
Friday 31 August 2018

Dr David Duke shows compassion for liberals who are victims of liberal propaganda too and compares liberal propaganda to heroin

From 1:12:00

David Duke:

We should humiliate them [liberals and people who have accepted liberal propaganda] but at the same time we have to understand that they are victims. They are all victims because because when people are brainwashed from the time that they're young, this is where it's coming from. You can't expect some young person to be any different than the way they're taught. If they're taught that they should use heroin and it's a good thing for them and they're going to feel great and it's a wonderful party, kids are going to use heroin and and we have an enemy in the media.

Extreme Wahhabism is the Brainchild of British Intelligence Agency

How I propose to bribe mostly Islamophobic Western intellectuals to read the Koran and then write positively about Secular Koranism

I propose to blatantly bribe British intellectuals, especially lawyers, into entering an essay writing competition on Secular Koranism.

Secular Koranism is basically Islam without Allah or Muslims. In theory, it is possible to have Secular Koranism without any believing Muslims at all

This is not what I am suggesting, of course, and I think Secular Koranism should please Muslims citizens of the West. Even if it is not exactly how they think Islam should be interpreted, it is at least better than gay marriage and transgenderism as well as the compulsory fornication now taught in state schools of the West.

What's so great about Secular Koranism?

The reasoning is as follows:

  1. If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite". 
  2. All advanced civilisations need a legal system in harmony with its chosen moral system and that moral system should support marriage and family values ie patriarchy.  
  3. Patriarchy is necessary to prevent degeneracy.
  4. If your society, nation and civilisation is suffering from degeneracy, that you must bring about its regeneration to remain in existence and avoid extinction.  
  5. You are degenerate if you live in a matriarchy. 
  6. The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
  7. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents 
  8. While patriarchies are established by the practice of marriage, matriarchies are established by tolerance and acceptance of widespread bastardy. Bastards are by definition the illegitimate offspring of  immoral fornicating women who do not even have the decency to hide their shamelessness. 
  9. If you are a senior politician such as Keith Joseph warning your political party that the nation's "human stock is threatened" and find yourself no longer Prime Minister in waiting and your position take by a woman, you live in a matriarchy. Britain has been a matriarchy since 1974.
  10. All advanced civilisations are patriarchies, all declining, primitive, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 
  11. A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers, a matriarchy that of unmarried mothers. Immoral and shameless women tend not to make good parents nor do their illegitimate offspring generally make desirable employees or good citizens.  
  12. If no senior male politician will challenge the matriarchy, it is because he fears being accused of a historic sexual offence where an accusation is as good as a conviction.  
  13. Indigenous white working men are in fact leaderless. They are men who have been abandoned by their political classes and have been warehoused for extinction, which explains the current establishment mania for driverless cars and trains.  
  14. Why won't white male politicians look after the interests of the white male working class? Because representative democracy is about chasing the female vote to get elected into office. 
  15. Why the female vote in particular? Because it is the largest bloc of all the so-called minority groups.  
  16. Because of the operation of democracy in our corrupt oligarchy, white male politicians have no power at all and are also frightened of being accused of a historic sexual offence where an accusation is as good as a conviction. The most these white male politicians hope for is that they keep their seat after the next election. 
  17. Liberal democracy is now coming to a grinding halt and must be replaced.  
  18. Since Israel is a colonial outpost of the American imperium and is required to be run as a democracy by its imperial overlords, Israeli Jews may well wish to consider what is to replace liberal democracy in Israel to retain possession and keep on good terms with its neighbours after democracy in America collapses in the wake of its second civil war. What else would please its Arab and Muslim neighbours more than for Israel to adopt Secular Koranism? After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! God if He exists would want Israel to be a theocracy and Secular Koranism satisfies this definition without being in any way as restrictive and harsh in its punishments as full-blown Judaism. 
The Arab-Israeli dialogue that would lead to peace in the Middle East

Imagining what the following might say about Secular Koranism fills with me with delighted anticipation!

  • Rabbi Sacks
  • Yoram Hazony
  • Roger Scruton
  • John Gray
  • Melanie Phillips
  • Joshua Rozenberg
  • Jonathan Arkush
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Chris Grayling
  • Nigel Farage
  • David Goodhart
  • David Cameron
  • Tony Blair
  • Frank Field
  • E Michael Jones
  • Will Self
  • Peter Hennessy 
  • Vernon Bogdanor
  • Ken Livingstone
  • Boris Johnson
  • John McDonnell
  • Seumas Milne
  • Nick Cohen
  • Alan Mendoza
  • Jonathan Freedland
  • David Runciman
  • Alex Salmond
  • Timothy Garton Ash
  • Steve Bannon
  • Diane Abbott
  • Anna Soubry

This essay writing contest would be closed to Muslims because it is assumed that they will think it an excellent way of extending dawa to non-Muslims and cough up with the donations.

It would be a large cash prize: I propose £1M for the winner, in both sections, to be donated by Muslim and non-Muslim businessmen and business organisations eg IoD, CBI etc who support my ideas.

The most important thing to note about Secular Koranism is that you don't have to be Muslim to apply and interpret its principles, just professionally qualified to practice the law who has passed an examination in Koranic Knowledge, which I shall set.

You don't have to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism, as long as you believe that the patriarchy must be restored for the return of good rational government with laws that support marriage and family values and want to see the back of feminazis who have been destroying Western civilisation for half a century.

The notable features of Secular Koranism are as follows:

  1. Slut-shaming will be reintroduced with and unmarried parents given 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring.
  2. Sodomy will be recriminalised.
  3. Porn will be banned under and
  4. Brothels will be legal.
  5. Sharia-complaint live sex shows in brothels will be allowed as long as the audience does not exceed three. 
  6. The Equality Act 2010 will be repealed in its entirety because freedom of belief will be guaranteed by
  7. Property and housing prices will be much lower after the abolition of usury.
  8. Taxpayers will be given the constitutional right not to be taxed more than a flat rate income tax of 20%.
  9. No fault divorce will be implicitly abolished because only those who can be married are those of full legal adult capacity who have agreed a marriage contract. Divorce will be based on breach of contract ie fault.
  10. Capital and corporal punishment will be reintroduced.
  11. The end of the boom-bust cycle after the banning of usury, the global casino that is the international stock market and the end of irresponsible borrowing and lending by government and individuals with the result of the pound in your pocket keeping its value from decade to decade and perhaps generation to generation if we manage to keep it up without breaking the rules. 
  12. Secular Koranism can only be implemented in a one party theocracy and will be only moderately authoritarian. 

