"Theresa May is a very weak Prime Minister."

Alex Christoforou suggests that Tommy Robinson's jail sentence could be in effect a death sentence due to the fact that many prisoners are Muslim who would wish to do him harm or even kill him.  

"The fact that these particular gangs are made up of Pakistani men is significant but not in the way racists would have us believe," says one child protection expert who asked not to be named. "While the BNP would have us believe that abusing white girls is an endemic part of these men's culture — which it absolutely is not — the truth is that these men are aware that the police do not want to be accused of racism in today's climate."

In 2004, Channel 4 withdrew Edge of the City, its controversial documentary made by Annie Hall that depicted parents trying to stop groups of young Asian men grooming white girls as young as 11 for sex. It had been seized on by the BNP as a party political broadcast.

Colin Cramphorn, the then Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, joined groups such as Unite against Fascism in calling for the documentary to be withdrawn. Channel 4 complied, saying that the issue was not censorship but timing because of the proximity with the local and European elections. But many argued at the time that the delay in transmission had strengthened the case of the BNP. 

After the film was withdrawn, one of the mothers sent Annie Hall a text message: "It's a real shame when votes come before young girls' lives."

For many white girls growing up in fairly traditional communities, the unfamiliarity of boys and men from different ethnic backgrounds can be exciting and attractive. 

"The man I thought was my boyfriend used to dress really well and always smelt nice," says Sophie, "and I thought it were dead nice the way he talked, and even his manners seemed better than boys I were used to."

UKIP was founded in 1991. The British people have been working towards Brexit peacefully for a quarter of a century, and were finally given an EU referendum in 2016, which they won. But even when you play by their rules and win, the stinking matriarchy will still make sure you lose. 

After pointing out that it is obviously the intention of the liberal elite to deprive the British people of their hard-won Brexit, Stefan Molyneux says:

If a people are not roused to action by the systematic torture, rape and in many ways and reproductive destruction - it comes across to me as an act of war to - to destroy young women to that degree where they may not be able to have children, not be able to pair bond or get married in any productive or efficient way, that is almost a genetic war against the domestic population. If that wasn't enough for a people to do something ... if that's not enough for change, then I really don't know what is.  

Is Molyneux referring to Muslims or the disease of the mind that is feminism?

Friday 25 May 2018

Questions for Christian theologians

  1. Do Jews and Muslims agree that Christianity is idolatrous?
  2. Has Christianity failed?
  3. If Christianity has not failed, why is the Post-Christian Westerner forever complaining about being exploited by Jews and invaded by Muslims?
  4. Has the Post-Christian Westerner thrown out the baby of Biblical patriarchal morality with the the bathwater that is the Doctrine of the Trinity?
  5. Is the West as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human?
  6. Is the decline of the West caused by the failure of Christianity?
  7. Do Christians suffer from having a corruptible and obviously corrupt clergy who go along with the degeneracy of matriarchal liberalism and feminism?
  8. Is the reason why Christianity and Hypocrisy go hand in hand because you have to affirm that you believe in an absurdity in order to be and remain a Christian?
  9. Is Christianity inherently antisemitic?
  10. Once it became legal to deny the Trinity, Christianity began to die. Do you agree?
  11. Christianity was so defective as a religion that the Americans quarantined the church from the state. Do you agree?
  12. If your religion no longer even promotes marriage and family values, it might as well become extinct. Do you agree?
  13. Christianity is the religion of white people promoting Global Gay Marriage who want to turn our Global Village into Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you agree?
  14. Does the effort of believing in the absurdity of the Trinity damage your intellect and morality? If you do not really believe and lie about your belief, does the dishonesty damage your moral integrity? If the answer to the foregoing is yes, is Christianity inherently a corrupt bargain?
  15.  The New Testament is just hearsay of the reported speech and deeds of the allegedly begotten Son of God whose mother was supposed by Jews to have been raped by a Roman soldier. The Koran is at least conceptually superior because it is said to be the directly revealed Word of God to humanity. Do you agree?
  16. If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite". Would you agree?
  17. If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam is divine civic nationalism. Do you agree?
  18. If we conclude that Christianity is kaput, what is the honest, rational and moral course to take if you are a morally courageous senior male politician or philosopher living in the West prepared to challenge the Feminist State?
  19. Is Christianity or Islam more in harmony with the Noahide laws? "In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."

Thursday 24 May 2018

The Trial of Jeremy Bedford Turner, May, 2018

Restoring patriarchy and the real purpose of marriage

Marriage is the only way of regulating the sexual urges of women so that they do not destroy whatever civilisation men and their ancestors have built. The worst of these women will be immoral, in denial and indifferent to the interests of men they do not want to have sex with as well as callously indifferent to their illegitimate children whom they casually conceived.

