
Wednesday 31 October 2018

Preventing Child Indoctrination - Creating a better Education system


Are you all atheists?

Why is Mike Buchanan getting involved in covert displays of antisemitism and Islamophobia by banning male circumcision instead of campaigning to abolish no fault divorce?

If most British men were married fathers in control of their families, feminists would not have seized control of the educational system and would not now be indoctrinating British children with ways of having extramarital and underage sex as well as becoming members of the opposite sex.

Did anyone mention abolishing no fault divorce?

If none of you have any prospect of becoming fathers of legitimate children, what are the reasons?

Did anyone mention criminalising fornication to make men take marriage seriously again?

Do you realise that men who are considered unmarriageable are considered lower in status than married fathers of legitimate children?

Have you considered how and why Jewish and Muslim men are more likely to marry and stay married than atheist men?

In a matriarchy, women would control the educational syllabus. That is why public education is now institutional child sexual abuse. That is why primary school children are being given sex education and told they could become a member of the opposite sex if they seek treatment early enough, while they are adolescents, before they become adults.

Low status unmarriageable and atheist beta male victims of feminism who follow an angry bitter charmless man like Mike Buchanan who is more interested in showing covert hostility to Jews and Muslims by campaigning to ban male circumcision assisted by an unmarried mother rather than campaigning to abolish no fault divorce have no chance of overthrowing the matriarchy, have they?

Is the reason why no one is interested in abolishing no fault divorce conclusive evidence that you are all unmarriageable and therefore have no interest or prospect of getting married?  If this is so, then you are low status men. If you are indeed low status men, why would anyone listen to you?

Further comments in support of my application to be on Millenniyule 2018

"The way I am living now is slowly killing me." Are you referring to your single status?

As for being "candid", you might as well make a virtue of a necessity. Plenty of people I know use their YouTube videos as way of showing their viewers their wounds almost as a formalised ritual. If you have nothing of interest to say now about politics, then your videos must necessarily be revelatory of yourself and your romantic misadventures. Nobody wants to hear how well you are doing, so you will have to display wounds that you may not even have to keep the vultures entertained. On the political and philosophical side of things I think could be useful. You just have to let go of your control freakery and let things play out without trying to micromanage things. For this reason alone, I should be on Millenniyule.

"Race and hierarchy are the issues of the century.  The right, ability, privilege and the moral good of setting boundaries is the issue of the century."  Sounds like you are talking about religion.

Yes, you might as well be open. You are already a marked man. Don't you want them to send you honey traps right, left and centre anyway, deep down? You should talk about the other stuff you mentioned eg morality and philosophy as a sign of personal development. Give that a go with me on Millenniyule.

"We need to be synthesising a world view that has to be done at every level and it is deep. It involves the soul, history, culture, identity." You seem to be talking about religion. I think philosophy rather than art is required in this endeavour. I am afraid your subscribers will be very disappointed with you. If you fail in the endeavour, you will be regarded as doomed from the start. If you succeed, you will be seen as a sell-out.

There is quite enough modern art around anyway.  Imagine the snorts of derision if you ever won the Turner Prize, Woes.

No, the best thing for you to do is carry on talking politics but be prepared to consider and analyse new ideas, however transgressive.

The unmarriageability of alt-right men is indicative of their status and the status of their race. It is also an  indication of the status of their ideas. Jewish and Muslim men are top of the heap. Atheist antisemites and Islamophobes are the bottom of the heap. Time to ask yourselves why.

Questions to be considered:

1) Does the patriarchy need to be restored to produce enough good strong men capable of defending the national interest?

2) If so, what moral system would restore the patriarchy?

3) If a slut-shaming moral system is required to restore the patriarchy, there is only one rational and moral choice now we know for a fact that Christianity is kaput, isn't there?

4) Is Judaism divine ethno nationalism?

5) If Judaism is divine ethno nationalism, is Islam divine civic nationalism?

6) Can nationalism exist without restoring the patriarchy?

7) Is a patriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers?

8) Is a matriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers?

9) Are all advanced civilisations patriarchies?

10) Are all declining, primitive, extinct and soon to be extinct societies matriarchies?

11) Does the perfect patriarchy consist of 100% married parents?

12) Does the perfect matriarchy consist of 100% unmarried parents?

13) If there were a war between a patriarchy and a matriarchy, which would win?

14) Was patriarchy what made the West great?

15) Does every civilisation rise in patriarchy and fall in matriarchy?

Oh, the staying in your room for ten years is also a Japanese thing. They have even coined a term for it: hikikomori.  It is a form of arrested adolescence.  Alcoholism also causes arrested development, because when you are being drunk, you don't observe life and learn the lessons of life that you should.

11:00  "I think I deserve them ...  but I am damaged goods."  There is a contradiction there. Nobody has a right to happiness. We are put on this earth to correct ourselves and perhaps others if we have corrected ourselves enough to for others to accept our correction.

"The movement"? You might as well be talking about the hippy movement which was always leaderless. The "leader" is Greg Johnson only because Richard Spencer dropped out after being swept away by his private life and the sheer number of angry white men whose women he has had sex with. Why is it necessary for you to have access to someone who can edit a video overnight? Just post whatever message you have in a post on a blog. I don't think "infrastructure" is the right word. You just need a chain of command where someone is in charge but you don't even have an official leader and therefore no organisation which means nothing much will happen other than the promotion and selling of Greg Johnson's WN manifesto: more preaching to the converted. You still haven't got a solution other than to kick out everyone which is about as viable as you lot joining NASA and going to the moon. You say you are an ideas man but there are no signs of you entertaining any new ideas or discussing them with anyone.

I have broken down the problem into six parts:

1) The Credibility Problem
2) The Class Problem
3) The Ideological Problem
4) The Political Problem
5) The Moral Authority Problem
6) The Leadership Problem

I have no idea how to edit videos either but I expect people who say they are interested in ideas to be prepared to discuss and challenge them. I actually think you have a duty to discuss them even if you don't like me or the sound of them, but you are behaving like the censorious liberal media as far as I can see and see your job as the suppressing of them. From what I know of the people who are familiar with both our ideas, they would be happy to hear how things go when I get a chance to explain my ideas on Millenniyule. If nothing else, it would be entertaining. I have interviewed Greg Johnson at and explained my ideas repeatedly in the Luke Ford community. The world still spins on its axis so I really don't know why you are being so reluctant. If you have spoken to big shot YouTubers like Sargon more than once, why have a problem with little old me?

If someone emails you with an idea that you don't know what to do with, the most obvious thing to do is to consider them in your videos.