ESSAY TITLE:Why my country should/should not adopt Secular Koranism.

The contest is divided into two sections: for and against. Both would offer the same prize money.

Two very important essays by F Schmidt that say what I say about sex and God

Anti-feminist Karaite Jew encourages mosque attendance

Jew prescribing Islam for gentiles satirises white nationalists

How I propose to help Orthodox Jews so concerned about immigration they join the alt-right but suffer socially and professionally

40 questions for Frank Field

  1. Would you prefer to go out with a bang or a whimper? If the former, by resigning the Labour whip, are you preparing to go out with a bang?
  2. What do you plan to do when you retire?
  3. When you say National Government, do you mean a one party state?
  4. Have you read The China Model by Daniel Bell?
  5. Have you read How Democracy Ends by David Runciman?
  6. Do you think Britain would be better off as a one party state rather than as an oligarchy?
  7. If Britain became a one party state, would it be better if it was a de facto one party state or a de jure one party state?
  8. What was your view of Peter Bone MP's House of Commons Disqualification Bill?
  9. Would you agree that if Peter Bone's House of Commons Disqualification Bill had become law and party whips disqualified from being a member of the House the logic of that would have moved Britain towards a one party state?
  10. Would you agree that the operation of our oligarchy is corrupt?
  11. If Britain were a one party state, would longstanding social problems eg state education, family breakdown etc be more likely to be solved?
  12. Would you agree that Tory and Labour are the two main and unprincipled tribes of Britain who represent nothing more than class interests?
  13. Would you agree that any one party state that is established should have as its core principle that of promoting the national interest and giving its members the right to debate what is or is not in the national interest without being penalised by the party?
  14. Do you often wonder if you have joined the wrong party, bearing in mind that your parents were Conservatives?
  15. Which Labour politician do you admire the most?
  16. Which Tory politician do you admire the most?
  17. What is your proudest political achievement?
  18. What regrets and errors are you prepared to admit to?
  19. Is it right that gentiles in their own country where they are the overwhelming majority are being constantly bullied by vocal minorities with accusations of antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism? 
  20. Which Acts of Parliament would you repeal if you could?
  21. What legislation would you pass if you could?
  22. Are there more Acts of Parliament you would repeal than there is legislation you would pass? 
  23. Do the British people need a religion?
  24. Is Christianity kaput?
  25. Do you really believe that Christ is also the co-equal of the Abrahamic God?
  26. Have you ever found the Trinity hard to believe?
  27. Is Christianity idolatrous?
  28. Are you prepared to admit that Christianity is idolatrous?
  29. Have you read the Koran?
  30. What are your views on neoconservatism?
  31. What are your views on neoliberalism?
  32. Would you agree with the view that Labour only represents unionised members of the working classes - known as the aristocracy of labour - and ignores the rest? 
  33. Do you agree that it is the job of the government to make the working classes work?
  34. Are political parties reluctant to correct the behaviour of voters because they fear to lose votes and elections?
  35. Should the government be afraid to correct the behaviour of those it governs?
  36. Does the behaviour of Labour supporters require correction? If so, in what way?
  37. Does the behaviour of Tory supporters require correction? If so, in what way?  
  38. If you were required to replace liberal democracy with another political system, what would you replace it with?
  39. If you were required to replace Christianity with another religion, what would you replace it with?
  40. What was the worst error a British government ever made?

Thursday 30 August 2018

Feminazis further destroy marriage by allowing unmarried mothers to claim widow's benefit

The life cycle of a matriarchy

The thing to bear in mind about the matriarchy is that it is not only a danger to the patriarchy, it is a danger to itself. When lunatics take over the asylum, they will start to destroy the asylum and then fight and kill each other.

First, the matriarchy establishes itself by bribing men with fornication until most women are sluts, most men are slut-fuckers and most children are bastards.

After the matriarchy has established itself, women who are not sluts, men who are not slut-fuckers and children who are not bastards will find themselves in the minority and fear to challenge the matriarchy knowing they are outnumbered, especially when the law states that any man may be accused of a historic sexual offence and the police have a duty to take the complainant seriously, with the result that every accusation is as good as a conviction.

When senior male politicians are silenced ie Keith Joseph, Howard Flight, Maurice Glasman and Tom Harris, the sluts, slut-fuckers and bastards will start destroying the nation and breed ever more parasites until the parasites start fighting, killing and devouring each other, ending in extinction.

Marriage and the soon to be extinct matriarchies of the West

Sexual immorality leads to moral corruption, moral corruption leads to intellectual corruption and intellectual corruption means eventually being unable to use truth, logic and morality to solve political problems.

The gold standard of sexual morality is marriage.

Without marriage there can be no patriarchy.

Without patriarchy not enough good strong men will be produced to defend the national interest.

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

What is the illegitimacy rate of your Western nation?

If your nation regards fornication and bastardy as normal, you are a matriarchy.

Other signs that you live in a matriarchy is an ageing and shrinking population incapable of facing its past or admitting its mistakes with ever lowering standards of education and behaviour where sexual liberation from the rules of marriage has become the opium of the people.

Such people go against their traditions, break their own rules while no senior male politician dares to defend the national interest because he is in fear of being accused of a historic sexual offence knowing that he will not be defended by other senior male politicians who in turn also fear being accused of a historic sexual offence.

The rule against no criminal court entertaining any accusation made solely on the uncorroborated testimony of a possibly lying witness that used to be a cornerstone of English liberty has been long forgotten.

After half a century of feminism, the British have all but forgotten their Judeo-Christian heritage. Probably, no sitting member of the legislature or judiciary is even aware of the prohibition in Deuteronomy 19:15 of convicting anyone accused of a crime on the sole uncorroborated testimony of one possibly lying witness. If they are aware of this prohibition, they will be too afraid of pointing this out, because they are also in fear of being accused of a historic sexual offence by a possibly lying witness which the police are now required to take seriously.