Being creatures with a defective sense of courage and justice, few women will agree with me about the restoration of the patriarchy. The advantage of their defective courage for those who would challenge them is that, faced with overwhelming odds, they will capitulate quickly.

For the Restoration to take place, men must decide that a leader is required and promise him the loyalty he needs to get things done. I have in mind Captains of industry who are already part of the Deep State examining their consciences, who are perhaps tired of being constantly henpecked, but also afraid of a divorce settlement that will be extracted from them under the rules of no fault divorce.

The Captains of Industry must have sons and daughters too that they do not want to be turned gay or transgender or have their heterosexual children present them with bastard grandchildren. However, if they do not care about this, and all will be lost, I suppose.

It is a mistake for the wealthy to think they will be protected in a failing state. This is probably because these days even educated Westerners have no idea of their own traditions and do not know about the proscriptions of the late Roman Republic.

Even if you leave the country as refugees, you will be treated like shit as the people men who allowed their women to run their country and were too afraid to take back control form them because you were afraid of being falsely and maliciously accused of a historic sexual offence.

What is the sex of your Prime Minister?

What is the sex of your Home Secretary?

What is the sex of your Director of Public Prosecutions?

What is the sex of your Chief Commissioner of Police?

Was not the wedding of Harry the Bastard to that woman with her dreadful family an event widely associated with feminist and black triumphalism over the British monarchy?

And the feminazis want even more feminism?

Oxford University has apologised to David Lammy after retweeting a post labelling his criticism "bitter". Oxford University involved in Twitter row with David Lammy

Black students are right to want to see black therapists

Have you no shame?

Have you no pride?

Clearly not.

The story of Abraham of bargaining with God about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah comes to mind.

He knows he is speaking with the Almighty who is about to show his wrath and while he may not wish the city to be destroyed, he seems afraid to show sympathy for the city as a whole. So instead of mercy for the city—which he might just as easily have asked for—he says let justice be done, but that it wouldn't be just to destroy righteous men along with wicked ones (Genesis 18:23-25). 
But Abraham's courage has been holding out. He's asked God to save the city for the sake of fifty, forty-five, forty, thirty, twenty, and ten people—standing up to God six times. Would he have been able to ask for more, perhaps even bring up the idea of redeeming the city, if he had asked a seventh[!] time? After the third plea, Abraham had been asking for ten less each time; the next in the series would be '0'. 
Did, perhaps, his courage fail him? Or, according to the explanation I usually hear, did Abraham decide that surely there were ten righteous there, and that he didn't need to ask for more? We can only speculate. But it may not have been up to Abraham at all. It seems that as soon as God answers that he will not destroy the city for ten people, God leaves (Gen 18:32-33): 
Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?” He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.” When the LORD had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home. 
Would God have destroyed Sodom if only one righteous person was found? 
God did find one righteous person in Sodom and showed mercy on him, but not the whole city—instead of destroying Lot with the others, he allowed Lot and his family an opportunity to escape the city's destruction

Let the overthrow of the matriarchy and its replacement by the patriarchy be swift and smooth. We must however be prepared to face some inconvenience and expense.

If not even ten good men can be found in the entire West, then we know what will happen and what we in fact deserve.

Pass this message upwards to the most high status male you know and ask him to do the same until a leader is finally found, in the hope that it will get to the people who matter and the movers and shakers, before it is too late.

And do not behave like bitching back-stabbing women to undermine his authority or he will fail and you also suffer defeat. Impose a Code of Honourable Comradely Behaviour and stick to it.

Do not bother with the women who will come round soon enough, but only if you win this ideological battle, if the Restoration takes place, when you control the resources again. Otherwise, be prepared to continue to watch your women give it away for free to those who will only feel contempt for you as they trash and destroy your institutions your male ancestors created.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

When the quality of the gene pool of your nation deteriorates and shrinks

The Royal Family now an instrument of black and feminist triumphalism

It has certainly lost its mystique.

Harry is just a bastard behaving as you would expect a bastard to behave. That's why he chose her.

If only I had been Charles. I would prefer to go out with a bang and demanded a DNA test.
Then have declared Harry a bastard, and William's mother guilty of treason post-mortem.

In a way she is the perfect wife for the bastard and the perfect ending for the British monarchy. They were being warehoused for extinction anyway. Now, white people can't even be proud of them or feel that at least their Royal Family are special.

When white racial pride is being battered and rocked by mass uncontrolled immigration and PC femicrap, it is at this time that the British Royal Family decides to make itself an object of black and feminist triumphalism.

There was no need to abolish the monarchy. Sooner or later it would make an unforced error. Sooner or later, one of its members would decide to give it up the ghost and the others would be too weak, old, clueless  or apathetic to care.

Christianity and liberalism have failed. Time for the West to get itself a new religion.

Alt-right YouTubers invite libertarian on their show. I am a libertarian theocrat prepared to have my ideas challenged.