You really are sweating the small stuff and being control freak, not being able to see the wood for the trees.  The important thing is to get the message through, have a narrative, show a developing narrative and have a record of what you said and did that is easily searchable, and then await events. You are not an actor nor am I.

The only thing you have to do is entertain your subscribers and propagate the message. I am not that bothered about getting a strike because in theory I can always appear on other people's channels, if they are prepared to talk to me.

Why are they not prepared to talk to me? Because they hate my ideas. But the bright side of people hating my ideas is that I have at least managed to convey my message to them coherently enough for people to understand and then reject them.

But does this mean that my ideas are wrong? Perhaps, but  no one has been able to prove this, and, as far as I know, no one has been able to come up with a better one or successfully refute them by showing that they are based on false information, illogical thinking and immoral considerations.

The best way of conveying a developing narrative is to have me on Millenniyule, or before, or after.  You can even devote an entire video saying how much you  hate me and my ideas, and then we can have a cosy chat about this and that.

That's all you have to do: just go where truth and logic takes you while exploring ideas.

The Tragedy In Pittsburgh

Rabbi Mizrachi fills us in on the details of the Pittsburgh shooting:


The ceremony was that of a goy baby being adopted by a couple who have been gaily married.

Interestingly, the parashat that Saturday also happened to be about Sodom and Gomorrah in a so-called "Conservative" synagogue.

It is laughable that these Reform Jews - because that is what they are - blame Trump for antisemitism, he says, who could not have done more for Israel.

Antisemitism will always exist because Jews are the Chosen People. It is murderous sibling rivalry, like Cain and Abel.

Liberal Jews own the media in Israel and the West. When someone says anything they like, there is no free speech and no democracy. "The only way Conservatives are allowed to exist is if we all shut up and let them step on our heads," he says.

It is possible Jews will not get their salvation because they have all been brainwashed by liberalism. God expects very little from liberal degenerates, Jew or gentile.

Jews are basically steaks that have been marinating in the rotten modern culture of liberalism for how many decades now?

Rabbi Mizrachi explains the rules of Kidush Hashem on when a Jew is expected to martyr himself.

Sodom and Gomorrah was about deliberately going against the laws of the Torah.

Were Sodom and Gomorrah the original founders of Reform Judaism?

47:00 The highest ranking rabbi is Chief Rabbi Mirvis who is Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth. He has received a message of censure from Rabbi Sternbuch of Jerusalem, who is 90, an anti-Zionist and vice-president of Israel’s Rabbinical Court, for his pro-LGBT stance openly flouting the Torah, for the Torah decrees death for sodomites. The heart and soul of British Jewry and the rest of the world because of the global nature of the British Commonwealth are now gravely imperilled.

(This letter was written before the Pittsburgh shooting, Rabbi Mizrachi reminds us.)

Are these the signs of God's wrath with liberal Jews who want Jewish privileges but observe none of their religious obligations, who were active open sodomites gaily married who adopted a pair of gentile male infant twins and then had them circumcised?

Synagogue Shooting Occurred During Bris for Gay Couple's Twins

The "fake rabbis" in England have not condemned Chief Rabbi Mirvis demonstrating the depths of their cowardice and degeneracy, probably because he holds their purse strings or something of that nature.

This is a war against Judaism and Israel, Rabbi Mizrachi says. Jews should remember true Torah principles that true Jews are obliged to follow. Jews are actually religiously obliged to martyr themselves and this includes sacrificing their lives. This is what they must do to be light of the nations and be God's Chosen People, or prepare to face God's wrath. If they do not, then Jews and gentiles suffer, worldwide, because the cancer has now spread globally because of the global nature of the degenerate Western matriarchy spreading the filth of gay marriage - that abomination of abominations - globally.

Rabbi Mizrachi predicts antisemitism in the West will increase in rage and fury because of the behaviour of assimilated liberal Jews whose behaviour observant and Orthodox Jews cannot restrain without adopting my idea of a Registrar and Register of Jews.

2:21:00 American Jews must never vote Democrat because they are pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage and part of Sodom and Gomorrah, complicit in their criminality. No good Jew must vote against Trump to make him weaker because this is a war against Hashem and ingratitude after all he has done for Israel. He is anti-transgenderism and this means all good Jews must support Trump. Good Jews should have nothing to do with the US injustice system or they will be morally compromised by the injustice it metes out.

75% of so-called Jews in Manhattan are Democrat with no connection to Israel or Judaism and don't care who their children marry.

When they tell Netanyahu off for not respecting Judaism, their hypocrisy is stomach-churning.

2:27:00 Is there a bigger antisemite than Bernie Sanders in all of America? All his children and grandchildren are goyim and he would have preferred it if Israel never existed. Well, he nearly became US President.

2:30 Jews must learn from the mistakes of the Europeans who have lost everything because they were stupid.

2:32 If American Jews were nationalists instead of liberals, the Americans might not hate Jews so much though antisemitism is part of their DNA. Liberal Jews put Orthodox Jews in danger by their constant provocation of the goyim with their gay parades inviting already resented Muslim immigrants to their host country. Enough of this nonsense!

Liberal Jews should be grateful to Rabbi Mizrachi because he so effectively demonstrates that liberals have rigged the system against observant Orthodox Jews, too, who don't agree with the sexual liberalism of rotten modern culture. This might help take off some of the heat of antisemitism as well as my idea of a Register and Registrar of Jews in every country where there are enough Jews to make up a minyan.

The Sin of Lashon Hara (evil speech) and my permanent solution to the problem of rising antisemitism: a Registrar and Register of Jews

Monday 29 October 2018

Is the degenerate feminist gentile weak and stupid because he is suffering from the double whammy of a failed religion and political system?

The question is why the gentile in his own land allows Jewish organisations to bring unwanted migrants into their country.  To be weak and stupid is to invite exploitation and abuse. There are plenty of gentile liberals encouraging Jews to be liberal. This is a matter to be resolved between gentiles themselves, surely? Obviously there will be white Western gentiles who want to co-opt non-white and Jewish minorities in their country to their political cause eg Sarah Jeong. The liberals being what they are would recruit far and wide amongst women, Jews and minorities while the Conservatives would be standoffish and exclusive with the predictable consequences of having a small narrow base of left-behind impoverished old angry technophobic white men regarded as bores even by others of their ilk from the lower strata of society with low standards of sexual morality and behaviour with addictions problems repellent to women of any race.

The kindest way to regard Jews and Judaism is this: think of liberal democracy as a toxic marinade and Judaism as a steak marinating in it with Jewish leaders now too morally poisoned by their moral environment to feel it to be their religious duty to remind the gentile when his laws fall dangerously below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.