The matriarchy have uninvented marriage but no senior male politician in the West will protest

The matriarchy and its lady judge Lady Hale have uninvented marriage but the men are incapable of even thinking of restoring the patriarchy. They are indifferent, silent and cowed. To them marriage is a sacrifice they no longer wish to make because they know they are unmarriageable. These degenerates no longer even have the masculinity to propose that marriage be made a better deal for men who want to become fathers of legitimate children whom they wish to properly parent.

What could be easier to do and say than to propose the abolition of no fault divorce which penalises the wealthier partner when he has done no wrong?

But these emasculated unmarriageable men instead prefer to waste their energy and time campaigning to ban male circumcision because they already know they are unmarriageable. Their game is to somehow benefit from the fact that most atheist antisemitic Islamophobic and sexually liberated gentiles resent Jews and Muslims and want to make them feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. The fact that freedom of belief is a Western liberal tradition means nothing to them. You cannot expect the degenerate to grasp and apply a principle much less adhere to it, after all.

They are to a man shameless atheists, nihilists, cowards and cattle whose main purpose is to enjoy as much sexual and sensual pleasure as they can before they pop their clogs.

Their other main purpose is to go to their grave with the belief that they, their ancestors, their government and their Christianity and liberal democracy were absolutely and perfectly wise and right about everything, until the Jews and Muslims came and ruined everything.

It is a sign of irrationality and lunacy to harbour two contradictory and mutually exclusive ideas in your mind while claiming to have won the argument and then closing your eyes and ears.

Such men and their civilisation can have no future. Nationalists who think in these terms are by definition nihilists. The people they hate and fear - Jews and Muslims in particular - however, are not.

Which is worse? To know you are definitely lost or to not even know you are lost?

We are Nazis, Far Right and extremist if we believe what our parents and grandparents believed


"If you believe in today's day and age what may be your conservative grandparents believed about the world you'll be considered an extremist or a Nazi which just indicates the degree to which we've moved toward the left."

“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

― G.K. Chesterton


Is there a difference between nationalism and patriarchy?

What is your advice to the alt-right?

What are your views on Yoram Hazony's denunciation of Kant and his internationalist and globalist ideas?

Wednesday 29 August 2018

An analysis of Western Man's fears and neuroses after half a century of feminism Theme to Mission Impossible: Fallout
Mission: Impossible Fallout - Finale and shocking twists explained
5:30  Notting Hill Carnival - white people in grass skirts

7:00  Far-right vigilantes 'hunting down' migrants in Germany after man's death
Further demonstrations are planned in Chemnitz following the death of a man in a fight between people of "various nationalities".

9:15  Weimar Republic

11:00  Democracy and accountability

11:45  Ms May said she wants investment levels from UK firms into projects on the continent to outstrip those from the US and France by 2022.
14:00  Chem sex
22:00  Anti-migrant violence in Lesbos
16:00  Hyper-inflation in the Weimar Republic
22:15  Why low status alt-right men are leaderless
25:00  White Van Man
26:00  Steve Bannon's message to Trump voters: It doesn't matter if your congressman is a 'RINO' — vote for them, or else Trump gets impeached
28:00  Pat Buchanan: Do Democrats Want an Impeachment Fight?
34:00  White nationalists unlikely to adopt Secular Koranism as the solution to Western malaise
37:00  Enoch Powell


Tikkun is often translated as repair. But in the Hebrew Bible and in the early code of Jewish law called the Mishnah, it has a range of meanings: improve, fix, prepare, set up, or just “do something with…”1 Tikkun could be used to describe straightening a crooked rod, maintaining a roadway, cutting fingernails, setting a table, or devising a parable to explain a difficult idea.2

Olam in Biblical Hebrew connotes all of time. In later Hebrew, it came to mean the world.

So tikkun olam means to do something with the world that will not only fix any damage, but also improve upon it. literally means to do something with the world that will not only fix any damage, but also improve upon it, preparing it to enter the ultimate state for which it was created.

In our times, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, described tikkun olam as the mission of every human being. He spoke with a voice of urgency, with the conviction that in our times, one small deed could bring the world to the resolution for which it has yearned since its creation.

The Four Steps of Atonement
In Jewish tradition, the process of atonement has four clearly defined stages:

Step 1, Regret. Realize the extent of the damage and inwardly adopt of feeling sincere regret.
Step 2, Ceasing.  Immediately stop the harmful action.
Step 3, Confession and restitution. Verbalize the mistake and ask for forgiveness, either from God or from the wronged party. If possible, the wrong must be righted through compensation. If the sin is against God, acts of charity may be considered as restitution.
Step 4, Resolution. Make a firm commitment not to repeat the sin in the future.

42:00  The eternal problem of degeneracy and its prevention through marriage and good parenting
44:00  Slut-shaming
45:00  You can't have nationalism without restoring the patriarchy
46:00  Angela Merkel
47:00  The majority of women in the West now are sluts, says Ragnar Odinson in chat.
49:00  After the revolution, the rules will be different.
49:30  If you want to go to the moon, you need to get into a spaceworthy vessel. The fact that you have no access to one or have no prospect of becoming a qualified astronaut does not change the solution.
58:00  Why Jay should become a Secular Koranist
1:01:00  Theresa May filmed dancing with South African schoolchildren
1:03:00  The Richard and Judy of the alt-right
1:03:30  How men can peacefully protest against the matriarchy
An OFFICIAL Marriage Strike by Men and an OFFICIAL Sex Strike by Women - a peaceful non-violent way of overthrowing the matriarchy
1:04:00  MGTOW are part of the problem of the matriarchy
1:05:00  Who and what is alt-right?  The alt-right is like the hippy movement
1:06:00  The more you vote, the worse the government gets.  When the government asks your view, it just wants to share the blame.
1:10:00  Star Trek values
1:11:00  The lack of accountability in a democracy that Hitler was complaining about in Mein Kampf
1:13:00  Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal
1:16:00  E Michael Jones: "No religion, no white identity."
1:18:00  Sarah Jeong
1:22:00  No freedom of association for white heterosexual men
1:24:00 Jay commands me to become a "bog standard nationalist" and to join in the whingeing without proposing a solution
Freemasons accept transgender women who joined as men
1:26:00  Belinda Brown won't even say she wants to change the law. 