I would like to discuss the following, which I think should be of interest to the alt-right:

Has Christianity failed?

If Christianity has not failed, why are most Westerners Post-Christians complaining about being exploited by Jews and invaded by Muslims?

Is it not obvious that religion is crucial to social cohesion and male solidarity enabling men to co-operate with each other to defend their nation against the eternal enemies of civilisation: sluts and socialists?

Is it not obvious that the purpose of patriarchy is to support marriage?

Marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions, not something to be given to LGBT couples to use as a piece of paper to give to each other as love tokens to their current object of love.

Is it not obvious that patriarchy can only be supported by theocracy?

Only in a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest.

If you agree with me about the failure of Christianity, do you think it needs to be replaced?

If you agree with me that Christianity needs to be replaced, what do you think it should be replaced with?

If you disagree with me that the religion that should replace failed Christianity is Islam, then what do you think is the religion that should replace it?







The worship of white Nordic gods?

The worship of Greek or Roman gods?

If  Islam is "Judaism Lite" and the thought of submitting to Islam is oppressive, this seems to suggest that Judaism would be much too hard for white nationalists.  After all, the Koran does not prescribe the death penalty for breaking the Sabbath.

Nor does the Koran prescribe the stoning of disobedient sons who are drunkards and gluttons.

Islam is in fact the easier option. As long as we are clear about this.

If it is none of the above, then can I assume that you are planning to start a new religion?  If this is your plan, may I point out the following:

As we all know, Judaism - the first Abrahamic faith - has had its ups and downs: Jews have been kicked out of their homeland three times.  Also, it must be remembered that ancient of kingdom of Israel was in decline as soon as King Solomon died.

Christianity took about 350 years to be successful, from Christians being thrown to the lions and the Roman emperor Constantine converting to Christianity. Not having a plan means condemning your children, grandchildren and descendants to a New Dark Age of several centuries.

The Islamic empire was acquired with relatively ease, presumably because it seemed such an obviously good idea that the pagans of Arabia didn't fight that hard against it.

Muslims are already here with their shops, post offices, mosques and curry restaurants everywhere in the UK as it is.

If Westerners want to reform Islam, then this can only be done by Westerners adopting Islam itself.

These are the points I would most like to discuss on these guys.

If you would like to my ideas being scrutinised and challenged by a panel of the alt-right, please make your feelings known to Mark Collett and the host at

Why feminist egalitarianism is unsustainable and should be replaced by patriarchal hierarchy

Egalitarianism is in the long term unsustainable because no one will put up with being corrected - even if you are right and they have no answer to your arguments - without abusing you, wanting to jail you, including threaten and commit violence against you. It is no surprise then that politicians dare not correct their voters and long-standing problems are never tackled. People deserve the government they get.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Why feminist egalitarianism damages male solidarity and social cohesion

In a patriarchy, the alpha male is a leader of beta males. This means that the beta males choose their leader ie the alpha male.

In a patriarchy the status of the female is derived from the status of her father or husband.

The command structure of an army is very simple and accountable. Orders are given from above, and is passed downwards. When someone disobeys the order or fails to perform his duty, you can find the weak link in the chain of command.

In a matriarchy the male leader is chosen by the females whose interests and preferences are different from and in opposition to male interests. Because they are potentially half the vote in any liberal democracy, female votes will always be chased and the male preferences marginalised. Therefore in a matriarchy the male leader is always mainly chosen by females and this means the marginalisation of male interests.

Because the idea of feminism is egalitarian, everyone in an egalitarian society in which feminism flourishes will think they are equal, when in reality they are not. The wise and strong should lead the foolish and weak, not the other way round. This is precisely what intersectional feminism is all about though: it basically inverts the pyramid structure of the class system at the expense of everyone in the middle. Worse, it encourages undesirable behaviour and discourages moral behaviour ie discouraging chastity, thrift, prudence and industry putting the path of your society on the road to perdition since it is a political system that is in effect a systematic cultivation of failure.

In an egalitarian society, everyone will think they are just as good as everyone else, and this means no one can be corrected. If any attempt is made, the person attempting the correction will be asked "Who are you to tell me what to do?" The person attempt to make the correction will be insulted, lied about, accused, threatened with violence or even suffer violence.

This means leaders dare not correct their followers, and things go wrong.

Also, in a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried single mother with illegitimate offspring which she often badly parents. This must be so because not even the US President - supposedly the most powerful man in the world - dares not criticise unmarried single mothers or propose the abolition of no fault divorce.

If men in the West are in effect slaves to the female preference, then it means that they have to think and talk in a way that women like, and this turns them into women.

Men mind about immigration much more than women and these men are beta males ie low status men who have to compete for jobs and resources and who are most likely to say racist things or do not have the social graces or education to say what they feel to be true without avoiding denunciations of racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia or sexism.