2:29:00  "Isn't Christianity infinitely flexible in political terms? Christianity was a key part of Europeans conquering the world and having strong identities as Europeans,  Englishmen.Frenchmen or Germans and Christianity can also be an important part of the desire to contract Christendom and fill it with people who are hostile to Christianity. It is almost infinitely flexible in political terms."

The New Testament states nothing clearly, unlike the Koran, that is why you think it is infinitely flexible.

Christianity is now indistinguishable from Liberalism.

It is not quite so easy to distort the Koran once you control its interpretation.

Not for nothing has it been said that Christianity is the religion of religion and slaves, doubtless because of its ambiguity.

Ambiguity is a feminine stratagem, while men who make the rules like to state the rules clearly and men subject to those rules also prefer the rules to be stated clearly so that  they can order their lives around these rules.

Islam is the more masculine religion because it is supposed to be the directly revealed Word of God revealed by a successful leader of fighting men, while Christianity is necessarily confusing and ambiguous because it took Christianity 300 years to establish itself with several different accounts of the deed and speeches of an executed revolutionary anxious to give God what is God's and what is Caesar's to Caesar, whatever that meant, and whatever that took to get himself out of trouble with the Roman authorities.

No honest reading of the New Testament would give any reasonable lawyer the desire to base a theocracy on its stupid stories and vague extremist pronouncements. The Koran, on the other hand, naturally lends itself to legislation.

Only the most chauvinistic cultural Christian would continue to insist that co-opted and corrupted Christianity is superior even as he disbelieves the Trinity but refuses to read either the New Testament or the Koran because he already feels sufficiently "informed" by his hatred of Muslims.

Jews have been identified as a source of immigration encouraging leftism by the angry white non-Muslim gentile male. The kindest thing to think is that Jews who become liberal think gentiles want them to be liberal. Could this just be a terrible misunderstanding? If you stay with a quarrelling couple and take sides, expect to be physically removed when you supported the losing side. Women are liberal, men are Conservative. Jews have been known to adopt feminine stratagems of victimhood as a means of acquiring status in their host countries while adopting overwhelming force when it comes to dealing with unwanted residents in Israel. Is this the fault of Jews if the gentile is so easily exploited and afraid of his women who don't care about the concerns of gentile men, these women who keep voting for pro-immigration parties, for leftist parties who want immigrants to vote for them by giving them passports?  All political parties in the West have the strategy of soliciting the female vote because the female vote is the key to getting voted into office, followed by the most powerful minority of all, the Jews. This is predictably resented. The solution is so obvious: become a one party state and disenfranchise non-taxpayers.

The solution as I see it is to separate the good Jews from the bad Jews. There is nothing liberal or sexually liberated about Judaism. It also an abuse of hospitality - whether you be Jew or gentile - to be generous to people your hosts would consider unwanted intruders at your host's expense.

If you lose even when you win by playing by the rules and there is no longer any rule of law, then violence seems the logical next move. Trump won because he showed concern on immigration and even now the HIAS are trying to obstruct him when he is only trying to fulfill his compaign promises. They are doubtless also plotting his impeachment and assassination.

 If we are of the view that things will have to get worse before they get better, then we will have to regard things getting worse as a sign of things getting better.

If we are of the view that things will have to get worse before they get better, then we will have to regard things getting worse as a sign of things getting better.

Even now Jews refuse to consider the grievances of gentiles. Anyone presuming to inform them of their grievances are told they are antisemites who should fuck off.

And then I was unfriended.

If we are not guilty of any act of violence, there is no moral reason why we should not say "We told you so and look what happened because you wouldn't listen. People will only play by the rules if they think they have a reasonable chance of winning if they do so, but you have rigged everything and the rule of law no longer operates. Do not be surprised then if some people become angry enough to take the law into their own hands when they already know that the legal and political system is kaput and rigged against them. If you already know people are so upset that they voted Trump because they have had enough of immigration, why are you obstructing him at every move and trying to import ever greater numbers of immigrants?"

You must have a really shit political system to let your minorities do this to you without any hope of fixing it.  Why not admit it is shit?

Your religion must be kaput if it none of your leaders except Trump is trying to represent the interests of the beta male. Why not admit it is kaput? Why not take a more Jewish view of suffering and learn from it, rather than continue being women in denial?

To repeat: your religion and political system must be utter fucking shite if your minorities and elites can do this to you without any prospect of the problem being fixed.

Is it because Jews are so very clever, or is it because people who identify as Christian do actually have shit for brains?

Hey, maybe if you admitted that Christianity is kaput and democracy should be taken out with the trash, something might just change?

Otherwise, the white gentile male will be like his women: passively complaining waiting for his knight in shining armour.

"The Jews did it to us." Why did you let them do it? "Because we have have no moral agency, no leaders and no chain of command that will trigger any focused action to solve the problem because our religion and political system are no longer fit for purpose."

43:00  Jews get more left-wing as they get older? I know an elderly woman who voted to remain because EUrocrap represented her glorious youth.

45:00 Degenerate sex crap will always provoke a wave of self-loathing so intense it will spill over into violence. I seem to remember a book by Anthony Parsons who was describing the same thing happening in Iran before the Revolution.

Essentially (and in my view correctly), he argues that the Shah never understood how deeply resented were the changes he had wrought in trying to move Iran from feudalism to high technology in a generation, how much the young nationalists and the Shiite leaders hated what they saw as the political, cultural and economic colonization of their country by the West, mainly by the United States. I never heard it expressed better than by a young revolutionary of my acquaintance, who said that the trouble with the Shah and his circle was, ''They can tell you all about Chartres or the Colosseum, but they know nothing about the mosques of Isfahan.''

Bernard Shaw:

"A healthy nation is as unconscious of its nationality as healthy man of his bones. But if you break a nation's nationality, it will think of nothing else but getting it set again." 

The kindest way for antisemites to regard Jews


The question is why the gentile in his own land allows Jewish organisations such as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) to bring unwanted migrants into their country. To be weak and stupid is to invite exploitation and abuse. There are plenty of gentile liberals encouraging Jews to be liberal. This is a matter to be resolved between gentiles themselves, surely? Obviously there will be white Western gentiles who want to co-opt non-white and Jewish minorities in their country to their political cause eg Sarah Jeong. The liberals being what they are would recruit far and wide amongst women, Jews and minorities while the Conservatives would be standoffish and exclusive with the predictable consequences of having a small narrow base of left-behind impoverished old angry technophobic white men regarded as bores even by others of their ilk from the lower strata of society with low standards of sexual morality and behaviour with addictions problems repellent to women of any race.