1:27:00  I don't need to talk about Secular Koranism. Mark Collett forbade me from talking about it at and I didn't.

1:28:00  Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue…
1:29:00  Secular Koranism does not require people to be Muslims to interpret and apply the principles of Secular Koranism. They just have to believe that the patriarchy needs to be restored and Secular Koranism is the way to do it.

1:31:00  Coverture -
Secular Koranism will be less restrictive on women than Secular Koranism.

1:33:00  David Myatt

1:34:00  Why I haven't converted to Islam - because Secular Koranism does not require lawyers who interpret and apply the law to be Muslim!

1:35:00  Frequency of sex in an Islamic marriage contract

1:36:00  Battle of Lepanto

1:41:00  Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

1:42:00  I explain my qualifications as a political and moral philosopher.

1:46:00  Afua HIrsch, Dawn Butler, Sarah Jeong and their ilk

1:47:00  CIA control Western media

1:49:00  Toyota to invest $500m in Uber in driverless car deal

1:51:00  Eugenics: Thomas Galton, Herbert Spencer, marriage

1:54:00  The EU is ’unprecedented filth that doesn’t deserve our money’ Italian minister FUMES
THE ITALIAN interior minister has labelled the EU as “unprecedented filth that doesn’t deserve our money” as Emmanuel Macron has warned against the EU going too soft on the UK in Brexit negotiations.

1:55:00  Sex segregation

1:56:00  The point of having children and good parenting

1:59:00  Men can't say no to no-strings sex

2:04:00  The abolition of the welfare state

2:04:30  What's good about feminism? The normalisation of extramarital sex and the lower of the price of sex

2:06:00  Is there a difference in approach between gay men and lesbians towards sex?

2:09:00  Why we should only have sex with people we love and trust and who love and trust us return

2:10:00  Married women and unmarried women vote differently

2:12:00  Platonic friendships between men and women

2:13:00  Why Muslim are so into sex segregation


2:17:00  Interview: Muslim Saudi Arabian Executioner Part 1

2:20:00  Russell Crowe in Master & Commander

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Was Martin Heidegger an unprincipled bastard who was full of shit?

1. Is living authentically as Heidegger recommends just a matter of following one's principles?

2. Was Heidegger telling people to ignore their moral and religious principles and instead follow their emotions and inclinations because this was more "authentic" - whatever that means?

3. Is the difference between being a human and a non-human animal the difference of being able understand and follow principles?

4. Can you live authentically as a human being if you have no moral or religious principles?

5. Can you make out what Heidegger's moral principles were?

7. Would you say Heidegger was a mediocrity who knew exactly how to play politics to make a name for himself while saying nothing more interesting than "Be true to yourself"?

8. Was the way Heidegger got himself out of trouble after the government who gave him his position fell "authentic"?

9. Is living the life of an unprincipled and slippery politician who knew how to get himself into a good position and then get himself out of trouble after the government that gave him his position fell evidence of "authenticity"?

10. Is authenticity as Heidegger understood it the pursuit of happiness?

11. Can the pursuit of happiness be called a principle?

12. Can the following of your appetites and emotions ever be called following a principle?

13. Did Heidegger live a life of authenticity?

14. Are the people who still study Heidegger credulous fools?

15. Is Western philosophy wise?

16. Would the life of a shyster politician or lawyer been more suited to his talents since he contributed precisely nothing to the wisdom of the West?

Monday 27 August 2018

Do Jews and Muslims have a duty to warn Christians about their idolatry?

Jews are religiously obliged to promote the Noahide laws which forbids idolatry. The Koran tells Muslims to admonish those who say that God has begotten a son. 18:4

See also 31:3, 12:106, 4:48, 4:116, 39:65, 72:18, 2:51, 21:51-3, 4:117, 6:100, 7:190, 10:18, 18:42, 16:20-1, 3:79, 25:43, 45:23, 6:19, 9:31, 30-31-2, 9:107, 6:82, 39:17, 14:35, 6:162-4

Christians are made aware that they are supposed to forbid idolatry. For some reason, they cannot quite see that praying to the idols of Mary and Jesus, or imagining that they are talking to Mary and Jesus when they should be praying to an ineffable God is obviously idolatry.

Let us suppose that Jews and Muslims have at some point in the past tried to point out to Christians that they were practising idolatry and gave up for some reason when Christians resorted to violence and intimidation.

The fact that Christians have for 2000 years practised something that they must know to be idolatrous neatly explains why Christianity and hypocrisy so often walk hand in hand. That the West is now Post-Christian and its clergy mired in scandals of sexual misconduct is conclusive evidence that Christianity has failed and is unlikely to regain its moral authority within our lifetimes, if ever.

If you believe that an executed revolutionary can be the co-equal of the Abrahamic God you must be either as credulous as a child or have suspended your disbelief beyond the exercise of reason. If you only pretend that you believe this in order to avoid ostracisation, violence and persecution or perhaps to keep your job as priest, bishop, archbishop or Pope, you must be morally corrupt.

Is it not obvious to everyone except feminists and liberals that all societies that wish to remain in good health require the majority of its people to be parents and for the overwhelming majority of these parents to be married parents?

Sunday 26 August 2018

The moral chaos of our matriarchy

I start posting from 2:19.

3:14 I discuss Jan Halper Hayes.

3:16  Our corrupt oligarchy and corrupt cartel

3:17   The biggest bloc vote is the female vote.

3:18   No fault divorce

3:19   Feminism impoverishes your nation and this leads to socialism.

3:20  Ann Coulter

3:21  Indiscriminate universal suffrage and the move to extend the franchise to 16 year olds

3:22  A broken clock is correct twice a day.

3:23  Robocop and the dominance of corporate America in American politics

3:25  Elections in a one party state, the US vassal states

3:27  Anti-trust laws

3:29  Democracy a sacred cow and civic religion

3:30  Religion is very right-wing

3:31  Should the failure of Christianity be blamed on Jews?