When Ken Livingstone of all people ends up having to resign from the Labour Party for antisemitism, you know the game is up as regards impartial news-reporting or a Labour leader with any leadership qualities in control of his party. When a Labour leader cannot protect his oldest ally who is clearly innocent of a non-existent offence, you know the game is up as regards getting a decent leader for your country even if the current childless clueless woman's government falls.

As I was saying, lower class men do not have the best of appearances or manners likely to appeal to white middle class feminists who run the show and who will instinctively despise them and find them viscerally repulsive.

Men, when women think this of you, they more or less think you do not deserve to live, let alone enjoy reproductive rights with a member of their sex.They would rather fuck foreign men and invite them into your country by voting for governments that support mass immigration, and not even realise that this is what they are doing because they will have been indoctrinated into thinking that being called racist - as you surely will be if you protest about uncontrolled mass immigration - is the worst crime you can ever be guilty of.

As regards the hierarchy of a matriarchy, there is none. This means no one is really in charge. It is basically run on fear, lust and ever faster buck-passing. Insofar as a hierarchy exists, it is represented by the Cult of Youth. The most powerful members of society are the young, sexy and foolish, who will of course abuse whatever power they have, destroying themselves, others and their own civilisation in the process. These would be mostly the over-entitled female undergraduates with their Guardianista ideas who wrap pussy-hungry male graduates round their little finger at universities, destroying their education and often their reputations if these male undergraduates end up being falsely and maliciously accused of regret rape.

These female undergraduates will soon become graduates and acquire positions of influence and status in the professions. If men protest, they will be falsely and maliciously accused of a historic sexual offence to keep them quiet.

The wages of feminism and egalitarianism is the death of your civilisation.

Restoring patriarchy and the real purpose of marriage

Why men must resist having a female leader

If men allow a woman to lead them, their enemies will know that there are no suitable men to take up that position. It signals that these men are obviously feminised and therefore ripe for conquest.

Why an atheist might support a theocracy

The advantages of a theocracy even for the atheist is that he would be more likely to enjoy a stable family life, a lower crime rate and lower taxes as well as a government that actually defends the national interest. The disadvantage is that he would have to have his choice of sex partners severely curtailed.

Monday 21 May 2018

Leaderless Western males, Roosh, the alt-right, patriarchy and Jordan Pe...

Anti-feminist Belinda Brown to speak at the Hay Festival 2018

Roosh and me on the alt-right and why they keep failing because they are afraid of challenging feminism

My position:

1. You suffer because your religion is kaput and you are too stupid and degenerate to know this preferring to blame Jews and Muslims.

2.  You prefer to blame Jews and Muslims because you are afraid to challenge feminism.

3.  You are afraid to challenge feminism because you cucks are afraid of your women not allowing you sexual access to them if you offend them, who are sluts making you degenerate unmarriageable slut-fucking atheists who can't and won't see the big picture because you are too cowardly and dishonest to do so.

Hate what I say? Of course you would. You are too stupid, degenerate and cucked to even acknowledge the truth because you know you are too hooked on feminism (which bribes you with fornication) to think of doing anything more than complain weakly weekly. I welcome the hatred of those who would be treated as sex offenders by the Bible and Koran who know they are

(a) unmarriageable

(b) incapable of rising to the challenge and sacrifice of marriage, which is the gold standard of rearing the next generation which is the most basic requirement for continuing your civilisation

(c) not only incapable of rising to the challenge of making themselves marriageable but actually do not even want to make the attempt, probably because they already suspect it is too late for them

(d) not only incapable of wanting to make themselves capable of rising to the challenge of making themselves marriageable, but have no leader at all of their own race capable of making them want to restore the patriarchy

This is what atheism and feminism has done to Western masculinity.

Why are post-Christians being exploited by Jews and invaded by Muslims?

The answer will become clear when you compare the following:

White males with non-white male

White males with no religion and non-white males with religion

Fatherless white males and properly fathered non-white males

Men who have legitimate children who properly parent them and men who are gaily married or who have sired bastards by different women who have never met their offspring

Men who want to remain in denial and men who can face the truth.

For the avoidance of doubt, let me sum up the above below:

If you get women to lower standards on who gets to fuck and impregnate them, the next generation will be obviously stupider and weaker than another race or nation that maintains decent standards of sexual morality ie practices marriage.

These young men with good jobs are too stupid to see the big picture. While they may wish to kick out Jews, Muslims and non-whites, they don't quite get it that politics is not giving Santa your wish-list for Christmas, but knowing what it is politic to say. Why don't the young people at Generation Identity at least try to join a respectable or even a semi-respectable political party instead of speaking to tourists who do not vote in UK General Elections at Hyde Park? Stupidity, thy name is alt-right.

The future of the West is cyborg, mad scientist, Terminator and Robocop, says Aleksandr Dugin