The kindest way to regard Jews and Judaism is this: think of liberal democracy as a toxic marinade and Judaism as a steak marinating in it with Jewish leaders now too morally poisoned by their moral environment to feel it to be their religious duty to remind the gentile when his laws fall dangerously below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.

Thursday 25 October 2018

The shitshow that is usurious feminist liberal democracy

Jewish motives in encouraging uncontrolled immigration for the Western gentile are hinted at in Mark Collett's video questioning the validity of egalitarianism and feminism.

Is it true that Jews are guilty of malign encouragement to encourage the gentile to become degenerate so he may be more easily tricked and exploited? This must be what is meant by the stumbling block.

Leviticus 19:14:

You shall not curse the deaf nor place a stumbling block before the blind; you shall fear your God - I am your Lord.

If this is true that Jews are forever putting before the stupid and blind gentile stumbling blocks, why does the gentile allow this to happen?

Because his political classes are stupid or in collusion with the Jews?

Because his political classes don't care about him?

Or is it because Christianity and liberal democracy are both kaput?

After all, the rules of Christianity come from the Old and New Testament and both promote patriarchal moral values.

Temple Judaism was suffering from a parasitic priesthood in the same way as 21st century Christianity. This ended in Jews who being deprived of their homeland for 2000 years when the Romans expelled them Israel.

Christians are in the rather more fortunate position of being able to use Islam to protect themselves from usurers. Usury is of course the source of Jewish power over the gentile.

The banning of usury would also benefit Jews by preventing them from getting into trouble with the gentile when he realises he can no longer pay back what he owes to the usurious Jew and takes the usual course of action over the centuries: pogrom.

It is odd that Jews are not already promoting Islam as a religion for the gentile since it is their religious obligation to remind the gentile that his laws have fallen dangerously below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.

The late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism wrote:

'We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher' (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)

It seems obvious to me that people are their own worst enemies and cause themselves terrible suffering when they break their own rules. But this problem is easily solved: Jews just have to acknowledge that they owe the gentile a duty of care ie warning and reminding him when his laws no longer conform to the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws. Those who call themselves Christians need to be honest about whether they really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.

If they really believe it, they are perhaps too credulous. If they only pretend to believe it to keep their positions in the Christian priesthood, they are obviously corrupt.

If they reject the Trinity as a patent absurdity while still believing in God, then they are closer to being a Muslim than a Jew.

Even an atheist is closer to being a Muslim than he is to being a Christian who is not only required to believe in God's existence, but that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Richard Spencer Accused Of Abuse, Will America Declare War On Mexico?


If a man does not have a supportive wife, any endeavour he undertakes would fail. Low status males who transgress against the culture don't get supportive wives . If they started supportive, they might turn bad after they notice that their husband is a compulsive womaniser. Maybe she decided to cash her chips in while she still had them, or, she wanted to make public that she did not want anything to do with him again so she could move on to a better man now.

Why would she support him if she doesn't think he is going to win? The best way to draw a line under her association with Spencer is to stab him in the front in the most public way possible.

It is not safe for men to marry until no fault divorce is abolished.

In the UK the men's rights party is led by a repulsive beta male loser called Mike Buchanan. Instead of proposing the abolition of no fault divorce,  he is expending his energy and time hopelessly on campaigning to ban circumcision as an expression of unexpressed antisemitism and Islamophobia. That is how hopeless white men are these days. No wonder their women hate them and make ever more outrageous demands on them in the hope of shaming and angering them enough to take back control. The penny has not yet dropped though. 

36:00  A cackle of misogynistic male laughter at a sane old wife being incarcerated in an asylum when her husband wanted to marry a younger woman. When divorce is not practicable, murder and other measures are resorted to.

40:00  Great point by Brundlefly about neither Johnson nor Spencer being prepared to do the grunt work of being nice to the proles.  Hitler did not disdain to take an interest in his proles. I have done it all though. Hint, hint.

This is how I see it: if you want to get to ethno-nationalism, you have to go past civic nationalism. If you are in Idaho and want to get to the Pacific Ocean, you have to go past Oregon.  I can take you guys to to Oregon where I think you will all be happy enough, but if you want to go to the beach, you will have to make your own way there.

You cannot do any of the stuff you want to do because you cannot behave well towards each other because you are weak, low status and immoral men. People will look at you scornfully and think to themselves "Such men deserve to suffer." This means you will only have bad leaders and treacherous followers, and nothing will be achieved.

50:00  On the new superchat rules, it appears that the walls are closing in and you really need to talk about restoring the patriarchy and shaming sluts with because you might as well tackle the problem at its source: feminism. If they start banning that, we can get the Muslims to declare jihad and take overAHAHAHAHA

53:00  Muslims call themselves Sufis to show they are the peaceful kind of Muslim because you are meant to think they have no time for radicalism, extremism and terrorism because they are chanting most of the day.

1:07:00  The only way of getting your white ethnostate remains to get your political classes to see things your way and the only way to do that is be organised and not appear like lower class losers repulsive to women and find yourself a high status leader. But what high status male with anything to lose would want to be associated with you lot? If they wanted gardeners etc would they hire any of you? No, of course not. Oswald Mosley was an aristocratic leader, but the political establishment ganged up against him. Still, you have Trump who is really one in a billion.

1:19:00  Jews have a moral code, alt-right losers don't even know what that means. Jews also have a better genetic quality because Jews care about whom they marry, while alt-right losers are mostly illegitimate, singly parented and never knew their fathers. Jews are excellent at abstract reasoning ie deduction and morality, alt-right antisemites only know their base appetites and violent inclinations and have no self-awareness, no culture, no religion, no family, no God, no wife and no legitimate offspring who will be a credit to them. This means they are incapable of planning for the future or of sustained and focused organised action. Their women instinctively know this and this is why they are repulsive even to women of their own race and class.

58:00  "Some of sort a Christian identity" - but how will its morality be imposed other than through the law? To be Christian is to believe in the Trinity. If you don't really believe Christ is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God, you are not really Christian. The Inquisition was about ensuring this was properly understood by the forced converts. People wouldn't put up with this now and the Catholic Church lost its power centuries ago. Even if you could do it, is it worth forcing forced converts into church every Sunday? You wouldn't have the manpower to do it. In the end, all you can do is demand compliance with patriarchy restoring sharia and punish those who break those laws.