3:36  Free speech exists in greater strength in non-Western countries not destroyed by PC.

Paul’s “brief encounter” with Lina is followed by dinner with a group of wealthy female socialites, who wax lyrical about the freedoms they enjoy in modern China. Host Vivian Chow surprises Paul with her views of the exaggeration of the western press: “To tell you the truth, I don’t think China even has any political prisoners,” she says.

Saudi Arabia seeks 'unprecedented' beheading for woman activist  
The accusations against a group Israa al-Ghomgham is part of include chanting slogans hostile to the regime and attempting to inflame public opinion. 
This is a political execution and is part of the Sunni-Shia feud and obviously to do with bombing of Yemen by Saudi.

3:39:30  Americans flouting their own constitution

3:40  The Chinese know they have more free speech than Westerners

Paul’s “brief encounter” with Lina is followed by dinner with a group of wealthy female socialites, who wax lyrical about the freedoms they enjoy in modern China. Host Vivian Chow surprises Paul with her views of the exaggeration of the western press: “To tell you the truth, I don’t think China even has any political prisoners,” she says.

3:42:00  Lawyers don't care or notice that basic legal principles are being flouted.

3:43:00  Religious people notice when their religious principles are being flouted.


epistemologythe theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.

What has epistemology to do with anything I said about no one in politics ever defending any principle?

noun: ontology; plural noun: ontologies
the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.
a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.

What has ontology to do with anything I said about no one defending any principle?  What trope did I use?

What is a "Dennis Prager argument"?

3:45:00  Anti-trust laws ignored

3:45:00  Unprincipled politicians have given the West gay marriage. Unprincipled and probably gay religious leaders and philosophers did not care to challenge this.

3:45:30  Democrats threatened to impeach Trump because they can, even before he became President.

3:46:00 There is no rule of law, therefore moral chaos is the norm

3:50:00  Patriarchy comes from patriarchs ie married fathers in control of their families, especially sons.

3:58:00  I am not proposing a return to brimstone and hellfire sermons. It is enough to punish Slut Single Mothers with for having illegitimate offspring at a tariff of 100 lashes per bastard. 

Friday 24 August 2018

Why Islam spread three times as quickly as Christianity

It is not that easy to create a new religion and get people to follow it. It took about 300 years for the Romans to become Christian. Islam established itself rather more quickly.

Islam only took 1/3 of the time Christianity took to establish itself.


The death of Jesus is estimated to have taken place between AD 30 and 36. Let us say therefore that Christianity was established on the execution of Christ.

A single religion with a single God appealed to the Roman Emperor Constantine. He saw that Christianity could be harnessed to unite his Empire and achieve military success. From 313 AD onwards, Christian worship was tolerated within the Roman Empire.

Constantine the Great converted and died in 337 AD.


630 AD conquest of Mecca.
732 AD Muslim empire reaches its furthest extent. Battle of Tours prevents further advance northwards.

Another factor Islam became popular in the Middle East was the ruthlessness of the Byzantine Empire in pressing its authority and in imposing Christianity. This stirred nationalism and separatism among the Middle Eastern people. Even before the emergence of Islam, these people were willing to form alliance with non-Christian factions to liberate themselves from a government and religion that were alien to them.

Muslims promoted a high degree of tolerance for non-Muslims. For example, they were able to strike deals with these people by giving them protection. Christians and Jews, for example, received protection in exchange for tax payments.

Muslim leaders prohibited their Muslim soldiers from exploiting their conquered settlements. They were not allowed to settle or take any possession. Moreover, the Arabs distanced themselves from established communities. They essentially left the conquered lands to existing communities in exchange for paying a reasonable tax or rent.

From the aforementioned, accepting Islam seemed easier than embracing Christianity or following the disastrous leadership of the Byzantine and Sassanid empires. In other words, another reason why Islam spread quickly across and beyond the Middle East is that Muslim conquerors promoted a more fluid and liberal cultural and ethnic integration that allowed coexistence.

The idolatry of worshipping usury

Idolatry is the worship of anything that is irrelevant to the worship of the Abrahamic God be it an idol or any idea that is conflict with the laws of the Abrahamic God found in scripture. Is there anything in the New Testament that says we are to worship Christ as the co-equal of the eternal and omnipotent Abrahamic God? Surely this is blasphemy. Christians have been guilty of idolatry for 2000 years.

Michael Servetus was burned at the stake in 1553 for denying the Trinity.

Calvin said of Servetus:

Servetus has just sent me a long volume of his ravings. If I consent he will come here, but I will not give my word; for if he comes here, if my authority is worth anything, I will never permit him to depart alive.

It was Calvin who arrived on the cunning plan of allowing Christians to practise usury and then blaming Jews when it all went wrong. He was of course an antisemite. Of Jews he said:

I have had much conversation with many Jews: I have never seen either a drop of piety or a grain of truth or ingenuousness – nay, I have never found common sense in any Jew.

Is usury an idol the Post-Christian worships, along with democracy, feminism, fornication and Mammon?

Jews are forbidden from practising usury on each other.

Exodus 22:25–27, Leviticus 25:36–37 and Deuteronomy 23:20–21

Muslims are forbidden from practising usury on anyone at all. There is an absolute prohibition against practising usury in the Koran.

Why feminists are nihilists

The problem with people who don't believe in anything is people who won't risk anything to defend any principle - because they have none.

At the very least, we as reasoning humans should believe in the primacy of truth, logic and morality, even if we do not believe in God.

If through the exercise of our reasoning faculties we arrive at the conclusion that civilised life and the continuation of our tribe, national identity and civilisation is impossible without patriarchy and a religion that promotes marriage and family values, we are morally obliged to support patriarchy.

The world is divided between

1) people who see the point in supporting patriarchy and

2) those who refuse to do so because they are selfish nihilists with no intention or prospect of becoming married parents and who do not wish to make the sacrifice of adhering to the rules in a moral system necessary to keep their group in existence.

What about the people who refuse to even discuss this?

They would be those who are indifferent to the destruction of their own civilisation.

Who are these people?