James Fountain
I know that Greg Johnson favors laws against no fault divorce and enforcement of laws against adultery and alienation of affection. It's a bit dismaying that so few self styled leaders and opinion makers on the dissident right have anything to say about such matters. Maybe there is a lot of conscious avoidance of the Tradcon label.

Claire Khaw
It is probably because most Western men have been deprived of their fathers by their mothers and you can't miss what you never had. Even if you believed in marriage etc, you might be wary of talking about it too much in case you annoy men whom you know who have no hope of marrying or who never knew their fathers. Embarrassment and fear of giving offence would be the reasons. I did go on about it when I was in the BNP until someone gave me a prod and said "We are mostly like that"!

After so many years of saying the same thing in different ways and proposing a one party theocracy, I trust people now get how bad the situation is iie that nothing short of my proposal would solve the problem.

The sad thing is that they are now retreating into the position of pretending that the problem has been solved, because Trump will make everything right again.  Or, that after they conduct their pogrom, they will impose white sharia on their women , but in the meantime they will continue to enjoy the sexual liberation they have been enjoying ....

2:18:00  Doooovid: Israeli Jews find the Left more of a threat than the Right.
2:40:00  Kevin Grace affirms this.

3:09:00  Kevin Grace:

Trump is the last hope for civic nationalism in the United States. If he is brought down, all bets are off, because what follows him will be much stronger and much nastier.

3:11:00 Kevin Grace: "The public school system is institutional child abuse."

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Marriage is a heptagon

1) Adultery
2) Bastard
3) Fornication
4) Slut
5) Slut-fucker
6) Sodomy

were simultaneously invented when marriage was invented.

The one with Millennial Woes mentioning low status males and Andy Nowicki

Cherchez la femme to discover the cause of Western Man's neurosis and dementia

I am inviting people to consider whether married women who want to normalise bastardy could be said to be respectable.

Is a woman who does not want to restore the patriarchy and wants to normalise bastardy morally respectable?

Is the woman who does not want to restore the patriarchy a feminist?

Have feminists not declared their intention of destroying the patriarchy?

Is feminism a morally respectable political ideology, or just a disease of the mind that can only be rooted out by slut-shaming as prescribed by

Everything about feminism undermines marriage, does it not?

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies, are they not?

All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies, are they not?

Patriarchies are societies that prioritise the preferences of married fathers, are they not?

Matriarchies are societies that prioritise the preferences of unmarried mothers, are they not?

The link between bastardy and criminality is well-established, is it not?

Can someone who prefers her society to remain a degenerate and declining matriarchy of rising crime and widespread bastardy rather than a patriarchy of law and order possibly be morally respectable?

If woman is not morally respectable because she wants to normalise bastardy, then she must be an immoral woman, mustn't she?

Is there any reason at all to not dismiss the views of immoral women who want to normalise bastardy because they want their society to remain a degenerate matriarchy suffering from uncontrolled immigration and rising crime who do not give a damn about the men of their nation because they are now shacked up with an affluent man and are one of the ladies who lunch and want to normalise bastardy?

Are these women married to affluent and powerful men who want to normalise bastardy invariably the unthinking supporters of neoconservatism and neoliberalism, who cannot be reasoned with?

The confused beliefs of Cultural Christians

The non-Christian and non-Muslim gentile who says he or she believes in God is an interesting study.

The say they believe in the Abrahamic God but reject His laws found in the Bible or the Koran.

None of the prohibitions apply to them, because what the Jews and Muslims believe are the laws of God are just made up crap to these non-Christian non-Muslim gentiles.

They actually believe that they have a reasonable chance of getting into heaven while flouting God's laws on fornication, adultery and sodomy. For some reason that no one can explain, they don't think any of God's laws that they find inconvenient apply to them. What are said to be mortal sins in Christianity and what are said to be sexual offences in the Koran just don't apply to them at all.

This is yet another sign that Christianity is kaput, since no member of the priesthood would dare to correct them, because they think bums on pews is more important than the correct understanding of the nature and purpose of God's laws.

God is a sexual liberal and a feminist, apparently, just like them.

They have basically created God in their own sexually liberated image according to their own satanic sexually liberated preferences.

The combination of their ignorance and arrogance is breathtaking.

But most dismaying of all is the fact that they cannot be reasoned with, because they reject any truth, logic or morality that they find inconvenient with the rejoinder: "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to think?"

They are of course great believers in equality. Their ignorance is the equal of your knowledge.

How I intend to re-organise the Philosophy Syllabus once I am in power

Belief in the Abrahamic God entails belief in the wisdom of His laws and obedience to them. This means belief in God logically and necessarily entails theocracy. Those who object to this do not in fact worship God, but liberal democracy.

Religions have been around for longer than man-made political ideologies, so if we want our civilisation to last, we should choose an Abrahamic faith rather than make up a political ideology that has no official handbook whose unstated principles are easily subverted by vote-hungry politicians. Religion however has ancient scripture containing what are said to be God's laws.

In the West, there are only two possible Abrahamic faiths to choose from for gentiles, and one of them has obviously failed.

Once we and our political classes have come to the inescapable conclusion of changing the official national religion, this would mean changing the political system too.

When this happens, we would have a one party theocracy as naturally as night follows day.

I have a nasty feeling that people are not going to submit to truth and logic, but try to impose on events some peculiar narrative of their own to fend off the inevitable, until the fool does finally what the wise man does at once.

When I am dictatrix of a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism, I will change the syllabus for Philosophy in academia and require that philosophers direct their minds to dividing themselves into two schools of thought: one which sees the wisdom of His laws and one which denies it.

We know which School is going to win the debate on grounds of Truth, Logic and Morality alone, even if I were not dictatrix, don't we?

To my Muslim followers in the UK

The best dawa for Muslims is to show the Islamophobic and antisemitic atheist feminist gentile of the West how he came to be exploited by Jews, invaded by Muslims the way he is always complaining about led by a clueless childless woman who wants to sabotage Brexit.

You could start a nationwide debate if you all asked your local MP if he or she has heard of Secular Koranism, the creation of an agnostic non-Muslim.

Could it be because Christianity is kaput and representative democracy is no longer delivering the fruits of good government?

If the majority of Western men were married Christian fathers in control of their wives and their legitimate children, would they be putting up with uncontrolled immigration for even one minute?

The fact is most mothers in the West are unmarried mothers. The West is no longer a patriarchy, but a degenerate matriarchy.

A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers.

A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers who tend to be bad parents to their illegitimate offspring who tend to grow up as underachievers and adult criminals.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies.

All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. The Native American was matriarchal. That was why the white man so easily exterminated them and colonised their entire continent.

If what I have said above is true, is it not time to replace our matriarchal liberal democracy with a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism to avert the disaster of becoming a failed state?

Beware apparently respectable middle class married women of the liberal elite who want to normalise bastardy

Plenty of white married middle class white women and men want to do that because they expect to be presented with illegitimate grandchildren and dare not tell their children that any illegitimate grandchildren would be rejected. They fear that if they warned their children not to present them with illegitimate grandchildren, their ill-bred children would just tell them to fuck off and they would never see them again.

There are plenty of white middle class married people who see it as in their self-interest to normalise bastardy precisely because they expect to have bastard grandchildren. (It is always easier to level down than level up, always easier to lower moral standards than raise them!)

Don't let these people destroy your civilisation by destroying marriage!

Without marriage there can be no patriarchy.

Without patriarchy, not enough good strong men would be produced to defend the national interest. That is why we have the shower we have in Parliament, with no male MP man enough to take the job of a clueless childless woman because he is too cowardly, unprincipled and incompetent to lead the nation.

Only 24:2 of the Koran would restore the patriarchy now. If not, what else would? Bastardy is now normalised and most women fornicate shamelessly. Even underage sex has been normalised since 1985 by the concept of Gillick competence which allows doctors to legally aid and abet underage sex, statutory rape and child prostitution.

If bastardy has been normalised, it means we now live in a matriarchy.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies; all primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are degenerate matriarchies on their way to hell in a handcart.

Sunday 21 October 2018

Probably the first most ancient human right of all in the Torah is being blatantly ignored in 21st century America

The first human right must have been the one mentioned in Deuteronomy 19:15 - the right not to be falsely and maliciously accused of a crime and convicted on the uncorroborated testimony of just one possibly lying witness. Interestingly, this ancient right has long been repealed and forgotten about in the West, where an accusation of a historic sexual offence is as good as a conviction.  You would have thought that all those clever Jewish lawyers would have pointed this out during the Kavanaugh hearing.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

A Muslim man deconstructs Feminism

Mohammed Hijab talks about the "incoherent ramblings" of feminists.

"What nonsense is this?" he asks.


  • Mary Wollstonencraft
  • female education
  • female suffrage
  • feminism as a racist ideology.
  • Fawcett Society
  • Simone de Beauvoir
  • Betty Friedan
  • Germaine Greer
  • Lesbian radicals
  • Andrea Dworkin
  • Married Woman's Property Act
  • Matrimonial Causes Act
  • Divorced Woman's Act
  • married women were sold in Victorian England 
  • Virginia Woolf

My application to be on Millenniyule 2018


Claire Khaw has been promoting Secular Koranism since 2009 believing this to be the only way of restoring the patriarchy and morally regenerating a degenerate civilisation. The government supporting marriage and family values through 

1) the shaming of sluts and the men who cannot resist them by making fornication a sexual offence attracting corporal punishment as prescribed by 24: 2 of the Koran
2) abolishing no fault divorce
3) repealing the Equality Act 2010

would be the only way of restoring the patriarchy and returning the West to moral order. Unfortunately, this must mean dumping democracy and establishing a one party theocracy.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  No pain, no gain.  

When did Britain start being a matriarchy? As long ago as 1974 when Keith Joseph criticised unmarried mothers and found Thatcher becoming Tory leader instead of him. I fear if no attempt is made to challenge the matriarchy before its 50th year, Western civilisation would end in ignominy.

Me discussing Secular Koranism with various people

The Conservative Party and its representatives who run Facebook debating groups do not believe free speech

Tatttoos, pre-fight hype, nationalism, the price of sex, restoring the patriarchy and environmentalism

Go to 1:37:00 if you want to know who I am complaining about at

but the best bit is before that when I discuss Christianity with Luke and Otto.

From 14:00

We discuss social media censorship. The first half of Crosstalk discusses this.

17:00  Tattoos and boxing


37:00  Feminism

Trump is not able to do what he wants to do because he is operating in the conditions of a matriarchy. If he were operating in a patriarchy, he would have built the wall by now.  A patriarchy is a society of beta males led by an alpha male. This means beta males get to choose their leader without interference by single mother voters who are half the population who don't care about uncontrolled immigration and who keep voting Democrat or Labour. This means narrowing the franchise to taxpayers only. Currently, all political parties in the West have to appeal to the female voter or not alienate them to be voted into office.

PROPOSAL: Western Man is brave enough to propose and support the narrowing of the franchise to taxpayers only, instead of hopelessly and secretly yearning and waiting for pogrom and race war.

A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers.
A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers.

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

The only way to paint a picture of your preferred political landscape is to give people an idea of what the new rules will be. It needs to be more than Greg Johnson's proposed pogrom and UKIP proposing internment camps for Muslims to galvanise enough educated and influential men already in the political establishment into restoring the patriarchy.
My interview of Greg Johnson is below.

1:10:00  All self-respecting ideologies seek global domination eg Marxism, Christianity, Islam, capitalism, liberal democracy.

1:13:00  But Jews, Christians and Muslims do worship the same Abrahamic God!

1:17:00  Muslims actually hate Secular Koranism because they don't think people who are not Muslim have a right to use the Koran. The white man will claim that Secular Koranism is their interpretation of the Koran and in this way claim the Koran and use its ideas to restore their patriarchy.  Short quiz about Secular Koranism to clear up any misunderstandings!

You will not be required to bow to anything. Secular Koranism is a legal system which guarantees freedom of belief with, not a belief system and does not mean forced conversion to Islam, which you seem to assume it must entail! Remember, I am not Muslim.

It is believed that 2:256 in fact formed the basis of the First Amendment.

What I am trying to say is that you can kick out all the Muslims and still practise Secular Koranism. Indeed, you are more likely to be able to kick out all the people you want to kick out under Secular Koranism than continuing to reject it.

Once the patriarchy is restored ie male solidarity re-established and male co-operation made possible again, you will be able to accomplish all manner of things.

1:20:00  Flat rate income tax of 20%

1:30:00  Gay sex is cheaper than straight sex.

1:36:00  Environmentalism, welfarism and a lower birth rate
How and why Brighton elected Britain's first Green MP

1:39:00  Democracy is a sacred cow that is not too late to slay.

Monday 15 October 2018

Mohammed Hijab investigates Trinitarianism

The absurdity of the Trinity is that Christians are required to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God in order to be Christian. This is clearly idolatry.

Mohammed should be grateful that Christians no longer take their religion seriously. Those who think themselves Christian are not Christian, but are too theologically ignorant to know this, like the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Otherwise, to "win" the argument, Christians might burn you at the stake or conduct the Inquisition or invoke the Blasphemy Act 1697.