They make up the Western liberal establishment ie those in academia, politics, the media and the judiciary.

Why won't they discuss any of these subjects or answer any questions?

Because they cannot answer our simple questions honestly without giving up their position and losing the argument.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Are Trump supporters an oppressed group in need of legal protection from liberals?

2:00  Minority, oppressed group, intersectional feminism
3:30  The supposedly dominant culture
6:00  Groups competing for victim status and victim privileges
13:00  Matriarchy
15:00  Trump
16:00  Trump's tweet about Michael Cohen
17:00  Sounding board
18:00  Journalists
18:35  The BBC report their opinions as news
19:00  Hannity on Fox News
19:30  CNN
20:00  RT
20:45  BBC produce processed news like Dairy Lea
22:00  Laura Kuennsberg at Labour Party Conferences
23:00  Joseph Cohen
25:00  Our Culture of Excuses and Entitlement
26:00  Men should say 'menopause' three times a day to show solidarity with women, academic says
27:00  Conservaliberalism and Torlabourism
28:00  My expulsion from the Conservative Party
30:00  Being in office but not in power
31:00  Conserving the national interest
35:00  Improve state education and restoring the patriarchy is in the national interest
36:00  What is Western culture?
40:00  The Rolling Stones are so old they are new again
41:00  We mustn't rest on our laurels 
42:00  Merkel says German multicultural society has failed
49:00  Government has been ignoring the problems of British businesses about getting employable school leavers for decades.
54:00  Cosmopolitanism
55:00  University education is really indoctrination into our rotten modern culture of feminism, gay marriage and transgenderism
56:00  Immigration is a symptom of an even deeper malaise.
57:00  GCSE result day
58:00  The Emperor's New Clothes
1:05:00  "My name is [fill in the blank] and I am a clueless fuck of a politician who was only interested in getting into office but not be in power, interested only in keeping my job and selling the country down the river while being part of a community of liberal lunatics who have taken over the asylum." 
1:09:00 Can we all live together?
1:12:00  White Nationalism
1:14:00  The Madagascar Plan
1:18:00  Freedom of contract
1:19:00  Chinese and the pirate DVD  market
1:19:45  Chinese basket ball 
1:21:00  Zionism
1:23:00  Davis Campbell on The Categorical Error at the Heart of White Nationalism
1:24:00  The importance of co-operation under a moral system that is hierarchical with a chain of command
1:26:00 Code of Conduct
1:27:00  Keep giving subscribers what they want and continue to allow them to avoid taking any responsibility
1:28:00  After race war, there will be civil war amongst white people who cannot agree with each other on what moral system ie religion to live under
1:29:00  Trump the first alt-right US President
1:30:00  Mike Pence is a neocon
1:31:00  Paul Manofort
1:32:00  Lanny Davis
1:37:00  Buena Vista Social Club
Manu Chao - Clandestino
1:40:00  Lewis Pugh starts 350-mile Long Swim challenge to raise awareness on plastic pollution
1:42:00 Army 'has dropped fitness standards to allow more women to join'
1:42:15  Death extinct

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Shame, sex, religion and revolution

2:45  Shame
5:15  Unjustified over-confidence
7:30   Sexual etiquette
12:00  Prostitution
17:00  Man kills two women in Belgian knife attack
21:00  Libtards and liberalism
27:00  Slavery and the Ashanti
29:00  Japanese mothers
30:00  Shared values
32:00  The law of the jungle
40:00  Staring East European man
41:00  On being Victorian
41:45  Trump's hair ruffled by Jimmy Fallon
43:00 Loud Chinese people
44:00  How to deal with other people
49:00  We can become degenerate not through race-mixing but through legalising incest
40:00  Pederasty
53:00  "A normal woman would not want to go out with Mark Collett."
54:00  Trump and Pence
56:00  Unitarian Christians and the Socinian Heresy
Catholic emancipation
Jewish emancipation
Toleration Act 1689
56:45  Barbara Pym
58:00  The living exhibit at the Imperial Museum
59:00  Secular Koranism and "standard nationalism"
1:03:00  "Straightforward old fashioned nationalism"
1:12:00  Tommy Robinson
1:13:00  Religion and revolutioon
1:17:00  A patriarchy is a society where the alpha male is chosen by beta males.
1:18:00  A patriarchy is a society where the females derive their status from their husbands and fathers and where the alpha male is chosen by the beta males.
1:20:00  The revolution must and should come from above. 
1:21:00  Giuliani: If Trump were impeached 'the American people would revolt'
1:26:00  Why we must respect the rule of law
1:29:00  Elizabeth Warren, Asked about Mollie Tibbetts: ‘Focus on Where the Real Problems Are’
1:36:00  There are more Trump supporters
1:37:00  The most important thing for Trump supporters to do is make sure they vote in November and make sure the vote is not rigged.
1:39:00  Wisdom
1:40:00  Coin cascade

All Trump supporters are White Nationalists and Nazis even if they are not

4:45  "They want us dead."

10:00  "This is a crisis of the elite." An example of an alternative elite: Optimates and Populares.

Trump aide 'fired over ties to white nationalist event'


13:00  "These people have made civilised discourse impossible and poisoned the wells and one cannot have dealings with those who have poisoned the wells. This is nothing less than a conspiracy to evict Trump from office and to destroy all of those who do not share their opinions. You hear all this talk about left/right, being no longer useful and we have had globalist versus nationalist suggested as a substitute. It's become more primal than that. This has come to a situation of us versus them."


15:00  "All these people who take a great deal of risk to support president Trump does this
President Trump owe them any loyalty interests in return or is loyalty just supposed to go one way?"


18:00  "White nationalist as the term racist has lost much of as pejorative power through overuse. White nationalists seems to be increasingly deployed if it means anything it means creating a homogeneous white ethno state an objective no one in mainstream politics has ever advocated. Nonetheless Steve Bannon is casually described as possessing white nationalist tendencies.  Stephen Miller has become a white nationalist somehow. However, Keith Ellison second-in-command of the Democrat Party never faces questions for his explicit black nationalist past what's more no black congressmen feels compelled to denounce such views. The entire moral crusade by journalists is self discrediting. It is best understood as a crude exercise of power, not as a display of real ethical concern. Journalists clearly regard themselves as a kind of guild and are moving to ensure only those within their close network have access to the financial and communications infrastructure needed to connect with the mass public. Let it be said plainly if America were not saddled with today's 'journalists' we would be better informed have more freedom of speech and of a greater potential to mobilize against government abuses."