Michael Servetus was burned at the stake for denying the Trinity.

Islamophobes might have some of their fears allayed knowing that guarantees freedom of belief and is believed by some to be the basis of the First Amendment. 

The First Amendment was derived from the Koran

Hate and fear is now the religion of the white man, not considerations of the national interest

The fact is that Christianity and Islam were derived from Judaism. Therefore it would be logical to conclude that both represented attempts by the gentile to adapt Judaism for his own advancement.

Since Christianity has failed, Islam must be its replacement.

The most successful form of ethno-nationalism is Judaism. If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism.

I don't see white nationalists even acknowledging the problem of white degeneracy, let alone addressing it.

White nationalists must surely understand that their skin colour alone cannot be a religion and learn a little more about their own history when they regularly waged war on each other even when they were the same race and religion. After the Pilgrim Fathers left the Old World for the New World to escape religious persecution, Christians merely continued Christian-on-Christian religious persecution on each other in the New World. Then, the Americans had a Civil War and participated in two World Wars. The war was waged by one alliance of white Christian countries against another alliance of white Christian countries.

The fact is that the white man is not only treacherous to others not of his race and religion, he is also treacherous to those of his own race and religion.

What does this tell us? Only that being unfair and unkind to someone on the basis of race and religion is only another category of injustice out of the many that we can inflict and could suffer ourselves.

The white man is suffering that is close to dementia that began as a neurosis caused by feminism. If there were more of them capable of a sustained rational discussion, things would be better for them, but they are now both timorous and aggressive, in a spiral of self-destructive emotions making them actually incapable of thinking their way out of trouble or understanding or acting on well-meant advice because they have become the women they are always complaining about. Denial is after all a feminine vice and they are now too ashamed to admit they have now become mere women with penis extensions.

What these white nationalists have concluded is that they would like to be free of the disease of feminism which causes immigration because the symptoms have become very uncomfortable indeed. However, they have not yet admitted that they are ill, or that they are suffering from a disease that must be cured for which they will have to seek professional advice and follow doctor's orders before things will get better for them.

Verily, God does not change the lot of a people who do not change what is in their hearts, and their hearts are full of hate and fear. Because they no longer believe in the religion of their ancestors, they have nothing else in common with each other but the hate and fear that they feel for their own political classes, immigrants of all races and religions, their women, for each other, but most of all, for themselves.

The silent revolution

The Sex Revolution was a silent revolution whose velocity accelerated as the civilisation suffering from it nears extinction.

The fact remains that Christianity failed to protect the West from the disease of the mind that is feminism because Western Man preferred to accept its bribe of fornication to which it is now addicted.

Now, not even white nationalists calling out for a pogrom against Jews, Muslims etc can contemplate returning to marriage and family values which their grandparents and forefathers practised without question. Not for nothing was fornication considered a mortal sin.

The culture that condones fornication has suffered a mortal blow from which it cannot now recover, even after correction. A successful correction means acknowledging that Christianity has failed and must be replaced with a moral system more effective at shaming sluts and slut-fuckers.

The current stage of advanced degeneracy being suffered by the West means nothing but the punishment prescribed at 24:2 of the Koran would be an effective deterrent.

Can the Church regain its morality authority?

Was there a time in your life when you identified as a Christian?

Would you agree that most people who become Christians experienced an improvement in the
quality of their life?

Do you see anything special about Christianity in the way that it improves people's lives?

Where do you think about my point that when one becomes a Christian, you encounter a stimulus to expand your life and to be of loving service to other people?

What would you say is the state of Christianity in the world today?

What is the point of having an Archbishop of Canterbury who is not even Christian?

Why did Meriam Ishag sacrifice so much for Christianity when it is only the religion of white people who support gay marriage?

54:00  Female priests

57:00  The Presbyterianism of Ann Coulter and Donald Trump

1:00:00  The Book of Common Prayer

Kirk moves closer to gay marriage services



1:12:00  Noblesse oblige

1:18:00  The national character is discoverable by the average age of the populace

1:20:00  The priesthood is a parasitic class

The closest thing to a priesthood in an Islamic State would be its judiciary.

1:24:00  Confirmed Christians

Only around 6 million confirmed Anglicans in the UK

1:32:00  The inherent, assumed and implicit antisemitism of the New Testament

1:33:00  Tommy Robinson, Gerard Batten, Nigel Farage, BNP Mark II, UKIP a one-trick pony

Former British soldier jailed for antisemitic speech where he incited supporters to 'free England from Jewish control' Crown Prosecution Service initially decided against charging Jeremy Bedford-Turner but reversed decision following judicial review

Jez Turner imprisoned for Race Act ‘offences’


Claire Khaw
These Christians would burn each other at the stake for things they no longer care or even know about now. Michael Servetus was burned at the stake at the instigation of John Calvin for denying the Trinity.  Nice, huh?

I think you need a lot of imagination for a Christian revival.

James Fountain
I recall several months ago a news story about a high ranking EU official (maybe an MP from Germany) converting to Islam. It set me to wondering if we are due for the trend of Western social conservatives abandoning their pozzed churches for the bedrock moral clarity and social/family cohesion that Islam projects.

Claire Khaw
In the end, you just have to use whatever's around that would work. When you think about it, Secular Koranism is actually far more low maintenance than Christianity. You are not required to attend a place of worship, just obey the law.  If everyone were forced into Christianity, there would actually have to be another Inquisition, even if it is non-violent but ultimately discriminatory and totalitarian.

Claire Khaw
The fact is that Christianity and Islam were derived from Judaism. Therefore it would be logical to conclude that both represented attempts by the gentile to adapt Judaism for their own advancement.

Claire Khaw
The priesthood represents a parasitic class. Islam does away with the unnecessary and corrupt middle man, because it regards sharia as a means of maintaining morality rather than the corruptible priesthood. Since any advanced society would have a judiciary , the judiciary become a quasi-priesthood in that it takes on the role of applying and interpreting what are believed to be God's laws. That is enough and takes away and an unnecessary layer of the state.

Sunday 14 October 2018

How Jews can solve the problem of the New Testament justifying antisemitism

E Michael Jones:

The Jews killed Jesus Christ and they are enemies of the entire human race." This was what St Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 2.

New International Version:

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone 16 in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last.

King James Version:

For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

Surely if Jews want to be less persecuted by gentiles they should recommend to the gentile a better religion more in conformity with the Noahide laws and not idolatrous?

Jewish Virtual Library:

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews.

The Koran is actually Zionist.

Sahih International: And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, "Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in [one] gathering."

Pickthall: And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.

Yusuf Ali: And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land (of promise)": but when the second of the warnings came to pass, We gathered you together in a mingled crowd.

Shakir: And We said to the Israelites after him: Dwell in the land: and when the promise of the next life shall come to pass, we will bring you both together in judgment.

Muhammad Sarwar: We told the Israelites after this to settle in the land until Our second promise will come true. We would then gather them all together (on the Day of Judgment).

Mohsin Khan: And We said to the Children of Israel after him: "Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the descent of Christ ['Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) on the earth]. We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd (gathered out of various nations).[Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 10, Page 338]

Arberry: And We said to the Children of Israel after him, 'Dwell in the land; and when the promise of the world to come comes to pass, We shall bring you a rabble.'

The Arab-Israeli dialogue that would lead to peace in the Middle East

I hint that Jews as part of their tikkun olam should declare Secular Koranism to be more in conformity with the Noahide laws than idolatrous Christianity

Why Christianity is kaput

Applying Heidegger to Judaism

Friday 12 October 2018

Why Christianity is kaput

From 2:00:00

Kevin Grace, a Catholic, on the Catholic Church and its corrupt priesthood, like maggots fattening themselves on the corpse of the Church:

Yes I urge everyone to watch this it's from The Remnant which is the traditionalist Catholic newspaper. It begins with the two different two different clips of EDM music with young people gyrating like badly. I actually thought that the technical aspect of this the dancing would be better than it was, but it looks like, you know, a bunch of kids that you'd find in any parish who, like, you know, "We're gonna put on a show tomorrow, right!" that sort of thing but the hilarious thing is you have Pope Francis sort of looking on this sagely and then you have like these aged cardinals you know in their 70s or 80s or whatever and they're clapping or trying to keep the beat and there's this one oriental Cardinal who is sadly failing to keep this very simple beat. There a you know with the the sex crimes horror, the sodomidical disaster, as I call it. Archbishop Vigano issued a challenge to the Pope and to the Vatican pointing out that the the cover-up comes from the top. Now this was several weeks ago and the Pope has yet to comment on this directly. Archbishop Marc Ouellet, Canadian said "Oh yeah it's all wrong." He didn't say exactly how it's all wrong. The Pope is now literally demonizing the people who are demanding action on the cover-up of the this sodomidical disaster: it's the devil who is responsible for this. it's the devil who is demanding answers. So in the midst of all this the Vatican is decided simple one priority is a youth Synod, a youth Synod and, as I joked earlier, if you look at this video, you can see anti Pope Francis getting down with his bad self, you know, that the kids they're all about EDM, the kids love the EDM so you know we're gonna feature that. We're not going to get anything out of the Vatican because the Pope rescued Cardinal McCarrick from the obscurity which he had been placed by the previous Pope, Pope Benedict. He had been essentially, you know, purged because he was a serial molester and Pope Francis brought him back as one of his top advisors because, you know, again, as the kids like to say, that's how he rolls.

Now the thinking is that there's gonna be some sort of bombshell announcement coming out of this Synod: an end to priestly celibacy, for instance, or an announcement that Catholics who have married or remarried outside the church can avail themselves of communion, or some sort of body-blow to Catholic belief and the idea is, you know, it's like Steve Sailer likes to say "Hey, look: a squirrel!" We're not going to talk about the greatest Catholic scandal at least since simony, maybe even before that because, "Oh, look, this go ahead Pope has decided that, you know, what Catholics believed in for 2,000 years is no longer applicable."

As I say, that seems to be the feeling, but there was a piece I saw on Breitbart. I don't know whether I sent it to you that quoted another Jesuit priest James Chou. James shell is a very old man very respected man and he gets to the heart of this: that the crisis in the Catholic Church goes far beyond the sodomidical disaster. The primary crisis in the Catholic churches is: Does the Catholic Church believe in anything any more? Does it believe in the doctrine which it had built up over centuries? Does the Catholic Church have any kind of internal cohesion anymore? And this is a very serious problem because there are four signs of the Catholic Church is one Holy Catholic and apostolic and increasingly, well, is it any of those things?

Catholicism is not supposed to be like Anglicanism where you have these people who believe a whole bunch of stuff and you have these people who believe in it and they all coexist together although increasingly they don't. I don't want to be too black pilled about this but I'll just say that people on the right and a lot of people are traditionalists, not so much traditionalists but conservatives. The difference between traditionalists and conservatives in the Catholic Church is that traditionalists took the position the Vatican II was a terrible mistake and perhaps heresy, and the conservatives have taken the position that well, you know, "We can work with this. Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater." If you look at conservatism in the United States, the connections, they're really really close. Where the conservatives just getting whacked over the head over and over again and they lose every battle and "No, let's not give up, let's keep doing what we've been doing for almost 60 years and we'll live to fight another day and we'll lose that battle too" but there is less and less enthusiasm for that but the Conservatives and even some traditionalists tend to say "Well, look at how it's emptying out the churches. Look at how all these churches are being sold all over the world but particularly in the Western world. Mass attendance plunged in the 1960s or 70s and now it's disappearing and they act as if that argument is going to cut any ice with the Vatican party. I hate to break it to the Conservatives but the Vatican party considers that a feature and not a bug. The Catholic theologian Karl Rahner - a German, by the way - which is significant. He was writing about this decades ago that the idea of the Catholic Church becoming smaller and more committed. The vandals who are in charge of the Catholic Church now they want people to stop going to Mass. They want people to abandon the Catholic Church because too many of the people who are part of the Catholic Church now are not the people they want. They're not their kind of people. When Pope Francis talks about climate change or water - that seems to be his new obsession - water, you know, the people who go "Oh, please God deliver us from this. Why doesn't the Pope deal with the real problems?" Those are the people that the Pope and his a Vatican gang want out of the church now.
How are they going to pay for all this?

Maybe 80-90% of the churches will be shuttered and sold. The Roman Catholic Church owns a lot of land and the Anglican Church has been living off its land holdings for a long time. I don't know the Anglican Church is gonna be able to do that for much longer given that no one goes to their services any more except very old ladies and homosexuals. But that seems to be the Catholic plan. That seems to be the Francis plan: that we just get the right people in charge, we purge the wrong thinkers: that is to say traditional Catholics or conservative Catholics. We get rid of them and the fact that we're not getting any money from the collection plate any more for various reasons - outrage being one of them - yeah, we can just sell off these churches and live off our real estate holdings for some time to come.

The future of the West is cyborg, mad scientist, Terminator and Robocop, says Aleksandr Dugin