19:00  "[Journalists] are the enemy of the people and deserve everything that they have got are
getting and are going to get."


22:00  "We are blessed with incompetent  and stupid enemies but that's not enough. We have to take action ourselves.  It's a failed strategy because it's just laughed off now. The way that is supposed to work is that people typically young people engage in radical politics hold extremist positions and they move toward the middle. The definition of that grows broader with each passing day is now permanently shut out of the public square. This will serve only to embolden the radicals and to persuade the average citizen that the radicalism isn't in fact so radical because it appears to be the only alternative. If the left wants of war they're going to get a war. They seem to be so very convinced that they're going to win but if it actually gets to war the Washington Post isn't going to be much help. Jeff Bezos isn't going to be much help."


32:00  "It's no longer a question of protecting ourselves because there is no way we can protect ourselves. What we can do is take the fight to the enemy, that's what we can do. There's no there's no point in appealing for fairness and good faith from vile wicked vicious people."


37:00  "There's always the assumption here that there's never gonna be any push-back, there's never gonna be any resistance. It's been understood that when you back people into a corner they have no alternative but to fight because again we're not being offered jobs as janitors in the boiler room, we are being told that we are going to starve in a gutter - that's the alternative."


"When I was a working journalist it became obvious to me that journalists have a serious problem with reality. For one, they believe that their work is important and I don't mean important in the sense that people might read it, a bunch of people might read it or hear it they believe it has a greater important importance. That they are somehow the legislators of society now it used to be that journalists associated with all manner of people high and low. Typically now they associate only with themselves and the politicians that they worship so the situation has become much worse since I entered journalism over 30 years ago.  To talk about bubble isn't really sufficient because sound can pass through a bubble.  Journalists are in a vessel like that the bathysphere. It's not so much that you know that that sound cannot pass through, they're not interested. They're interested only in what they say amongst themselves. This is why they were so shocked. Many of them were broken by Trump's victory because no one that they knew of was voting for Trump so how could that happen? They considered it to be a literal impossibility. Journalists can't believe that Trump could have won in a fair election again because they don't know anyone like Trump. They don't know anyone who talks like Trump or believes in the things he's saying. They don't know normal people. Oh, sure they have a bunch of normies that they interview but these are carefully selected people who are whining about how the United States government is so mean because um you know Juan wants to bring his 19 relatives in the United States and the meanies at the border said no and then you know Juan snuck through but apparently that's not enough, the government the United States government wants to send him home now and how outrageous that is those are the kind of normal people that newspaper reporters talk to now there are people with a grudge against the government because the government isn't caring enough they have been hurt in some way and the government owes them money or favor or privilege."


"There has been there's been a loss of collective responsibility and there has been a loss of personal responsibility and this this is nothing less than a crisis. If no one could be held responsible for his actions for his decisions then we then the decadence that we are experiencing now is just a taste of a very unpleasant future."


"Trump is going to be president for four years at least and probably eight. He has the opportunity to use the presidency not just as a bully pulpit but to form a cadre of people who will lead the alternative elite. If he persists on turning on people who are his closest allies then you know there's a strong possibility that the Trump presidency could just be you know considered an interregnum in American history."


"These poisoned white people graduate with useless degrees and tens of thousands of dollars in debt."


1:01:00  "Zuckerberg is using Facebook as a political tool to really be one of the not unacknowledged but acknowledged legislators of the world. Facebook needs to be destroyed."

"It is not the media's job to discern facts because facts are things of which are very difficult to discern. There are a host of things that we are agreed upon are true but most of what goes on in the world is the subject of disagreement. It is a fact that one political position is better than another. Well, if that were true than the people on the wrong side of any issue would have to be motivated by something nasty.  Is it a fact that all of the people who were pushing for socialism around the world for over a hundred years - were they wicked because it turned out that socialism didn't work very well? Angela Merkel went to Facebook and said 'There are all of these people being mean about my migrant policy on Facebook. Can you do something about that, Mark?' and Mark said, 'Yes, sure I can do something about it.' "

The Culture War and the status quo

The Culture War is between the good guys and the bad guys. The good guys are the ones who are guided by truth, reason and morality. The bad guys are the ones who defend the status quo of feminism, and feminism is a disease of the mind that will destroy your civilisation.

If you want to continue your race, society, nation and civilisation you need to produce the next generation and parent your offspring properly. Marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions. If you don't care about that, you must be one of the following:

1) You have no intention of becoming a married father.

2) You have no prospect of becoming a married father.

What if you would like to become a married father but have no prospect of becoming one?

Then you should want to effect the economic, political and social changes that would make it easier for men in theory capable of becoming married fathers to become married fathers. Currently, the law in the West punishes white heterosexual men while protecting the groups privileged by intersectional feminism.

There are really only two choices: patriarchy or matriarchy.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers, matriarchy that of unmarried mothers.

Which society is more likely to continue in existence for the preservation of your tribe, society, nation and civilisation?

If there were a war between a society that is a patriarchy and a society that is a matriarchy, which would win?

Whether or not you have any prospect of becoming a married father, you are morally obliged to support patriarchy, if you care about truth, logic, morality and the continuation of your tribe, society, nation and civilisation.

If you don't, then you would support the status quo. The status quo is to remain in the EU and to continue with neoliberalism and neoconservatism. Supporters of globalist neoliberalism and neoconservatism would be the ones trying to impeach Trump and to stop the Republicans from winning the midterm elections in November. In Britain they would be the ones working to sabotage Brexit who hate and fear Trump and his supporters.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Religion as the basis of the continuation of Jewish and gentile national identity

2:00  The difference between Christian reasoning and Jewish and Muslim reasoning
2:45  Christian values
3:00  Christian values that Baruch finds abhorrent
3:45  Christianity is about saying you believe things which you may not necessarily believe in to be one of the gang, Judaism and Islam is about actually doing things in a rule-based way.
4:30  "The more disturbing aspects of fundamentalist Christianity"  - the threat of hell
8:00  The universal love of Christianity
9:00   Islam is also claims this
9:15   Ditto Judaism
10:00 Eastern religions  are not monotheist at all.
11:00  If you don't believe in the Trinity, you are not Christian
12:00  Justice and Love
14:00  Compassion for the criminal
14:30  The mumsy view of Christianity: forgive everything, tolerate everything
16:00 The idolatry and blasphemy of the Trinity
17:00  Jews are understandably shy of pointing out to Christians the idolatry of Christianity bearing in mind their tradition of persecuting of Jews
17:30  The chaos of Christianity according to Baruch
18:30  Jews and Muslims pray to the ineffable Abrahamic God, while Christians pray to an executed revolutionary or his mum
19:30  God is rather more than the mumsy comforting woman who is your mate's mum that you might bump into at the supermarket
20:00  Shavuot - the cosmic marriage between God and Jews
The Bible also says this about God: “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart”
23:00  Secular Koranism is just a boring little idea to prop up the patriarchy and deprive you of extramarital sex to continue the existence of your tribe, society, nation and civilisation
26:00  Marriage is a eugenic game of musical chairs being played from generation to generation
27:00  Conservatism
28:00  Gay marriage
29:00  Flexible monogamy is a lower standard than traditional marriage
30:00  John Major's Back to Basics campaign
30:30  The meaninglessness of unprincipled mainstream of Conservatism which brought in gay marriage under a Conservative Prime Minister
32:00  But for Judaism, Jews would not exist.
33:00  Marriage is an institution for all advanced civilisations, not just for the Abrahamic faiths
34:00  The nihilism of atheism and childlessness
35:00  If Baruch had children, he would want to pass on Judaism to his offspring
37:00  The benefit of having a cultural identity imposed on you even if you reject it at the time or subsequently reject it
39:00  Tradition is what we do to please our fathers.
40:00  White nationalists don't even have a cultural identity to reject and now have to go about creating an identity that they can accept and they cannot agree on this. Most are antisemites, many are not even Christian, and those who want to regress into paganism will not have the support of the majority. White nationalism is dead in the water if white nationalists refuse to acknowledge the need to restore the patriarchy and continue to reject the utility of organised religion.
42:00  Spiritual self-transcendence
45:00  Football matches
46:00  Football chants and war cries

47:00  Participating in a Mexican wave at a Madonna concert
49:00  War, good government and foreign policy should be in the natioanal interest, otherwise people would kill and be killed for the ambitions of their corrupt politicians.
51:00  It doesn't profit members of the Armed Forces to think too deeply about foreign policy
53:00 You don't need nationalism to be a good citizen, says Baruch.
54:00 I define nationalism as the ideology of promoting the national interest. This does not mean indscriminate aggression and warfare.
55:00 Secular Koranism and the National Interest
57:00  The nation is the group all of us can join that is big enough to matter and small enough to care.
58:00 Judaism managed to keep a people without land together for 2000 years and enabled them to their return to their homeland. Christianity and Islam represent attempts by the gentile to adapt Judaism for gentiles
59:00  Patriarchy
1:00:00  100 lashes as a means of effective slut-shaming
1:02:00  What are these Conservative principles? Can you find them in the constitution of the Conservative Party? Nope.
1:03:00  Ann Widdecombe
1:05:00  The Tories and Labour only represent entrenched class interests
1:05:30  The one party state
1:06:00  Peter Bone's House of Commons Disqualification Bill
1:09:00 The principle of promoting the national interest would be the primary and officially stated principle of party. Members would have the right to propose policies and criticise party policy on grounds of the national interest and their free speech would be fiercely protected.
1:11:00  The selection process of party representatives administering regions
1:12:00  There will be a committee to decide which policies are permissible or impermissible on grounds of national interest
1:15:00  The NHS
1:17:00 The slut-shaming of Secular Koranism
1:18:00  Lifelike baby dolls designed to deter teenagers from having children actually RAISE pregnancy rates
1:22:00  Public housing and property prices
1:23:00  The banning of usury
1:23:30  20% flat rate income tax
1:26:00  We must not confuse charity with tax
1:27:00  Hedge funds charge a 20% performance fee
1:30:00  I ignore all the Hadith that contradicts the Koran.
1:31:00  The punishment of stoning/Rajm or capital punishment for adultery is unique in Islamic law in that it conflicts with the Qur'anic prescription for premarital and extramarital sex (zina).
1:33:00  No bedroom police to punish those guilty of fornication.
1:35:00  "Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry and but a woman similarly guilty, or an Unbeliever: nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a thing is forbidden."
1:38:00  SSMs  - not all mothers are single mothers, not all single mothers are never married mothers. SSMs are a group within a group within a group. You can only be an SSM if you have illegitimate offspring.
1:40:00 Slut-shaming
1:42:00  "Most children growing up are not growing up in single parent families," says Baruch.
Out-of-Wedlock Births Rise Worldwide
1:43:00  The current crime wave
"By 1996, 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers. Seventy-two percent of juvenile murderers and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes. Seventy percent of teenage births, dropouts, suicides, runaways, juvenile delinquents, and child murderers involve children raised by single mothers. Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous and more likely to end up divorced. A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared."
1:47:00  Warnings of 'public health emergency' as violent crime surges
Murders and knife crimes soar in England and Wales as police detection rate hits record low
Met Police to stop investigating some 'low-level' crimes in response to £400m funding cuts
Officer warns change could have 'horrendous' impact on victims of offences including burglary and car crime
1:50:00  'Is it her job to give an opinion?' Nigel Farage TEARS INTO Met Police chief over Boris
1:53:00 Transcript of what I said on the Victoria Derbyshire Show in 2 March 2011
What I propose is already being done
2:03:00 The rules of intersectional status acquisition
2:05:00  Roger Scruton influenced by Kant.
2:07:00  Pater familias
2:08:00  Bread and circuses
2:08:30  ISIS are the mercenaries of the West

The future of the West is cyborg, mad scientist, Terminator and Robocop, says Aleksandr Dugin